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Dreaming Of You: Chapter 5

A couple days later...

It was Tuesday morning, the beginning of Literature, and Justin had not showed up at class. The night before he didn't mention anything to Julian about not being there. She figured something had come up like a rehearsal or something so she disregarded it. When she got home from her morning classes she decided to call his cell phone.

"Hey chicklet." "Hi. Where were you this morning?" "Oh an emergency meeting was called about the tour." "What happened?" "Well I'm not positive yet because we're taking a break at the moment so as soon as it's over I'll call you ok?" "Yeah ok." "When does your Poetry class start?" "5:30 why?" "Why don't I come over after my meeting?" "Ok around what time?" "Well it's 12:30 now so around 2:00?" "Yeah that would be great." "Ok. Well I better get going bye baby." "Bye."

Justin hung up the phone and turned to JC. "Dude did you tell her we are leaving next Wednesday?" "No not yet but I'll tell her when I go over there today." "Come on we have to get back to the meeting." "Yeah."


2:00 pm

Julian opened the door and Justin hugged her close to him and kissed her on the lips.

"Hey you're in a good mood." "That's because I get to see your beautiful smile." "Awe that's so sweet." "I try." "So how did the meeting go?" "Oh yeah the meeting." Justin replied a little uneasy. "Justin what happened at the meeting?" "I think you should sit down." "Just tell me." "Well they moved the tour to starting next Wednesday." "WHAT?" "Julian please calm down." "Justin how am I supposed to do that? I finally have everything I could dream off. And now the greatest thing of it all has to leave." "It's hard for me too. I've never felt this way about any one before. You mean a lot to me. But we knew this was going to come." "Yeah I know, but I was hoping it would last a little longer." "It's only 3 months, and if you narrow it down it's only 12 weeks. If you narrow it down even more it's only 84 days." Justin said reassuring her. "Please don't do the hours." "It's ok I won't."

Julian leaned over and gave Justin a hug. When they pulled apart Justin gave her a sly smile.

"What?" Julian asked. "You look cute when you're upset." Justin replied as he knocked her chin a little bit. "Stop it." Julian said blushing. "Well you do." "Yeah, whatever." "Are you going to be ok?" Justin asked concerned. "Yeah I'll be fine. I just wish we had more time together. Yah know?" "Yeah I do." "When do I get to meet your mom? You talk about her all the time. She seems really nice." "Do you want too?" Justin asked a little excited. "Yeah I do. I want to meet the person that brought such a wonderful guy into this world." "She's home right now if you want to go there." "Yeah sure." "Ok let's go." Justin said as he took her out the door just as she grabbed her purse.

At Justin's House

"Mom! I'm home and I brought company." Justin yelled out into the house. "Coming sweetie."

Justin looked at Julian and started blushing after his mom called him sweetie.

"Hi mom." Justin said kissing his mom on the cheek. "So? Who is this?" "Mom this is Julian. Julian this my mom, Lynn." "Hi Julian, sweetheart." Lynn said giving her a hug. "Nice to meet you...." Julian said confused as to what to call her. "Lynn. Call me Lynn." "Ok."

"Now that we are all acquainted why don't you go back to do what you were doing and Julian and I will go out." Justin said motioning his mom. "Ok see you later sweetie. Nice to meet Julian I hope I get too see you more." "It was nice meeting you too Lynn." Julian replied wondering if Justin had yet told her when the tour starts.

They got in the car and Julian looked over at Justin.

"Does your mom know that your tour starts next week?" "Yeah she was at the meeting." "Oh ok."

Justin reached his hand over and took her hand in his, and simply smiled.


Two days before the tour starts, Monday

Julian had taken the next couple of days off of school and work to be with Justin. Unfortunately he was constantly busy with rehearsals and fittings and everything else that could possibly make him busy. Justin had promised that today he could spend the whole day with Julian, and he wasn't planning on breaking that promise.

He was over at Julian's early in the morning and they were eating breakfast that Julian had made, when Justin's cell phone went off.

"This is Justin. Are you serious? Ugh right now? Yeah I'll be there. Uh huh bye."

Julian looked at Justin questioningly.

"I'm really sorry babe but I have to go to Rehearsals." Justin said solemnly. "But I thought you didn't have anything today?" Julian said aggravated. "I know but that was Mary, the secretary, and she said that they need me down there in 20 minutes." Julian sighed heavily, "Well there is nothing really you can do so I guess you should just go." Justin had a quick witted smile cross his face, "Why don't you come and watch?" "Are you sure it would be ok?" Julian asked concerned. "Yeah why wouldn't it be?" "Ok yeah I'd love to come watch. I've never heard you guys sing before." "You haven't?" Justin asked surprised. "Nope." "Well now you have to come." "Ok."

