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My mummy says the nursery
Is just the place for her and me
A cosy room for us to play
A place to chase our fears away
But mummy doesn’t make it clear
What is it that I should not fear?

Is it the bear with the big furry paws
Coming towards me with sharp pointy claws?
Is it the crocodile snappity snap
Or the goblins which come when your taking your nap?
Is it the four-legged table and stool
Or the boggle-eyed frog who leaps out of the pool?
It can’t be the rocket that zooms to the skies
But is it the tiger with bright flashing eyes?
I’m never afraid of the fluffy white cat
But should I be frightened of something like that?
I’m not really fearful of Lenny the shark
But did she mean don’t be afraid of the dark?

My mummy says the nursery
Is just the place for her and me
She painted all the walls to be
Adventurous but worry-free
I’m glad that mummy likes it here
When she’s around I have no fear

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


O we swish the water this way
Then we swish it back again
We splash it with our hands and feet
While counting one to ten

We slosh it into bubbles
Then we scoop the bubbles up
We play at making milk-shake
Then we serve it in a cup

We turn onto our tummies
And we flap our arms about
We have to swim to Spain before
Our mummy takes us out

And then we snuggle cosy warm
In towels all soft and white
I used to scream at bath times
Now I think they’re quite all right

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


I got my fingers in a twist
All tangled in a knot
I really should have counted them
When I was in my cot
But every time I got to five
One seemed to disappear
And now no matter how I try
It really isn’t clear…

Are there two thumbs and ten fingers
Or five fingers on one hand?
I thought I had it sorted out
But I don’t understand
Why is it that my fingers
Are much longer than my toes
And yet when I am lying down
My toes can touch my nose?

copyright owned by 'Dawn'



I’ve wanted to stand up
For ever-so long
But my mummy’s arms
Are not ever-so strong
She’s ever-so clever
At thinking up things
She got me a dangler
Which ever-so springs
She strapped me inside it
O ever-so tight
Then she tugged at the dangler
But ever-so light
I bounced in the air
I was ever-so high
And my mummy was laughing
(I cannot think why)
I bounced to the ceiling
I bounced to the floor
I looked at the walls
And I stared at the door
When my mummy was happy
And ever-so sure
She left me to dangle
So I could explore
I knew she would be back
O ever-so soon
But I kicked very hard
And I shot to the moon
I was going to Mars
With a great, giant leap
But then ever-so suddenly
I fell asleep

copyright owned by 'Dawn'

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Latest Entry April 2004

Painting is ©Tom Sierak and used with his permission by Moon And Back Graphics to construct this set