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All too fast: Chapter 2

Melanie and JC arrived at the hard rock cafe. As they walked in, the loud noise and chaos evoked the memory of the first meal Melanie and JC shared. It was the first day Melanie started working. She had met JC when she went in for her interview. They had literally bumped into eachother in the hall. Well anyway when the first meeting came Melanie walked in and noticed JC. That's besides the point. Melanie is the person who creates the web page for Nsync and JC happened to be an expert on computers. Read this and it'll make some more sense.


"So do any of you know where my office is?" Melanie asked.

"Yeah I'll show you, come on" a tall dark haired guy with a goatee stood up, came over to Melanie, took her hand, and left the room.

"So your joey right?" Melanie asked.

"Yeah. Where you from?" he asked as they walked down the hall.

"How do you know I'm not from florida?" Melanie asked.

"Your not a tall stick with arms and legs so where you from?" Joey asked again.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Melanie asked referring to Joey's stick comment.

"Nothing I'm just saying most girls from around here are tall sticks your not. Your more average hight and you have curves, not bad ones.. good ones." Joey explained.

"Ok anyway I'm from california." Melanie answered.

"Where in cali?" Joey asked.

"LA." She answered.

"That's cool well here is your office hope you like it."

"Hey before you go do you know how to set this computer up?" Melanie asked.

"I thought you were the expert?" Joey commented.

"No i'm an IN..TER..NET expert not computer." Melanie explained.

"OK, OK no need to be fiesty! let me go get JC he's the COM..PU..TER expert, around here atleast." Joey said.

"Could you?" Melanie asked.

Melanie sat down at her desk and waited for JC. When she heard a knock, "Come in" She said.

"Hey, Joey sent me in here." JC replied.

"OH yeah I need help setting up the computer."

"Oh ok here's what you do," JC sat on the edge of her side of the desk telling her what to do in detail.

"Ok I got it on thanks JC." She said.

"No problem. Do you mind if I sit here for awhile bugging you??" JC asked.

"No do what ever you want besides I might need you in case of something." Melanie answered.

"K cool. So tell me about yourself." JC said.

"Ok where should I start?" Melanie asked.

"I don't know where ever you want to start I guess." JC said.

"Ok well I'm 20 yrs. old, born and raised in the suburbs of california in the los angeles district city reseda, I have 2 older brothers Ian and Derek, Ian is 22 and Derek is 25. Um ever since Jr. High i've wanted to live in Florida with my 2 best friends Jessica and Sharon. I moved here once Sharon graduated high school which was about 7 months ago and I feel like I've lived here forever. I was born on March 17th 1979 so I'm turning 21 this year and that's about it I guess what about you?" Melanie asked.

"How old is Sharon and Jessica?" JC asked. "Sharon is turning 19 this year and Jessica turned 21 February 14." Melanie answered.

"Well I'm 22 turning 23 on August 8th I was born in Washington D.C. I lived in Maryland until I was in high school then I moved to florida to be in the Mickey Mouse club..." JC was interupted, "Wait did you say Mickey Mouse Club?" Melanie asked. "Yeah why? Justin was in it too." JC answered.

"Oh my god this is soooo wierd I used to watch that show all the time and I had the biggest crush on........ YOU!! I had the biggest crush on you when you were on mmc wow that is sooooo strange." Melanie exclamied.

"Seriously? that is wierd well thanks for having a crush on me." JC said trying to be smooth. "Your welcome." Melanie giggled.

"Hey it's getting close to lunch do you wanna come with me someplace and talk some more?" JC asked.

"Sure just let me turn this off and get my things" Melanie answered.

"Where do you want to go to eat?" JC asked.

"Some where I've never been." Melanie answered.

"Have you ever been to the Hard Rock Cafe?" JC asked.

"I've always wanted to go there but never got the chance." Melanie answered.

"I'll take that as a yes." JC said.

End Memory

Melanie and JC were seated. They ordered and Melanie went into her own day dream again. She had a simplistic smile on her face. She was thinking about the first time they came to the Hard Rock again. This is what happened right after the other memory

JC left Melanie's office and came back 5 minutes later.

"Are you ready?" JC asked her. "Yep let's go!!" Melanie said excitedly

It took about ten minutes to get to the Hardrock cafe, and the whole ride was pretty quiet.

