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Opening Act: Chapter 4

"Hello?" my weary voice questioned, it was 7:30, the next morning and I had been crying nearly all night.

"Allie? It's me Lance."

"Oh hey Lance, where are you guys?" I questioned.

"St. John's medical center in Orlando. I'm fine, but Justin slipped into a coma last night and he needs you," Lance informed me.

"I'll be right there," I stuttered.

"Bye Lance."

"Bye Allie."

I hung up and rummaged through my closet and pulled out a white baby tee and black and white ADIDAS tare away pants. I know the colors aren't very original but at least I matched. I called Melissa and Nikki, grabbed my keys, ran to my green jaguar (that my brothers Nick and Drew got me) and drove to Mel's house so she could see Chris.

"Thanks Al," Mel said who's eye's were also blood shot, since she to was crying all night, tissue in hand.

"No prob. I figured you'd want to see Chris, and I'm sure Lance called you and since your car is in the shop, I'll drive you. But first we gotta get Nikki so she can see her lover," I replied.

"Well duh," Mel said, "and they ain't going out."

"I know, but they should," I replied.

"Allie! Mel! Nikki!" Lance called from inside his room as we passed it.

"Hey Lance," I replied looking him over. He had a cast on his wrist and a bandage on his forehead.

"You okay?" Mel questioned.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'll be ready to go in 2 weeks, which is more then I can say for Chris, Justin, and JC"

"We'll I'm glad you're all right," I said, "but where are Justin, JC and Chris' rooms?"

"Chris is across the hall, Justin's 2 rooms down, and JC's is 4 rooms down." Lance replied.

"Thanks! Feel better!" we yelled and ran out, Mel across the hall, me 2 rooms down.

"Hey baby," Mel said to Chris who had casts on both his arms and legs.

"Hey," Chris replied smiling as Mel bent down and kissed him gently.

"How are you?" Mel asked.

"Better now that you're here," Chris replied wanting to wrap his arms around her so badly, but couldn't for obvious reasons.

"You're so sweet," Mel replied pulling a chair up besides him.

As I walked into Justin's room I had tears welling up in my eyes, he lied in bed motionless, with a cast on his left leg and tubes running in and out of his body. "It'll be okay Curly," I said standing next to him, I held his hand and continued, "You're a fighter, and I know you'll survive, for me, Justin you have to live, I need you in my life so badly, I can't live without you. 'Cause Justin I love you, and I can't picture my life without you." I sat on the edge of his bed the small of my back against the side of his chest. I slowly leaned forward and tenderly kissed his lips, like I had many times, only every other time he'd kiss back.

"Lance, you're okay," Danielle Fishel, Lance's current girlfriend of 1 year, said smiling and hugged him tight and kissed him lightly.

"Of course I am, I'm just lucky I had been listening to one of Joey's boring stories instead of playing poker with Justin, JC, and Chris," Lance replied kissing her back.

"I flew out as soon as I heard, I was just so afraid that you might have died, and I dunno what I would have done," Danielle replied as Lance held her, more with his right arm then his left, because of the cast.

"JC?" Nikki whispered walking into his room.

"Brownie?" JC questioned looking around the room for his best friend of 5 years, who he adored. He looked the same as Justin except for the fact that he wasn't in a coma and both legs were in casts.

"I'm so glad to see you," JC replied staring deeply into her brown eyes.

"Ditto," she replied, walking over and sitting on the bed. "Gosh it's been 2 weeks, so tell me about what you've been doing," Nikki continued.

Joey sat in his bed almost ready to go home, he had a broken radius, but other then that was perfectly fine. He had had all his tests done and was just waiting for Rachel to come, who was stuck done stairs trying to get in since there were a ton of fans trying to get up it was really hard for her to. Joey finally heard the door open and saw Rachel come in looking like an angel. She had blonde hair and fair skin and was just plain beautiful. She walked over to him and they kissed lightly, and started chatting easily like they always could.

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Chapter 5

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