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Costly Dreams: Chapter One

-"Oh god not again." I sat on my bed watching t.v, it was really late at night & I relized that I wasn't going to sleep any time soon. Which was weird...but anyway I turned it to MTV & dropped my remote... "*Nsync!!" I said out loud. They where making their tour plan's. 'Jeesh does Joey alway's have to look so good.' I thought. Then something strange happened this weird picture came into my mind, it was J.C & the other guy's.......

~~~Enter dream~~~
J.C sang,"I see things he's done to you all the pain he's put you threw & I see what's really been going on stayin' out at the night while your by the phone...." he started dancing to it w/ the other guy's.

My head turned behind me to look at the other fan's yelling the guy's name's 1 by 1 or just *Nsync all at once in my ear :P. That's when I saw it....a glimse of a sliver gun,the light's from the stage had hit it. A man w/ brown shappy hair,dark skin,very muscluar,about 6' something(he was standing up), had it in his hand. I followed the point of the gun & gasped it was aimed toward's J.C., then 5 minute's later..the bullet flyed threw the air right for J.C.

Everyone gasped, Justin, Joey, Lance, & Chris stopped dancing,the band stopped playing the music, everyone was J.C layed on the stage blood coming out of his body. Then scream's ran threw the arena & a man's laugh was heard...

That's when I heard a voice,whisper in my ear,"Justina,you are the only one who know's now. You're the only to save him," then it disappered into the scream's of the fan's.

~~~End of dream~~~

"Oh god not again," I said. I sat up on my bed. This had happened to me before but I was only 10 year's old, but the only thing was...that the dream had come true. A married couple was going to have their money taken away from them & then the wife was going to be shot 2 day's later in the stomach & at the time she was pregnet w/ twin's. I had went to the police but they had thought that I was crazy or my imagation was working over-time. I knew different, so I left my house & took a bus to New York City from New Jersey. When I got to the place where they lived I warned them & to prove to them I was right,I told them who they where dealing w/ & all that stuff. But they didn't believe me. So they signed the paper's, I had thought if I couldn't stop that I could stop the lady from dieing & her twin's too & I went to the place that looked familiar in my dream. I waited forever, that's when it all started to happen the lady was w/ her 2 friend's & the gunman was 2 feet away from her he brought the gun up to her heart & fired. I ran from where I was standing & jumped infront of the lady.He ran away but the lady bent over me & looked at me in surprise, I remember saying,"That man has a...bad aim...he was...going to....shoot*deep breath*...............good luck w/ your twin's Mrs.Kingly. "She looked at me shocked & her friend's looked at her. I went unconiess for 2 day's,but when I woke up I found out that Mrs.Kingle hadn't known she was pregnet & she'd had a scan, finding out she was expecting twin's. I was in deep trouble w/ my parent's but when I went back to New Jersey the police came over & asked me a bunch of question's I told them the truth I'd seen it in a dream. They didn't trust me, but it didn't bother me. After that I didn't have any other dream's again.

"I'll do it," I said out loud hopping that voice would hear. 'But how I said in my mind??'I don't have ticket's. So I went on the net & found notin'. I knew exactly who to ask my friend Kara.:)

Costly Dreams: Chapter Two: Favor to Ask

"Kara I need your help,"I said as I got dressed. I had her on the phone.

"What's that Jus??"she asked.

"I know I said I'd never ask you for anything that came from your uncle, but this is a favor I need to ask cause it's kinda a life & death situation. So do you think you can get me a ticket to their New York, Madison Square Garden concert....please???" I begged.
"Damn, girl you have good timing.
"Why do you say that???"
"My uncle just gave me 2 ticket's to that show & I didn't know who to bring.I'll give you the ticket."
"We're staying in a hotel though so if you stay in the same one I'll give you them. It's the Temmin's Filler Hotel."
"I have some extra money & mom will let me go. Just tell your uncle that I'll be there."
"Ok buh bye."

I'd decided to get to the hotel in NY before Kara & her Uncle did. We had different room's. My room was big, it had a queen size bed, 2 table's at the sides of it, 1 long one at the end of the bed. There was a t.v, vcr, stero, snack bar, a bathroom in the next room attached to mine. It had a everything you could need it was great.

"Living in lusxery aren't we girl,"Kara said walking into my room.
"Oh yea,"I repiled standing up & gave her a quick hug.
"How are you doing???" She asked as she sat on the couch in the room.
I sat arcross from her in the other one. "Going crazy that's what I'm doing," I told her.
"They came back didn't they???" she asked.
I looked at her. "How do you know??"
"Cause I know you girl. You have that look in your eye's like your scared for someone & for yourself. I saw the same thing before you left for New York when you where 10. I still think that was gusty of you...& at 10!!"
"Yea I know & I was grounded for 3 straight month's. No field trips in school, notin at all."
"I remember that so much cause our basketball & tennis team sucked why you weren't there."
"I've told me that a thousand time's, girl, but the thing is..." I started.
"The thing is you have to do this & it's probably going to have a slight chance of costing you, your life, right??" she asked.
"Don't know. The only part of the dream I saw was the man, the guy's performing, & J.C getting shot. So I have to figure out how I'm going to stop this guy."
"How big is he??"
"Big, as in all muscle."
"You gotta be kiddin' me."
"Nope, if you think the Rock then you've got him."
"Uh oh."
"No, duh."
Kara ran to the door."Oh hi uncle."
"Hi Kara," her uncle said. He walked in when she opened the door all the way. "Hello,Justina."
"Hello,Mr.D," I repiled.
"Here's your ticket," he said & handed me it.
"A row seat 11 oh my gosh that's like 1 of the best seat's," I said.
"Yea. What are you 2 girl's doing before the concert???" he asked us.
"Ummm....probably go out shopping, then more shopping, eat, eat, & some other stuff," Kara said,smiling.
"Thought so, just make sure your back by 7:30 so you can make it to the concert. The limo will be waiting,ok," he said.
"Yup. Are you going to be there??"Kara asked,her uncle started to leave.
"No I'll already be at the arena helping the guy's w/ the concert,but I'll see you there," her uncle said leaving.
"Ok bye."
"Bu bye,Mr.D," I said.
"Good bye, little girl," he teased leaving.
"Ahhhhh,I hate that nick," I yelled. Kara smiled.
"Hey at least you don't have a silly one," she pointed out.
"Oh yea I know that, little punkine bear,"I teased.
"Your going to regreat that," she said coming after me. I ran out of her grasp & grabbed my side bag & ran out the door, her following me every step.

Chapter Three and Four

Email: Nikii the person who wrote this story!

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