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Opening Act: Chapter 3

It's now been 2 months since we started touring with BSB, and finally decided on the name 'Devilishly Angelic' because were little devils and perfect angels also. However right now we're back in Orlando because we have a week off, and Aaron broke his femur so BSB is looking for a new opening act, so right now I'm chilling at Nikki's 'cause Justin is still on tour.

"Hey guys," Jus said coming in. She's my other close friend and Nikki's cousin.

"Hey," we replied, and I continued telling Nikki 'bout my two months.

"So, anyway were now back here, and BSB needs a new opening band," I finished.

"Fanatic," Nikki replied, " as in Jus, Melissa, and I."

"You'd have to sing for them, I hope you're good," I replied, "I guess come with me to Nick's house where they're all hanging."

"Let's go!" Nikki yelled like a little kid.

"Umm, guys," I said walking into the den.

"What," Howie asked.

"I present to you for you're viewing pleasure Fanatic." The 3 walked in singing 'Baby one more time.'

"You guys are good, but" began AJ

"What?" Melissa asked.

"We weren't good enough were we?" Jus added.

"No, you guys were fine it's just," Nick continued, "You can only have the job until Aaron gets better."

"You're kidding, right?" Nikki asked.

"Nope," Nick said.

"Oh my god," they all said slowly then started screaming and jumping up and down, while shrieking, "oh my god, us BSB, us, oh my god."

"I mean, that's cool," Jus replied and we all started laughing at her and Nick turned on the TV and the news was on.

"No wait," BJ said to a bored Nick who was just about to change the channel.

"Exactly 2 hours ago pop sensations *N SYNC were in an extremely bad accident on the way to Orlando Florida, and members Christopher Kirkpatrick, JC Chasez, and Justin Timberlake are in critical condition," the reporter said.

The words repeated through my head, "Justin Timberlake, critical condition." Tears welled in my eyes and I burst out crying and sobbing, "God, Justin, no."

Melissa was doing the same for Chris, as well as Nikki because her and JC had been best friends since MMC. We held on to each other. A moment later we felt 2 sets of arms around us- Jus and BJ.

"It's okay Allie, Justin's a survivor you know that, he'll get through it," BJ reassured me.

"*N SYNC fan?" Nick mouthed to BJ.

"No, well sorta, Justin's her boyfriend," BJ mouthed back, as Nick gave a look of disapproval.

"It's just, I don't know where he is, and I gotta see him," I sobbed.

"Me too," Melissa sobbed, "I can't live with out Chris."

"Ditto for JC," Nikki added.

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