A Protection Ritual


What you need before you begin.
a.. A white and gold candle.

b.. A rope made of natural fibers. Long enough to make a circle approximately 5 feet in diameter.

c.. A ceremonial broom, feather or scepter to mark the doorway of your circle. (This is more personal preference than anything else. Being part Native American, I have made a small stick (about 2" in diameter and 2 feet long), which has a carved lion's head at the top. I've decorated the wooden stick with leather fringe, white feathers and beads. This scepter acts as my doorway into the sacred wheel/circle.)

d.. Matches and a candle snuffer.

e.. A potion such as The Rose Shield (optional)

f.. If the spell is for a person, select an amulet to consecrate for protection. (This can be a spiritual symbol such as a pentagram, or animal or a crystal, such as Peridot, Pyrite, or Clear Quartz.)

g.. Sea salt for cleansing the amulet.

h.. A bowl or small saucer to hold the amulet as you consecrate it.

i.. An object to represent the Western side of the Wheel of Life, and/or the Earth element. (An owl, crow or snake can represent the West. Or autumn leaves, or a red candle. You may use dirt, or red clay soil for the earth.)

j.. Your Book of Shadows and something to write with.

k.. An offering to the Great Spirits, God or Goddess.

l.. If you're planning on meditating (which is recommended) during the ritual, select an appropriate piece of music to last 10 to 30 minutes.

The Shield Spell

A spell of protection is not an act against another person, animal, object, or event. Rather it is a shield, which surrounds you and/or the person, place or object you wish to protect. This is an important distinction as this sets the foundation for your intent. If you don't understand this, then go back and read the Law Of Accountability posting. This spell is most often used when someone feels they are in danger or in fear of another person or situation. This is not always the case, as this spell can also be used to protect you and your car or any vehicle from trouble if you take a long trip. In any case, this ritual addresses the fear that might be underlying the need for protection.

Creating Your Sacred Space

1.. Creating your sacred space, begins with you. Before you can begin any spiritual work, be it a simple mediation or full blown ceremony complete with pomp and circumstance, YOU must be prepared. Being Grounded and Balanced before any spiritual work is essential to both your intent and the effectiveness of you work.

2.. Face northward, holding the long rope in your hands. Raise the rope to your deity of choice and say something like:
Great Spirits (Great God _____, Great Goddess ______),
I lay down this barrier,
for the purpose of setting my protection,
both within and outside this sacred space.

3.. You will lay out the rope in two sections beginning with the center of the rope in the north. The circle should be large enough for you to sit inside and should include your altar if possible. Don't step inside the circle as you lay out the rope. Stand on the outer edge until the circle is drawn. The easiest way to begin is to find the center of the rope and lay it down in the North. Then coil the section that will be placed in the west on the floor near your starting point so it will not be in your way as you lay out the east side of the circle.
a.. The right or the east side of the circle is defined first. Place the center of the rope in the North, then walk clockwise to the east, ending with the free end in the south.
b.. Return to the north and pick up the remaining section. Move counter-clockwise laying the rope in the west to end with the free end in the south.

4.. When you have finished, you should be standing at the bottom (south) of the circle, facing north.

5.. Hold up your ceremonial scepter or broom and say a prayer asking that this be the doorway between your physical world and the spiritual world being created inside the circle. Say something like:
Great Spirits, (Great God _____, Great Goddess ______),
I place this staff as my circles shield
to protect my intent and this sacred field.
Within this wheel I ask for divine light,
to preserve my actions as they move into the night.

6.. As you step over the scepter into the circle, state your purpose for entering this sacred space. Once inside, imagine a doorway of divine energy closing behind you. Say something like:
Great Spirits, (Great God _____, Great Goddess ____),
I, state your magickal name, enter this sacred wheel to request protection and understanding for {name a person, situation, whatever}.

