Rite for a Departed Pet

This ceremony may be as formal or informal as desired. An altar should be set up with a white candle in the center. A token of the animal should be present. This can be a picture, a clipping of hair, a beloved toy, or other object. A small square of cloth and a piece of ribbon should be present.
"I give thanks to you, small friend,
For the time we shared together.
I give thanks for the touch of your soft fur,
Your shining eyes, kisses from your rough tongue."

"I give thanks for the sound of your voice.
Go now to your rest.
I will miss you, my friend,
As you travel on your way."

"But I know that someday, somewhere,
If the gods will it, We will meet again;
And the meeting will be one of love.
May the blessings of the Lord and the Lady
Be with you as you travel on your way!
Know that my love and blessings go with you
As you travel to the Land of Eternal Summer.
Blessed Be!"

Now, take up the token and place it within the square of cloth. Add to it a piece of your own hair or other token of yourself. Using the ribbon, tie the cloth up into a bundle, and say:
"Let us be bound together in love,
That we may merry meet again!
Blessed Be!"



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