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Opening Act: Chapter 15

"You CANT arrest me! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?!?!?" Justin shouted at the heavy set policeman as they took the hand cuffs off.

"You look like a little freak who needs to get a life and stop raping poor teenage girls." The man replied as Justin eyes widened.

"Holy shit! I did NOT rape anyone!!!!" Justin said as the cop took a bite of his frosted donut.

"Sure that's what they all say," he replied. Justin sat in a chair with his head in his hands hoping someone would pay his bail even though he had to be in court two days later.

"Justin?" A slim man asked as Justin picked his head up.

"Yes?" Justin asked.

"You're free to go someone paid your bail, but remember you have to go to court in two days" the man said as Justin ran to the front lobby and stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Britney waiting for him in tight silver pants and a green tube top.

"Come on Justin I paid you bail and just basically saved your ass, so I'll take you back to your hotel now okay?"

"Yea sure thanks Brit," Justin replied as they walked out of the police station.

"Everyone knows what you did," Britney said, as they sat in her green bronco.

"Well that's good because I don't even know what I did," Justin responded as they pulled onto the exit ramp to go to the 5-star hotel.

"Oh you just got caught giving drugs to a 9-year-old after you raped him and made him give you head," Britney responded.

"I did??," Justin responded as he laughed and shook his head," I don't remember that but I only got two days to figure out," Justin replied as Britney stopped her car infront of the hotel.

"Good luck Justin," Britney responded as he kissed her cheek softly.

"Thanks Brit," he replied and got out of the car.

"Oh yea Allie is SO out of the picture," Brit said as she sped off smiling devilishly.

Lance sat on his king-sized bed looking at his framed picture of him and Minda that was taking the night of the Video Music Awards. 'She's so beautiful,' Lance thought as he looked at Minda. Lance looked at the phone and picked it up and started to dial. "Hi is Danielle there?" he asked.

"Hey lance!" Danny said happily.

"Hi," he said grumpily.

"What wrong?" she asked.

"Danny? I think we should break up" Lance said sternly.

"WHY?!?!?!" she screamed in the phone "WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO WRONG?!?!!?"

"Nothing, it's not you Danny it's me okay I met someone else, and I really want to be with them and I don't think its fair to hurt both of you," Lance retorted and felt really bad because he could tell Danielle was crying.

"so you chose to hurt me?" Danny replied, "Lance I love you and I want this to work, plus you know I never stay friends with my ex's."

"Danny now you're just not being fair, if you really loved me you would want whatever makes me happy and I think that its wrong that your saying you wont be friends with me just because of this, but if that's the way you want it fine be that way," Lance replied and hung up the phone angrily. He looked back down at the picture and smiled now for once in my life I'll be happy, he thought as he picked up the phone again.

"Hey Lance," Minda said as soon as he said 'hi' because she knew who it was.

"Um Minda will you" Lance began.

"What is it Lance?" Minda persisted.

"Will you go out to lunch with me tomorrow there's something I need to ask you," Lance concluded.

"Um.... sure, I'll see you tomorrow around 2. Is that okay?" Minda asked him.

"That's perfect," Lance said a little to happily, but covered up quickly, "I'll see you then."

Minda flopped onto her bed in her apartment. She looked up at her ceiling, 'Finally he SORTA asked me out,' she thought. Then sat up quickly "What am I gonna wear?!?!" she yelled out loud and ran for her huge walk in closet. "No, no, no, no," Minda said as clothes flew out of her closet.

"Hi Minda," Jessica said.

"Hey Jess, wait shouldn't you be on tour with your bf?" Minda asked her best friend Jessica Simpson.

"Hell no we're finally finished touring!" Jess said as she walked into the closet. Then continued, "So why are you throwing all your clothes on the floor? I know you like to make a mess but…"

"Lance asked me to lunch tomorrow and I'm attempting to find something to wear!" Minda said sorta enthusiastically.

"Well there's only ONE thing to do at a time like this," Jess said devilishly.

"And that would be?" Minda responded.

"Get the girls all rounded up and go shopping!!!" Jess nearly screamed in excitement.

"Aiight," Minda said as her and Jess walked down stairs and got into Jess' car to go get everyone.

"And so then I'm gonna ask her to be my gf," Lance concluded to everyone as we sat in his room.

"Hey Bitches get your asses moving because we're going shopping!" Jess practically screamed as she and Minda burst into the room.

"Aiight give me, oh 2 minutes to get ready," I said as I rushed back to my room. "Ditto," said Nikki and Missie at once.

"So what were you guys all talking about?" Jess questioned curiously as we pulled out on to the high way.

"Oh you know the basics" Missie said. "Like??" Minda asked.

"You know the basics," I said as we finally pulled into the parking lot of the 3-story mall.

"Right," Jess said as she parked and we all got out.

"So what is it we're looking for again?" Missie asked.

"An outfit for me tomorrow when I go to meet Lance," Minda said. We entered the large mall and began to look through the various clothing shops for an outfit for Minda.

"So what are you gonna do about the court?" Lance asked Justin while they all say in the Sauna.

"I dunno, I mean I don't even know what I did!" Justin said with sweat pouring off of him, making his wash board abs glisten.

"Well we have five working brains we can think of what it could be," Joey said as they began to think.

"Well, what did Britney say and the cops say?" JC questioned.

"Something about raping something-or-other," Justin said hopelessly.

"I got it!!" Chris shouted jumping up, as he grabbed his towel right before it fell down.

"What is it?" Justin asked raising him eyebrows. "You and Allie made love correct?" Chris said already knowing the answer.

"Uh DUH," Justin responded, sitting up.

"How old were you?" Chris continued.

"I was 19, and she was 18," Justin responded. "NO WAIT!" Justin paused for a second jumping up. "She was 17, it was her 18th birthday but she wasn't 18 yet."

"BINGO!" Chris said smiling happily.

"But wait that means - oh that son of a bitch!" Justin said angrily, and he walked out of the sauna.

"That's perfect!!!" I said as Minda walked out of the dressing room in a pair of tight khaki flares, a white baby tee, and a light blue sweater over it.

"I dunno," Minda said looking down at her exposed belly button.

"Oh come on Min," Jess said with her hands on her hips, "You ain't showing that much skin, you look nice and that's what you wanted right?"

"Hell yea," Minda said as she looked at herself in the mirror, "Okay let me buy it then we can go back home."

"Oh wow that was great," Jess said as she pulled out on to the highway.

"Yea but I spent $197 on my outfit!" Minda said sadly.

"Why does it matter? You do look great," I said buckling my seat belt.

"Keep your eyes on the road!" Missie shrieked at Jess who kept continuously turning around to look at us in the back.

"Oh right sorry," Jess said turning around.

"Its aiight," Nikki said.

"Well you know," Jess began turning around again.

"Look out!" I screamed, as we were hit head on by a moving van. The car was tossed against a telephone pole and the truck went flying into the opposite lanes causing an 8-car pile up.

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