Julian put shoes on and got her purse and they left to go to the studio.

All the guys were happy to see her and gave her great big hugs. Julian sat down in the front corner and smiled as the guys started.

Five songs later they took a break. Justin walked over to Julian and gave a great big sweaty hug.

"Ewww!! Justin that was gross." Julian said disgusted. "What, you don't like it when guys give you sweaty hug?" Joey asked giving her a great big bear hug. Julian looked around hoping that none of the other guys were going to hug her. Right as she was about to turn away all five of the guys jumped on her, rubbing the sweaty bodies against her. When they let go of her, Julian fell down on the floor and just stared up at five faces.

"Chicklet are you ok?" Justin asked trying not to laugh. "Yeah I'm fine."

Justin grabbed her hand pulled her back up.

"Well we have this song that is supposed to be on our next album. And I want to dedicate it to you." Justin said bringing Julian into his embrace. "Oh really? What's it called?" Julian asked giving him a slight kiss on the lips. "Promises." "Awe how sweet. So do I get to hear it?" "Of course you do." Justin replied and sat Julian back down.

The guys all stood in a semi-circle and warmed up their voices a little. Justin started singing.

Promises (Thanks to Shayna for the lyrics)

Ohh ohhhhhhh
The visions around you
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surrounds you
Are secrets and lies

I'll be your strength
I'll give you hope
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call
We're standing here all alone

And I will take
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

I've loved you forever
In lifetimes before
And I promise you never
Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word
I give you my heart
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow
Forever has now begun

Just close your eyes
Each loving day
And I know this feeling won't go away
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you

Every word I say is true
This I promise you
Oh I promise you

When they finished the song Justin looked at Julian and she had tears in her eyes.

"Did you like it?" Justin asked blushing a little. Julian ran up to Justin and hugged him extremely close to her. She whispered in his ear, "I loved it." She leaned back a little and gave him a passionate kiss.

She looked around and found four guys with goofy smiles on their faces.

"AWE!" They all said at once. Both Justin and Julian blushed.

"What we need now to do is get you guys girlfriends!" Julian said joking around. "Um that's really ok." Chris responded. "Yeah I know it's ok! That's why I'm going to do it." Julian said sarcastically. "But Julian what you don't understand is that I don't want anyone else but you!" Chris said holding his hand out to her. "Yeah sure you do. Only if you want Justin to go down on you!" Julian said patting Chris on the back. "Uh huh, sure! Like that boy could take me!" Chris replied as he flexed his muscle." "Oh yeah I think he could take you alright!" "Gosh Julian why do you always have to put me down?" Chris said sadly.

Julian walked over to him and whispered loud enough so everyone could hear, "Chris you know it's just an act. We have to keep on the down low if we want to keep seeing each other." "I know Julian but I think it's time to bring it out into the open." "Well I don't so there!" Julian said like a spoiled little brat."

"Ok enough you two." JC said splitting the two apart.

"Ok, ok. So what are you guys going to do know?" Julian asked. "Actually that was the last song that we had to do so now I guess we go home." Lance replied. "Cool. I just want to say that you guys have wonderful voices and the Backstreet Boys will never sound anywhere near as good as you guys." "Oh thanks babe that's so considerate." Justin said kissing her forehead. "I know. Well since you guys did so good why don't we go out tonight to celebrate?" Julian asked getting excited. "I don't really know Julian we do need to get up early tomorrow." JC answered. "I'll call Lisa." Julian said taunting him. "Well on the other hand it might relax us." "I knew you would come to your senses." Julian said winking at him, which made him blush.


The day of the tour

Julian got to the studio around 9:30 am. There were tons of people all around. There was twice as much media. Julian drove her car up to the gate.

"Could I have your name and relation please?" The gate person asked. "Julian Cadshaw. I'm a very close friend." "Here you go Ms. Cadshaw." "Thank you."

Julian drove into the parking lot and found a space. She got out of her car and 3 different news stations came up to her.

"What is your name?" One lady asked. "Julian Cadshaw. Why?" "Are you going out with one of the guys?" Another asked. Julian thought for a moment and then answered, "No I'm just a good friend." "How long have you known them?" The last one asked. "That really is none of your business. Now if you would excuse me I need to go say good bye to my friends."

Julian locked her car and pushed her way through the news people. She was looking around when she spotted Joey talking with his brother, and decided to go over there.

