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Costly Dreams: Chapter Three- Action

Kara & I sat in our seat's at the concert. The place was packed, I think they had more people then could fit in it. Everyone was wearing a green stick that glowed in the dark. So did Kara & I. Kara was wearing a light green tank top w/ a an open buttoned light blue one & a light green tied shirt. Her hair was up in a chinesse bun. I had a light blue tee,hippy kind on, w/ my light blue flear jeans that had the flower disign on the bottom of the pant's. The light's started to dim & it got dark & guess what, everyone started to scream their lung's off. I yelled over to Kara, "I never thought this concert was going to be painful." I rubbed my ear & she laughed I think.

The guy's came on stage & started to sing. There was an intermission so the guy's could do a quick change & they came back out. J.C stood in the middle of the stage & sang, "I see things he's done to you all the pain he's put you threw & I see what's really been going on stayin' out at the night while your by the phone." And started to dance w/ the guy's.

'Shot,I forgot,'I thought & I looked over past Kara & the other fan's just in time to see the glime of gun. I got out of my seat & ran past the guard's & jumped past the little fence they had. The guard's didn't notice me till I jumped the small gate & after that they couldn't reach me so they jumped it too. But when they caught up to me I was up on the stage running toward's J.C., I heard the gun go off. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed,J.C looked at me, as I came toward's. I couldn't push him so I stood infront of him like a sheild my back to the gun. The bullet entered my back, J.C. looked me in the eyes w/ confussion. Then he saw the terror enter my eye's as I started to fall to the ground infront of him. He caught me in time & felt my blood in my back.

"She's been shot," Justin said looking at me on the ground in J.C's arm's. The rest of the guy's came around me & J.C. ,the band stopped playing,& you could hear a man yelling, "No!!!"
I looked up at J.C & he asked. "How did you know???"
"You wouldn't.......believe me......if,"I told him gasping for breath. "You........just......don'"

He looked at Justin, Chris, Joey, & Lance,they where astonished. I couldn't tell, everything was getting blurry & going dark.

"J.C!!!" I yelled.
"I'm hear, I'm not going to leave," he said.
"I think this time he want's me," I told J.C.
I felt J.C pull me closer to him."Who??"
"You don't even think that.How old are you??" he asked.
"She's....18," Kara said crying, she looked at me.
"Who are you??" Justin asked.
"I'm here w/ her....her friend," Kara kept crying.
"Kara don't...cry," I said to her trying to keep my breath.
"I can' it...girly," she told me.
" can," I told her. "Hey....look f...finally....met...J.C Chasez." His arm's tigtned around me.
"She wanted to meet you J.C. She wrote a biography on you too for writing..." Kara started to cry.
Justin pulled her into a hug.
"Ka...ra...." then everything started to go more blurry. "I'm not scared."
"What's your name???"Joey asked.
" Justina," Kara told them.
I felt J.C's eye's leave me & go up to the guy's. I heard him whisper to them. "She wanted to meet me!!"
"Y...yes I did,J...." I felt myself drifting off.
"Justina hang on don't leave, Kara...."he started to say."Don't leave me."
I smiled."I'll....try." But then everything went black & I drifted off.

Costly Dreams: Chapter Four- Out of Mind Out of Body

"Where am I???" I asked, everything around me was like white floffy cloud's. No one answered. "WHERE AM I???"I yelled.
"No need to yell, Justina," came a voice.
I jumped & turned around."Who are you???"
"My name's Chasez."
"I had a first name on earth but I just use Chasez here,"he told me.
"Hold on....on Earth!!"I said.
"Yes your on the halfway point,Justina."
"You mean inbetween Earth & Heaven??"
"Yup.But closer to heaven that's why you can see me,"he said as a chair came up from behind him."Do sit,Justina."
A chair appeared behind my butt & I sat down."I can't be dead."
"You aren't not yet at least."
"Well I can't be that even."
"You are. You saved my grandson & I'm greatful to that. He has to much going for him on earth to come here just yet."
"But me I don't, do I." "Oh you do,Justina."
"Then why am I here."
"Because you need some talkin' to."
"Oh geesh not a lecture."
He smiled. "No not that. Come here & I'll show you." He took my hand, that's when I notice what I was wearing.
"So it's true that we wear white up here.It's just good I like this color or I'd become stubborn," I told him. I was wearin the same thing I was wearing at the concert. Just one thing it was white, total white.
"Well welcome to halfway heaven," Chasez said to me, smiling.
I looked at him. That smile it looked familiar. "J.C.Your his grandpa aren't you??"
"Didn't I say that a couple of minutes ago,"he teased.
"I'm slow what can I say."I smiled back at him.
He laughed."Look down there."
I looked, there was J.C. He was sitting next to my bed in the hospital. I looked deeper threw the cloud's but I couldn't see what he was holding.
"How long has he been my bed side???" I asked.
"It's been a week on earth."
"You mean that's how long I've been...."I started to say.
"Dead, no. Unconniess, yes. He's been there ever sense the first day. Your parent's visit everyday, but he's the one who stay's 24-7," Chasez told me.
"But why??"
"Because you saved his life & he's attached."

