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Dreaming Of You: Chapter 4

The next morning Justin woke up before Julian, and decided to make breakfast. When he walked downstairs he wasn't surprised to find JC, Lance, Joey, and Lisa all fast a sleep on the couches. He walked into the kitchen and realized what he was about to do. Justin was not the type that would wake up and make breakfast. Usually it was like he was a zombie in the mornings. He wouldn't do anything but eat his cereal and grunt his acknowledgments to his mom. This morning he was in a great mood so everything was different.

When he was done making breakfast he set it out and decided to go wake Julian up. He opened the door to his room and looked at her. She was so beautiful in his eyes. He walked over to the bed and kissed her softly on the lips. She then grabbed him and pulled him in for a deep kiss. What Justin didn't know was she had been awake for the last half hour. When Julian let him go she started laughing at the expression on his face.

"What were you dreaming?!" "I was awake when you walked in." "You were?" "Yeah." "Well I made breakfast and it's down stairs." "Ok."

When they got down stairs everybody had already gotten into the food and there was barely anything left.

Justin looked at all of them. "Thanks for eating the food I made! I'm glad you liked it." "No shit! You made this?" Chris busted out. "Yeah I did." "Well Justin I congratulate you." "Uh huh!"

Justin looked over at Julian with a sympathetic face on. "Did you want to go out and get something?" "No it's ok I wasn't hungry anyway." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." "I'm sorry." "Really Justin it's ok. I don't usually even eat in the morning." "Ok." "But the question is are you hungry?" "I can deal without." "Why don't we get changed and go to my place for a little while?" Justin looked surprised. "Yes Justin my place." "Ok."

A couple minutes later they were ready to go.

"Hey Jewls do want me to keep your car and drop it at your place later?" "Yeah that would be good." "Ok see you two later." "Bye."

When they got to Julian's apartment Justin parked and they went inside. Justin being his curious self decided to give himself a private tour. Julian was in her room changing while he was looking around. Justin came across her bedroom door.

"What would happen if I opened this door?" Justin said loud enough for Julian to hear. "Well why don't you go ahead and try." "Really?" "Yeah." "Ok here I go."

Justin cracked the door open a little and looked around. He didn't see anyone so he opened it a little more. Still he didn't see anyone. So he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. Julian was about to jump on his back when he put his arms behind him grabbed her and flung her in front of him, then he pushed her onto the bed and started kissing her. When she tried getting up he just pushed her right back down.

"Ok you got me. Now what?" Julian said. "Nothing I just wanted to know that you are mine." "Yes Justin I'm yours." "Are you sure?" "Yes I'm positive" "Ok." "So what do you want to do?" "Let's make out!" "Justin be serious." "I am serious." "What?" "Let's go to the movies and make out." "Come on how old are we?" "Eighteen." "Exactly!" "Exactly what? It'll be fun! Come on when was the last time you went to the movies and made out with your boyfriend?" "Well...." "Well what?" "I never did that." "What? You never went to the movies and made out with your boyfriend? I used to do that all the time only it was with my girlfriend." "Back home you didn't do those things. I lived in a small town and everybody knew everybody. If anybody saw you, your parents were bound to find out." "Yeah but in those small towns you always have like an ice house or something." "Yeah we had an ice house but that's different, you aren't in a public place." "Damn. Well all the more reason to try it." "No way." "Why not?" "What if someone catches us?" "No one will care. You see kids doing it all the time." "Repeat that." "Repeat what?" "The last thing you said." "You see kids doing it all the time?" "Exactly! Kids are doing it all the time! We aren't kids." "So?" "Besides what if someone sees you? You'll get mobbed." "I'll dress under cover, I do it all the time." "I don't know." "Please?" Justin said with a puppy dogface. "Don't you look cute? But my answer is no." "Well can we at least go see a movie?" "Ok what do you want to see?" "The new Austin Powers movie is out! Do I make you horny baby?" "Did you want me to answer that question?" "Ooh feisty!" "Yeah I think we should see that movie." "Ok, all we need to do is stop back at my house and get my under cover clothes." "Your under cover clothes?" "Yeah I can't go out in public looking like this! Do you want me killed?" "What I meant was you have special under cover clothes?" "No not exactly." "Ok."

When they walked into the house they saw everybody playing video games.

"What are you guys doing back?" Chris asked. "We're going to the movies and I have to change into something that doesn't look like me." "Are you guys going to make out?" Joey asked jokingly. "See I told you! Thank you Joey" "What?" "I was trying to convince her that we should go and make out but she said no." "Justin even I wouldn't do that! I was joking." "Whatever."

Julian started giggling and Justin shot her an "I'll get you later" look. She just simply gave him a wink and blew him a kiss.

"Well I'll be right back." Justin ran up stairs to go get changed.

"So Julian can you have him home around three o' clock?" JC asked. "Yeah sure. Why what's at three?" "Dance rehearsal for our tour." "Your tour? When are you going on tour?" "In about a month." "Are you serious?" "Yeah." "That's so soon." "Well not really. We've been waiting a awhile to get back on the road."