"Hey Joey." Julian said. "Julian! I'm so glad your here! Justin is going insane trying to find you." Joey said giving her a big hug. "He is? But I just got here. He said to come at 9:30." "Well you know how he gets." "Yeah I do. So where is he?" "Um... I don't know. Oh by the way this is my brother Steve." "Nice to meet you." Julian said shaking his hand. "There he is." Joey said pointing to Justin. "Ok thanks I'll talk to you later bye."

Julian walked over to Justin and stood behind him, motioning for JC not to say anything.

"Where is she?" Justin ask getting worried. Behind him Julian was mocking his every move. JC was trying really hard not laugh.

"JC what the hell is so funny?" Justin yelled. Julian slightly licked Justin's ear and Justin jumped. "What the..." Justin said turning around, "Where have you been?" Justin continued and practically squeezing all the air out of her from his tight hug.

"Justin what's wrong? You told me to be here at 9:30. I got here at 9:30." "I was just really worried you weren't going to make it." Justin said looking deep into her eyes. "Oh baby it's ok. I wouldn't miss this for anything."

Before Julian could kiss him, he dragged her into the building.

"Justin where are we going?" "No time for questions." "Ok."

Justin took her into a small room that was empty.

"Justin what are we doing in here?" Julian asked confused. Justin slightly touched the side of her cheek, "I want to be alone with you. Out there we can't act like a couple. And I want to be alone with you before we leave." "Why didn't you just say so?" "Because I wouldn't have been able to go like this after."

Justin leaned in and kissed her passionately.

"That's a good reason." Julian said as a tear rolled down her cheek. "I know we haven't known each other for a very long time. But with the time we have spent together, I've learned a lot about you. Julian I can honestly say I lo...." "Justin please don't say anything you'll regret." Julian said stopping Justin from finishing his sentence.

"Julian I won't regret this at all one bit. You are the first thing I think of when I wake up, the last thing I think of when I go to sleep, and the only thing I think of during the day. I love you Julian Cadshaw."

Right then and there Julian became hysterical and ran out of the room. Justin ran after her. "Julian!"

Julian didn't stop till she found Lisa who came to say good bye to all the guys too.

"Julian what's wrong?" Lisa asked concerned about her best friend. Julian just hugged Lisa and cried. "Come on let's go to the bathroom and get you washed up." Lisa said comforting her.

"Now what is wrong?" Lisa asked. Before Julian answered she checked all of the stalls before she answered Lisa.

"Justin said he....he...." Julian stuttered. "Justin said what?" Lisa asked eagerly. "Justin said he loved me." Julian said bursting into tears again. "Why are you crying? That's great." "No it isn't!" "Why not?" "Because I love him too!" Julian said through tears. "Jewls, I really do not understand." "Lisa I'm so scared that this is all a dream and that I’m going to wake up and he'll be gone." "Julian Justin would never do anything to hurt." "I know but he is going to be out of my life for 3 months and who knows what will happen." "I want you to wash your face and calm down. Now listen to me and I want you to do exactly what I tell you too. Ok?" "Yeah ok." "Justin loves you and you sure as hell love him, so I want you to go find him take him somewhere private and tell him the you love him too!" "Are you sure that's the right thing to do?" "I'm positive now go because they are going to be leaving very soon!!!" "Ok thank you so much Lisa." Julian said giving her best friend a huge hug.

Julian left the bathroom and bumped into Lance.

"Hey Julian." Lance said giving her a hug. "Hi Lance. Do you know where Justin is?" "Yeah he is in our bus. He was looking for you earlier." "Ok thank you bye." "Bye."

Julian practically ran to the bus and stopped at the steps. She slowly walked in and looked around. She spotted Justin sitting in the back with his head in his hands. She walked back there as quietly as possible, and sat down next to him.

He looked up at her and she couldn't help but notice his red watery eyes.

It was silent and neither of them were going to attempt to break that silence.

Julian finally blurted out, "Justin I love you too."

Justin hugged her close to him never wanting to let go.

Lou's voice came over the intercom, "Let's go get 'em boys! Let's show America what we're made of!"

Julian got up and walked over to the door with Justin behind her. She turned around to face him. He slowly leaned in and kissed her for the last time before he would leave.

Julian watched the bus drive away and as soon as she couldn't see it anymore she screamed out, "NO DON'T LEAVE ME!!"


"Julian? Julian? Wake up." Justin said trying to wake up Julian next to him. "No don't leave me! I love you! Please don't leave me!!" Julian screamed. "Julian please wake up." "Huh?" Julian asked. "What's wrong?" Justin asked concerned. "Your still here?" "Of course I'm still here. What's wrong?" "I had a horrible dream." Julian said. "Baby it's ok." Justin said comforting her.

He took her in his arms and began to sing to her.

And I will take
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you...


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