"Attached??"I looked back at J.C.
"As in friend's or sister & a brother kind of thing.You know how that is."
"Yea I do. Can I go down there??"
"Yes." The next thing I knew I was standing next to my body in the hospital bed. J.C. was on the other side. I looked to the side of me at my heart monitar. It didn't look good, it went beep........beep......beep............................ beep....beep....beep & so on.
"Oh god Justina don't go that long w/o breathing your going to drive me nut's," J.C said to me. I walked over to him & looked at him. "Ok confussion time, littly. I'm getting attached to you like I am to my own sister. How I don't know, cause the only word's I heard come out of you where when you where...d..." he wouldn't finish.
I yelled upward toward's heaven."Chasez, can I talk to him??"
He yelled down,"Yes. Just concintrate."
I thought really heard & put my hand on his that was on my bed."J.C??"
He looked up attonished & back up & out of the chair. "Oh god, Justina!!!" He looked at me w/ a little fear in his eyes.
"J.C don't be scared.It's only me."
"Yes but your supposed to be laying in that bed," he said pointing to my body. He saw that my body was still there. "Your...your dead!!!"
"No J.C I'm still breathing. See my monitar is still beeping."
"But...But...."he started to say.
"I know. I'll explain if you sit down."
"You first."
"Ummm...J.C I might not be totally dead. But I never said I wasn't intirely."
"Ok,"he said sitting down quickly.
"Ok here's the story. One night I was watching MTV you guy's came on & then all of a sudden I saw you & the guy's at the concert you where doing in Madsion Sqare Garden's & I saw a guy try to kill you & he did. So I had to stop that from happening & I did, that's why I'm here," I told him.
"But are you going to die??"
"I don't know. Your grandpa told me I was halfway there, to heaven I mean."
"Grandpa Chasez??"
"Yup. You know he's cool."
"Yea I know he is. He died when I was younger."
"I know.But anyway..."
"But anyway you can't die you said you'd fight & it's your promise."
"Time to come back, Justina," Chasez called down to me.
I looked up."J.C I have to go back. Their ccalling me." I looked at him.
"Justina fight please. Don't loose," he said to me as I turned around to the window. I turned back to him. "I'll try," I said walking out of the window.

I smiled "I've always wanted to do that" as I appeared back to Chasez.
"I know you have," he told me.
"You know this popping back & forth is getting easier you know,"I said to him.
"I know, I should,"he smiled. "But back to busniess. You have to choose."
"Choose what???"
"If you want to die or live," he told me.
"I have a choice??"
"But I thought he chose,"I said pointing more up.
"He give's some of us a chance to choose sometime's. Let's just say you'r lucky," he told me.
"Can I do what I did on Earth???"
"Yup but we don't have paper or pen's so you have to use our mind,"he told me.
"Ok. What good will come out if I stay??"I asked him.
"Well you get to eat anything you want whenever you want or you can go w/o food if you wish. You can also look at other people on earth, you can pretty much do anything up here, but 2 things,"he said.
"What??"I asked,looking at him.
He used his finger's to demionstrate."1-You can't do bad things but you knew that & 2-you can't talk to your family & friend's down on earth. Like your mom, dad, little sister's, the rest of your family, Kara, Shelby, Meagan, Beth, & all the rest of your friend's. Especially J.C," he told me.
"And staying on earth would be being able to see my friends & family. Having boyfriend, having children, gettin' married, having my carrer, going to college, seeing my grandchildren & if I get lucky my great-grandchildren, having fun w/ my friend's & family, enjoing music w/ them too, have love, help other's...there's more, but I think that I've pretty much decided." "What's that??"
"That I want to go back to earth,"I told him.
"Good choice."
"I just wish I could see R.,"I said. He was my little brother who had died from a diease that he had when he was 9year's old.
"Your wish is my command," Chasez said. 2 mintue's later we appeared at school. We walked in & there were kid's of all age's sitting & standing watching a little boy perform. Then I regonized that little boy.

"R!!!!"I said.
He looked up, his little blue/brown eyes beaming at me."Sissy!!!!" We ran for each other & I bent down & wrapped my arm's around him. We hugged for the longest time.

"Buddy I've missed you," I told him. "I know sissy, I watched over you. But why did you want to die??" he asked me.
"I don't want to bud. I'm a half-way," I told him.
"Oh, your going back???" he asked.
"Your full of question's, but yes I am. I have to."
"People still need you sissy I know. Plus I wanna see if your excutly going to name your kid's April & Austin," R smiled.
"I will don't worry & I see your still performing," I said changing the subject. He's alway's performed on stage & so have I. Before he'd died he'd done a season of the New Micky Mouse Club. He'd gotton a part in it. But the diease took over & he died. The show even dedicated the last show he did to him & had a foundation for his diease to they could find a cure for other kid's w/ it.
"Yes of course, sissy. I alway's will & I know you will alway's too, right??"
"Justina time to go back. My grandson is getting inpatincet," Chasez told me.
I looked at R. "Good bye sissy, I'll alway's be here watching you," he said, hugging me again.
"And I'll be back when I'm old & gray. I just hope you regonize me & don't forget if somehow you can tape all your performace's so I have something to do for an etrinity," I said to him. I kissed him on the cheek.
"I will, bye's sissy."
"Bu bye's R." I turned around & left w/ Chasez behind me.

We went to the same place I had come threw, even though there was nothing there.
"Good bye, Mr.Chasez," I said to him giving him a hug.
"Good bye Justina," he repiled. "Say hi to J.C for me."
"I will."I turned around from him & started to walk off toward's a blue light.
"One more thing,"Chasez called from where he stood.
"Yes??,"I said looking over my shoulder.
"Call me Chasez."
I smiled."I won't forget when I get back."
"You better not,"he joked.
I went back to following the blue light.

Chapter Five

Email: Nikii the person who wrote this story!

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