Calling Upon the Spirits

1. Once you have entered your sacred circle, close your eyes and call upon the spiritual entities you would like to be present for support and assistance. You might call upon the God/Goddess, your spiritual guides and teachers. Or a particular protection pantheon, such as Hermes, Vishnu, or Gawain for the Gods. Aradia, Athena, or Brigantia (Brighid) for the Goddess.
1. First call your personal Spirit Guide and solicit their assistance during the ritual. Your personal guide can assist you to maintain focus and concentration during the ritual as well as, aid in your tasks within the circle.

You might call upon them like this:
1. (State your guides' name),
I call upon your guidance and love to assist me during this ceremony of protection.
To help me maintain my focus, energy and alignment for divine purpose and work.

2. Many traditional witches align their energies with their personal deity or Pantheon at this point as well.

You might call upon them like this:
1. I believe in the spiritual existence of myself as a perfect image of (deity' name).
In this reflection that is my physical embodiment, I align myself, and my faith in the supreme guidance of my soul with the ancient powers and wisdom of
(state the deity' name once more)
for the purpose of invoking protection and understanding.

However you chose to call upon the spirit(s), make sure you're stating your purpose for the summoning, asking permission or inviting (not demanding) them to join you. Make sure you give proper thanks and offerings for their assistance as well.

2.. Once you have invited the divine spirits to join you, you can sit inside your circle and prepare for casting.
Lighting the altar Candle:

1.. Begin with lighting your altar candle. This is the white candle you selected in your preparations.
a.. Close your eyes and imagine a flame being lit within your own body.
b.. Imagine your spiritual essence, lighting a flame in your solar plexus. This is your divine light, the spirit within you that will provide the energy to the wick of your candle and the work ahead.
c.. With each breath you take, imagine the flame inside your being growing stronger and brighter. Until it fills your entire body with it's warmth and bright light.
d.. Open your eyes, take the matches/lighter in hand and light the wick of your candle.
e.. Say something like:
Great Spirits, (Great God ____, Great Goddess ____),
I, state your magickal name, bring to light this flame of fire,
protecting my purpose from the muck and mire.
{Pick up the amulet and present it to the divine forces}
I set forth this amulet for divine consecration,
as a guardian for, {state the person or issue being protected}, from this dedication.

f.. Place the amulet into a small bowl and cover it with sea salt.

Casting The Shield:
1.. Start with lighting your protection candle. This is the gold candle you selected in your preparations.
a.. As before, close your eyes and imagine a flame being lit within your own body.

b.. Imagine your spiritual essence, lighting a flame in your solar plexus. This is your divine light, the spirit within you that will provide the energy to the wick of your candle.

c.. With each breath you take, imagine the a gold flame inside your being growing stronger and brighter, until it fills your entire body.

d.. Open your eyes, take the matches/lighter in hand and light the wick of your candle.

e.. As you do, imagine the light within you gaining in strength and growing yet again, this time your body can not contain the energy field and it pushes outside to encompass your physical being.

f.. Say something like:
Great Spirits, (Great God _____, Great Goddess _____),
I bring to light this guardian flame,
sending all fear back from whence it came.

2.. With the protection candle lit and ready, you're ready for the meat of the Shield Spell.

Use your right hand to draw you personal sigil or a pentacle over the flame. (Not too close, you don't want to get burned.) You can use the center of your palm as the drawing force, the tips of your fingers or just one finger, it's up to you. I use my middle and ring fingers pressed together, with my hand open. If you were to look at my hand from above, it would resemble the hand language sign for “I Love You”.

Say something like:
Great Spirits, (Great God _____, Great Goddess _____),
I, state your magickal name, set forth the light of protection
for, state the person or purpose needing protection.
I ask to the divine forces to shield him/her from harm,
fear and (if a person is causing the need for protection, state that persons name,
it if is an event or issue, describe that here).

Next, make a circle with your hands about 3 inches over the top of the candle. Thumb touching thumb, and middle finger touching middle finger. No other fingers should be touching.

