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Dreaming Of You: Chapter 2

The next couple of weeks went pretty slow for Julian. Everyday was basically the same thing. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays she would go to class listen to her teachers ramble on and in her literature class she would watch Justin's every move. Of course in order to do this she switched her seat to the row in back of him and moved a couple seats to the left of him. She kept her seat there and everyday had the perfect view of him. The only problem with this was sometimes he would look back and always meet her gaze. As hard as she tried Julian was never able to take her gaze off him. It was like he was some kind of a magnet.

On Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays she found herself a job working at "Toys R' Us". It didn't pay much but it got her enough money to support herself and everything she needed.

She hadn't made many friends yet but she did become close with this one girl from her poetry class. Her name was Lisa. Every other Friday night they would go out somewhere after class.

It was Friday and Julian was in her poetry class listening to her teacher talk about different kinds of poems. A couple minutes later he started writing on the board and told the class to copy it down. It was an assignment.


Class will write a poem describing one of their true passions, interests, or someone the feel for or admire.

Poems may be of any sort out of the following list:
1.) 10 couplets
2.) 3 Haikus
3.) Diamante


Julian wrote it all down and packed up her things. Her and Lisa decided to go to a new club that opened last Friday. It was called "The Craze". They were in the car on their way to Julian's house to get changed and dressed to go to the club.

"Have you decided what you were going to do for the poem thing?" Lisa asked. "Yeah, I know exactly what I'm going to do." "What are you going to do then?" "Well there is this guy that keeps appearing in my dreams and I don't know who he is. Well I do but I don't." "What do you mean?" "It was my first day of college and I had a dream with this guy in it that night and then the next day he walked into my Literature class." "Seriously? That is so weird!" "Yeah I know." "So what does he have to do with your poem?" "I'm going to write the 10 couplets on how he has effected my life. I'm not sure what I'm going to write yet so you'll just have to wait." "So does this guy have a name?" "Yeah his name is Justin." "Justin.....?" "I don't know his last name." "Oh."

They went up to Julian's apartment to get ready. Lisa walked out of Julian's closet with a big smile on her face.

"What are you grinning for?" Julian asked. "Let's just say I'm glad we're friends...... and the fact that we're the same size." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Girl you know I'm gonna be borrowing your stuff a lot!" "Oh happy day!"

"So what are you going to wear?" Lisa asked. "I don't know you pick something for me." "Ok how about you wear this purple tube and that black skirt." "Lisa, are you crazy?" "What?" "Look at that skirt." "What's wrong with it?" "It is a mini skirt!" "And...?" "I don't want to look like a slut." "You won't." "Yes I will! A tube and a mini skirt? Lisa tell me that isn't slutty." "Come on Jewls it's a club! Everyone dresses slutty!" "Jewls? No one but my mom has ever called me that." "Well whether you like it or not I'm going to be calling you that!" Lisa said joking around. "Ok! Well let's get back to this outfit thing! I'll wear the purple tube and instead of the skirt I'll wear a pair of black pants. Ok?" "Great! Now what should I wear?" "Why don't you wear the mini skirt?" "Are you crazy?" "Well look who's talking!" "Fine! I'll wear the skirt." "Are you serious? I was just kidding." "No I want to wear the skirt." "Don't wear the skirt." "Ok then what should I wear?" "Wear that red dress." "Wow! Me like, me really like!" "Ok then go try it on." "Ok."

Lisa came out five minutes later with a slinky red dress on.

"Oh girl you are definitely wearing that dress! It looks wonderful on you." Julian said admiring her friend. "Aren't I though? Hehehehe." "Ok let me just put this on and then we can do our make up and go." "Ok."

About 15 minutes later Lisa and Julian left and went to the club.

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