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All too fast: Chapter 1

Flash Back

Melanie was in the middle of babbling when JC leaned over and kissed her yet again and this time when she wanted to pull away he pulled her closer and she wrapped her arms around him as tightly as possible, when out of the blue her phone rang.
End Flash Back

Melanie was in her office working on JC's page on the Nsync web site. Everything that had happened Saturday night was a blur until then. It all came rushing back into her mind. She could still feel his lips pressing against hers and the friction between them rising until the phone rang. *Damn Justin* She thought to herself, for it was he who disrupted them in the middle of their moment.

Flash Back

They both tried to ignore it but it was so loud, so JC released her and he picked up the phone.

"Hello?" JC asked when he answered the phone.

"JC?" Justin asked.

"Justin? What are you calling for?" JC said.

"The question is what are you still doing there?" Justin replied like a smart ass.

"Um....Um.... I was just talking with Melanie that's all, just having a conversation." JC said trying to make an excuse.

"Uh-huh! Is Melanie there?" Justin asked.

"Yeah hold on. Melanie it's Justin he wants to talk to you." JC said handing the phone to Melanie

"K. Hello?" Melanie said into the phone.

"Hey Mel!! Did I interrupt anything?" Justin asked trying to be cocky.

"No we were just talking." Melanie said sternly.

"Ok whatever you say, but when he leaves I want you to page me and tell me what really happened k?" Justin said acting as if he were Melanies Father.

"Ok bye Justin." Melanie said.

"Mel!!" Justin yelled into the phone.

"What?" Melanie asked getting annoyed.

"You don't even have my pager number." Justin pointed out.

"Ok give it to me." Melanie said.

"362-8174" Justin said.

"Ok talk to you later!" Melanie said quickly.


"Bye Justin."

End Flash Back

Melanie couldn't help but laugh to herself. Justin was being such a smart ass! She finished JC's page and went on to work on Justin's. She loved Justin with all her heart. How couldn't she? The boy was like a little puppy dog, he's cute, he's sweet, he's got a great personality, he's a great friend, and very annoying at times. He's just like a puppy dog. And no matter what he did she couldn't get mad at him. I'm telling you he's a puppy dog! Well anyways Melanie was so caught up in her thoughts she couldn't hear the phone ringing. Finally she realized it and answered the phone.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hi Melanie, I'm not bugging you at work am I?" Jessica asked. Jessica was one of Melanie's best friends and she was going out with Lance.

"No not all Jess. What's up?" Melanie asked.

"Oh nothing I was just thinking about you and JC, that's all." Jessica answered.

"Me and JC? How did that cross your mind?" Melanie asked curiously. (Jessica totally flipped out when she found out about the kiss bewtween Melanie and JC).

Check this out it took place Sunday morning.

"Whatcha doin'?" Jessica asked in a tired yet happy voice as she walked down stairs.

"Just thinking about something. Why?" Sharon asked. (Sharon is also Melanie's best friend. Jessica, Sharon, and Melanie have been best friends since middle school.)

"Whatch-ya thinkin' about? Or shall I say who?" Jessica's voice became gitty.

"I was thinking about Melanie and if I should call Justin or not." Sharon said.

"Why would you call Justin?" Jessica's voice was no longer gitty but rather more curious.

"To find out what happened between JC and her!!" Sharon said with an ear to ear smile, now in the kitchen where Jessica had followed her.

"WITH JC???!!!!" Jessica yelled.

"Yep." Sharon said laughing.

"What did she do with JC????!!!" Jessica asked.

"He kissed her." Sharon said.

"WHAT!!!!!!" Jessica screamed.

"He kissed her!! Would you keep it down? I don't think the whole neighborhood can hear you yet. And that's all I know unless I call Justin" Sharon replied.

"Why would you find out more if you called Justin?" Jessica asked confused.

"Because Melanie told him the whole story before she told us!!" Sharon said.

"SHE DID WHAT?!" Jessica yelled again.

" Jesus Jessica! I'm standing two feet away from you I can hear you just fine! Justin found out before us!!" Sharon said then started into a fit of laughter.

"OH MY what is the world coming to?" Jessica asked herself.

"I don't know but it's weird." Sharon commented.


(Where was I? Oh yes Melanie and Jessica were talking.)

"I dunno it just came across my mind that's all. So I thought about calling you." Jessica replied.

"I see. Well I would love to talk more but I'm really busy. I'm sorry Jess. Maybe we can get together tonight or something. Ok?" Melanie asked.

"Sure. I'll let you get back to work. Bye." Jessica said.

"Bye." Melanie replied.

Melanie focused back on the web page. She was done with Justin's page, and was about to click on Lance's when someone knocked on her office door.

"Come in." She said.

JC walked in with a bright smile on his face. "Hey!" he said.

"Hi." Melanie replied.

"Umm since it's about lunch time did you want to go get something to eat with me?" JC asked walking over to her desk.

"Yeah sure just let me close this up." Melanie replied.

"Sure. So where do you want to go?" JC asked.

"How about the Hard Rock?" Melanie suggested.

"Sounds good let's go." JC said.

Forward to Chapter 2

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