Slowly lower your "hand circle" over and around the candle to it's base. As you do, cast your spell. You'll do this 3 times. Once for each verse. Don't rush it, if you reach the bottom of the candle before you've completed your verse, hold your hands in the circle at the base and complete the citation.

As you recite the spell, imagine the color of the candle rising up into the flame. Imagine your words carrying the light and energy of the spell from your hands into the candle and into the flame. Imagine all these energies combining, taking shape and form within the flame of the candle. As your recite the spell each time, imagine the energy you've created going out into the spiritual world through the light and smoke of the flame, making it's way to manifestation. Your verses might be something like this:
Great Spirits, Lady Brighid, Queen of Heaven and protectress of life,
I {state your magickal name} ask for your help and sacred energy to enter my shield (or who/whatever the protection is needed for) that I may carry your divine protection with me.
I ask for assistance that this hallowed shield deflect any and all ill intentions from those who wish to do harm physically, emotionally or spiritually.
Please grant this prayer to ease the fear and concern of, state the persons name, so they might find understanding and compassion of those wishing to do them harm.
For your gracious assistance I give my greatest thanks.
Blessings Be To The.

Move the bowl containing the amulet between you and the candle.
Raise the bowl and present it to the divine forces.
Say something like this:
Great Spirits, Lady Brighid,
Please case your favor and protection on this simple amulet.
Instill your divine protection into it's boundaries, and permeates energy with your divine light.
I ask that your divine protection encompass the one whom carries/wears it for as long as the need exists.

Remove the amulet from the salt and hold it over the candle's flame,
For your gracious assistance I give my greatest thanks.
Blessings Be To The.
Replace the amulet in the dish, but this time rest it on top of the sea salt.

Many people find it appropriate to honor the spirits and deities that they've asked to assist them. I happen to be one of these people. However, for rituals such as this, my family has given honor through an offering of life, instead of food. By that I mean, planting a seed or plant in honor of the deities. One that supports or represents the energy of the deity. In this case, a rose bush would be an appropriate offering.

Raise the unplanted bush and present it to the divine forces.
Say something like this:
I give this offering of rose and thorn as my symbol of gratitude and honor.
To the Great Spirits and Lady Brighid, whose light and love shall shine through it's pedals of beauty, to remind us all of your unselfish gifts.
Blessings Be To The.

Meditation and Closing

No matter what your ceremony is for, you should add a moment of meditation to the event. In this altered state, you can add to a spell by visualizing the energy being created, seeing it in your mind as it manifests and comes to form. You can contact the Great Spirits and engage them in a private ritual. You can use this time to thank the forces that have helped you this evening. Lastly, you might ask for clarity of vision or a better understanding for why this situation is happening. What additional lessons are there to learn from this issue?

Here's where you should write a brief summary of the ritual and your experience in your personal Book of Shadows. Record any insights you might have gained through the meditation, or any physical feelings, or emotions you might have experienced.

Conclude your ritual by closing your chakra centers. You can follow the same final step in the Grounding ceremony to accomplish this.

When you have completed this step, stand inside your circle. Face north and give thanks once more for this sacred space. Turn southward and imagine the energy door opening, allowing you to exit while still protecting the circle. Step over the scepter and imagine the doorway closing behind you.

The Clean Up

As you clean up your circle and altar, snuff out the altar candle. In some circles it's considered to be bad form to blow out the flame. Allow the protection candle to burn for about another 30 minutes. BUT don't leave the candle un-attended! Set it on a fireplace mantle, or some place where it will not cause harm or danger within your home.

Place the amulet near the candle and leave it there until you're ready to give it to the person it was meant for. At that time, remove the amulet and clean it with lukewarm water and dry it. Place it inside a small pouch or bag made from natural fibers, such as cotton, silk or even a small wooden box will do. Present the amulet to the person as a gift from the Great Spirits.

That concludes the shield ritual. I hope those who try it, find it to be helpful.

Many Blessings.



Quantum Magick