New Moon Money

When the Moon is new, snip a piece of ivy and place it in water to sprout roots. One month later it should have roots (remember, roots don't like light, so begin in a dark colored glass). Next you need:
A green candle
A silver coin
Some thread
Money drawing oil and incense.

Anoint the candle with the oil as well as your wallet, some money you won't spend and the pot the plant will to go in. Light the charcoal and as you put the incense on the charcoal say:
"Three by three, money come to me!"

Pass the candle, plant, and pot through the smoke. Put the silver coin the soil but away from the root system of where the ivy will go. Now, light the candle saying:
"Money draw, to the light like a moth to the flame.
Burn away doubt and struggle and pain.
So mote it be."

Pass the pot and plant over the flame and through the smoke again. Plant the ivy saying:
"As this plant grows,
so will my fortune.
As this ivy grows,
so will my money.
Silver multiply and bring to me,
so many riches I can finally be free"

Place the pot in a sunny spot where the ivy gets late daylight and don't drench it but keep it wet. Blessings of the light and darkness that follows


Quantum Magick