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Opening Act: Chapter 16

“My arm hurts,” I said as I layed in bed.

“Good your FINALLY up,” Minda said looking over at me. She was laying in her hospital bed with a bandage on her wrist.

“Yea I’m fine… I don’t even remember what happened but that’s okay I guess,” I replied, “You look exhausted.”

"I've been up all night they won't let me sleep because they think I might have a concution," Minda replied, “Even though I don’t whatever.”

“Oh god your okay!” Lance said rushing in with Justin sprinting right behind him.

“I’m fine,” Min responded, Lance hugging her close.

Justin looked over at me and smiled and embraced me softly so he wouldn’t hurt me. “God there cute together” I whispered in Justin’s ear.

“Definitly,” he said biting my ear softly.

“Uh… how are Nikki, Missie, and Jess?” Minda asked.

“Um…” Lance began.

“I’m fine,” Jess answered walking in with her long time boyfriend, and my brother, Nick Lachey.

“How’s my little sis?” Nick said in a baby voice pinching my cheeks.

“Fine,” I managed as he let go.

“Good!” He said enthousiasticly raping his arms around Jess.

“When can we leave?” Minda asked impatentally as the doctor walked in.

“In a few minutes… if you want,” He replied.

“Sorry I didn’t catch your name,” Lance said walking up to the doctor.

“Dr. Hoppus.”

“How are Nikki and Missie?” I asked at the same time Chris and JC walked in sobbing.

“There--” Dr. Hoppus said searching for the right words.

“—DEAD!” JC sherieked collapsiong to the floor. I jumped out of my bed and wrapped my arms around JC. I knew how he felt, after all it wasn’t to long ago that Justin had gone flat lined and I was in hysterics… so I could relate to him. Justin, Joey, and Lance consuled Chris while I calmed down JC.

“Listen, you need to move on hun,” I said to JC quietly.

“HOW?!?! She WAS no… IS the love of my life.”

“And you went out for what 4 months? DON’T take it like that I fell in love with Justin like a month after we started going out, but you weren’t together for that long it is possible to get over her. I KNOW you guys were engaged and all but it is possible,” I said.

“You okay chris?” Joey asked.

“Yea, I feel bad she’s dead and I’m sad about that other then that I’m fine.”

“Well don’t we all wish JC was taking it so easily,” Lance said.

“Hell yea,” Justin said as they walked over to JC and knelt down to help me console him.

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