Justin came down stairs. "Ok I'm ready let's go." "Ok." Julian said kind of sad.

They got in the car and it was perfectly quiet. A couple minutes later Justin was curious as to why Julian was so quiet.

"Chiclet what's wrong?" "What do you mean?" "You're so quiet." "What I'm not allowed to be quiet?" "Well no but something is wrong. I can tell." "Nothing is wrong. Ok?"

There was a long lapse of silence and then Justin decided to go to a special place. Julian was quiet and suddenly noticed that they weren't going to the movies. She disregarded it and kept thinking. Justin stopped in the middle of nowhere near a lake. He got out of the car and went to open her door.

"Justin what are you doing?" "Be patient." "Ok."

He took her hand and led her to a place in the shade and sat her down in his arms.

"Justin what's going on?" "Just sit and enjoy the peacefulness." "Ok."

Justin let the peacefulness sink into Julian so she would calm down. About 20 minutes later he sat up and turned her around to face him and took her hands in his own.

"Ok now please tell me what's bugging you." "Justin please take those glasses and hat off." "Ok there now tell me what's bugging you." "Nothing's bugging me." "Julian something has to be bugging you." "Why?" "Because when I went up to my room to get changed you were all smiles, and when I came down you weren't smiling. The question now is what caused you to stop smiling?" "Look it's just something JC told me. It's not even that big of a deal because I don't even know if we'll last that long." "What did JC tell you?" "He told me to have you back by three because you have dance rehearsals for your tour." "Is that all?" "Did you know your tour starts in a month?" "Yeah." "That only gives me a month with you! And if you narrow it down that's only 4 weeks and if you narrow it down even more that's only 30 days." "Please don't say the hours." "Justin this is not the time to be joking!" "Don't worry. 30 days is a long time! And we will last that long even longer I think." "Yeah but you'll be so far away." "I'll still be able to call you, and we can write each other everyday possible." "Justin it's not the same. When you get far apart it ends I should know." "What do you mean?" "I had to break it off with my boyfriend back home because I was moving out here." "You didn't have to." "What if I was still with him and all this happened. I had my dream, you walked into my classroom, and I had these extremely strong feelings for you. I was very close with him. We were together all through high school. I would have broken his heart even more by telling him I'm breaking up with him because I found another guy. We both agreed to break up because who knows what would happen." "Oh baby don't worry it won't have to be that way. But what I think we should be doing is taking this relationship one day at a time and not rush into things. Every thing happens for a reason, so if we do break up then there was a reason for it. Are you worried I'll fall for another girl while I'm with you?" Julian just looked up at Justin with innocence. "Julian please don't be. I would never do that to anyone." "I've seen it happen before." "To you?" "Not exactly." "Explain that." "Well my ex did it to one of his girlfriends. I was the one he fell for. The girl he left was Stephanie. I had never seen someone so crushed." "I want you to look me straight in the eye and tell me that you honestly think that will happen." "That's not the thing Justin." "Then what is it?" "I don't know. I just don't want to loose you. This is all way to unbelievable for me, and it all happened so fast. I don't want it all to end in a month. A lot of things happen in a month too. We get closer or farther apart. I'm positive you are going to be busy with a whole bunch of rehearsals." "No matter what I will always have time for you. Ok?" "Ok." "Well it's a little to late for the movie so we can go get some thing to eat and then head back to my house. Ok?" "Yeah."

Justin stood up, helped her up, and pulled her in and kissed her softly.

At the restaurant a couple girls spotted him and were debating if it was him or not. They could see his curly hair underneath the hat but the couldn't see his eyes. They were wondering who the girl he was with was. One of the girls got enough courage to go up to him.

"Excuse me but are you Justin Timberlake?" the girl asked. "I get that all the time. No I'm sorry but I'm not him." "Ok thank you." "No problem."

"I thought you were in your under cover clothes and no one could recognize you?" Julian said giggling a little. "I don't know. I'll go to the bathroom to check it out." "Ok."

Justin walked past the girls and they tripped them. Julian saw this happen and ran over to where he was. Unfortunately his hat and glasses flew off.

"It's him!!!! It's him!" one of the girls screamed. Julian was trying to pry the girls off of him. "What do you think you're doing? Let go of him!" Julian yelled. One of the girls looked at her viciously. "You're his girlfriend aren't you?" "Who me? No I'm his cousin." "Sure you are! He doesn't have any cousins in Florida!" "I don't live in Florida! I'm visiting." "From where?" "Colorado. And don't you dare say he doesn't have family in Colorado because he does! Now let go of him."

By now there were a bunch of people trying to get the girls off of him. Finally they succeeded and Justin was able to stand up.

"Are you ok Justin?" "Yeah I think. As long as those girls are gone I'll be fine." "Yeah they are gone." "Come on let's go."

The manager gave them their food for free and packed it up so they could eat it at home. When they got home it was 2:00. That meant they had an hour to eat and do whatever until Justin had to go to rehearsals. When the guys had to leave Justin said that Lisa and Julian could stay around for a little while and when they were going to leave to just make sure they locked the door.

A few days later.......

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