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Dreaming of You: Chapter 1

For Julian Cadshaw it was the first day of college, tenth day of living in Orlando, and the first day of the rest of her life. Only she didn't know it.

She had just parked her car and got out. She stood there for a couple minutes trying to believe everything that has been happening and then went on her way. She went up to the main office as many others did. She stood in the long line waiting for the list of her classes. About 15 minutes later she stood in front of a lady who looked worn out and tired.

"May I help you?" the lady asked. "Yes my name is Julian Cadshaw." "Ok here you go." the lady said as she handed Julian her list of classes.

Julian left the office and made her way down the hall to her first class, Literature. As she stumbled in, about 40 different faces stared at her. She made her way to the teacher and handed him a paper.

"Ok Julian you can sit middle center 3rd back." Julian walked over and sat down.

When the ball rang Julian took a deep breath of relief, gathered her things and went to her next class.

She was signed up in three different classes. Literature, Journalism, and Poetry in that order.

At the end of her Journalism class she made her way back to her car. She got in and went on her way home.

Julian was sitting on her couch in her apartment reading over guidelines she got from her two classes. Her poetry class wasn't until 5:30 p.m. Her classes all took place on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.

When she was done reading she looked to her left and picked up the job ads. She needed to get a job and she needed one soon. Her parents said that they would gladly take care of her finances until she got a job and she would most definitely take them up on that offer but she didn't want in to last forever. She felt tired so she decided to take a nap until she had to leave for her poetry class.

She went into her room, set her alarm for 5:00, and went to sleep.

When she woke up she fixed her hair and went to school.

She was there early and decided to walk around a little bit to get used to it. She returned back and took a seat in the back of the room.

The class was over in about an hour and she left to go home.


Transcon. Studios

"Look Lou I want to spend some of my free time in college!" Justin said aggravated Lou's stubbornness. "Justin what good is college going to do you if you are already making millions of dollars each day?" "That's not the point! The point is I want to get a degree and an education. What if this all ends tomorrow? Huh? If this all ends tomorrow I can become a teacher or something!! Come on Lou I need something to back me up when this all ends!! Because you know it will!!" "Justin I know it will end, and if it does you'll have your money to back you up! You Justin Timberlake are a multi millionaire as we speak!!" "Yeah I may have the money now but where will it all go when it ends? And even if I could have it for the rest of my life I don't want to have to just lay around all the time I want to do something with my life." "Look you can't go to college end of story!" "Oh yeah and what if I do?" "Justin you know I can't get rid of you! Nsync isn't Nsync with out an N! Please don't make me do anything drastic." "Lou you can't keep me from going to college." Justin ended with that and left the office. Mary noticed him rush out with anger and slam his car door.

Mary is the secretary at the front desk. As soon as she saw Justin drive off she picked up the phone and called Lou.

"I think you really pissed him off this time Lou!! You know he is going to go and there is nothing you can do about it." "Yeah Mary I know but the boy is going to be out in public with out anyone to protect him." "Do you really think Justin couldn't protect himself? Come on have you seen that boys muscles?" "Well yeah but as his manager I have to worry about him and make sure he is taken care of at all times! You heard what happened to Nick when he went to the library, the boy almost didn't make it." "Yeah but the difference in Nick and Justin is totally noticeable." "Ok so bad example but you know what I mean!" "Yes I do."


The next day

Julian woke up around 8:00. She was having a peaceful dream until her alarm clock went off.

*Wow that was a good dream!! I wonder how that guy came into my dream? Who was he? I didn't even find out a name for him and it was a dream!! Maybe it means something. But what? *

The whole time she was getting ready she had a whole bunch of questions running through her mind. When she got to school it was ten minutes before class and she went to go find herself a seat. She sat in the middle front.

Ten minutes after class started a young man walked in with a bright smile. Julian looked up and almost couldn't breathe at who she saw standing in front of her.

*It's him!! * She thought. *He is the guy from my Dream!!! *

Julian was just sitting there starring at him and he matched her gaze. He just simply smiled.

*Does she recognize me? I hope she doesn't! Maybe if I just keep cool she won't go crazy* the guy thought to himself.

He took a seat a little towards the back and sat down. All during class Julian was in a kind of daze. She kept thinking about her dream and how out of nowhere he appeared before her in real life.

"Julian could you give then meaning to this phrase? Julian? Julian are you ok?" The teacher asked "Huh?! Oh yeah I'm fine." "Ok if our so fine then could you please give the meaning to the phrase written on the board?" "Um sure. It means that if we think of something very passionately and strongly then we should go for it and take what we think of so much." "Thank you that was very well said." "Your welcome."

At the end of class Julian was packing up and noticed the mystery guy talking to the teacher. He was very attractive in her dream and even more so in real life. She could kind of pick up on what they were saying. She was able to her his name.

*Hmmm... "Justin" I like that name it's has a nice ring to it. *

Justin noticed her starring at him and was still pondering the same question as before. Julian took one last look at him and left to go to her next class. Sadly enough he was not in her Journalism class. All through that class the was wondering if he was going to be in her poetry class. All she could do was wait.

On her way to back to school for her last class she was very eager. When she got there she didn't see him. And when class finally started she was disappointed to know that he still wasn't there. At the end of class he hadn't showed up at all and she went home hoping for at least another dream with him in it.

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