Miscellaneous Faeries
Ankou Ysually associated with the spirit and the elements. Ankou is the personification of death who comes to collect human souls who have just passed. It is claimed that he drives a black cart drawn by four black horses.
Devas Small faeries that resemble spheres of light. The live in nature (i.e.: trees, lakes etc) but depending on where they make their home, they may be associated with any element.
Nymphs Female faeries considered to be very seductive. There are several different types, for instance wood nymphs, water nymphs, sea nymphs, tree nymphs, and so forth. They are very playful creatures that will invite humans into their games.
The Tuatha de Dannann Summary: Trooping Faeries, with warrior tendancies. They are fair and just with humans. Part of the Invasion Cycle in Ireland, known among the earliest conquerors. Their Goddess Dana (or Danu) is the Great Mother Goddess.
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