Past Life Scrying

Cast a circle in your regular fashion. In addition to your usual set-up, you will need a mirror (hand-mirror or something you can set on the altar; not a scrying glass) and a low candle that can be placed in front of it.

Settle yourself comfortably in front of the mirror. The candle should also be in front of the mirror so you are looking through the flame at the mirror. As you stare into the mirror, do a simple self-induction (clouds of color, staircase, whatever you like best) and keep your eyes fixed on the flame and the mirror. Do not look away. This is your first time, so be very passive and wait for what comes.

Soon you should see your reflection begin to morph into the face you wore in one of your past lives. It may speak, or you may just get intuitions about your previous life. When you think you've got everything, reverse the induction, blow out the candle, and end your circle.

Do not try for more than one past life per night. Once you start getting any response from the mirror, you can try setting specific goals, such as seeing a particular time or life. Don't be disappointed if it doesn't work the first time: this particular psychic talent is like a muscle, and takes work to make it strong. Be patient. The images will come.


Quantum Magick