"Here we are" JC said as he parked the car. Then he got out and ran to the other door. He opened the door and put his hand out to help Melanie out of the car. She grabbed his hand and jumped out. They both didn't notice but their hands were still linked together when they walked up to the entrance. JC opened the door for her and she walked in. Once inside the resturant, she looked around the room and out of the corner of her eye she spotted someone that she was hoping didn't see her. (it was jack her ex boyfriend, that's a story for a different time)

"That lousy son of a bitch!" Melanie said under her breath hoping JC didn't hear. Luckily he didn't and a couple minutes later they were seated.

"So what do yah think of the place?" JC asked while looking at the menu. "It's great, you come here a lot don't you?" She asked.

"Yeah but not like everyday. I hate going to the same places all the time but if someone wants to go to a place with good food and stuff like that then I always suggest this place." JC explained.

"I know what you mean my ex-boyfriend (Jack) took me to the same place every time we went out and he ordered the same thing everytime it was soooo annoying." Melanie said.

"Ex-boyfriend?" JC asked interested.

"Yeah I broke up with him last night." Melanie explained.

"So your not going out with anybody?" JC asked intentively

"No. why you intrested?" Melanie said joking around.

"Maybe." JC said.

"Maybe what's that supposed to mean?" Melanie asked.

"That means maybe I need to get to know you a little better." JC said getting serious.

"Yeah i do too" Melanie agreed.

"Hi I'll be your waitress for today how may I help you?" The waitress said.

"Well I'll have Dr. pepper and a dinner salad with ranch dressing" Melanie said.

"I'll have a pepsi and the BBQ chicken sandwich" JC said.

"Will that be all?"

"Yes." they both said at the same time.

"Ok I'll be right back with your drinks."

"You never got to finish telling me about yourself JC." Melanie said.

"There isn't much to tell um, I have a sister that's 20 her name is Heather and a brother that's 17 and his name is Tyler or TJ and he comes on tour with us most of the time so you'll get a chance to meet him, and that's about it and now I'm here with nsync doing what I love." He explained.

"What does JC stand for?" Melanie asked.

"It's stand for Joshua Chasez and my middle name is Scott." Jc said.

"Are you part French? cuz that's what your last name sounds like." Melanie said.

"Yeah I am, part that is." JC replied.

"So how did nsync start?" Melanie asked.

"Chris got the idea and called Justin and Justin called me and we went to a club and met Joey and we needed a bass voice so Justin got Lance through his old vocal coach" "Wow!! what a story." Melanie said with a smile "Uh-huh. After saying it alot you breeze right through it." JC said. "Here are your drinks and your food will be ready in about 15 minutes." The waitress said.

"Thank you. So from your point of veiw is California a lot like Florida?" JC asked.

"Yeah in some ways that's basically why I wanted to move here cuz I just didn't want to spend my life in California anymore and I thought well this is the next best thing." Melanie answered.

"Yeah it's really nice here it's always sunny and bright during the summer and spring and even during fall and winter it doesn't get that cold."

"I remember when I was younger and used to talk about moving out here my brothers constantly warned me about how the state bird is the mosquito and every time I just told him to shut up and stop bugging me. I never believed him till I actually moved out here." Melanie said.

"There are a lot of them out here I guess you could call it the state bird." Jc replied.

That was the first meal they had together. JC noticed that Melanie was in a transe lately and he just looked at her. He wondered how he ended up with such a great girl. JC often wondered if they had rushed into things too. Melanie was the most beautiful girl he had ever layed his eyes on. He softly said her name and she cmae out of her transe.

"Was I day dreaming again?" Melanie asked blushing.

"Yeah but you look so cute." JC commented.

"Yeah well yah know!" Melanie said joking around.

"Yah I know." JC said dreamily as he starred into Melanie's eyes. He leaned over the table and kissed her lightly on the lips. Melanie smiled back and the waitress came over. They ordered their food and went back to talking.

"The tour is starting on Saturday. Can you believe it?" JC asked.

"No I can't. But I can't wait. It'll be so much fun to be able to see all the different places!" Melanie said with a sparkle in her eyes. JC loved it when Melanie got excited and there was a bright sparkle in her eyes.

"You are so pretty." JC said.

"Oh JC I don't know where I would be right now if I didn't take this job. My life is just so perfect with you in it." Melanie explained.

"Why don't we skip this food and go somewhere alone?" JC suggested.

"You know what would be even better than that?" Melanie asked.

"What?" JC asked back.

"If we took the food with us and went somewhere alone." Melanie answered.

"Yeah that is a better idea." JC agreed.

They got their food and left to go somewhere alone.

Back to chapter 1
