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Costly Dreams: Chapter Three- Action

I'd woken up another week after I had that encounter w/ Chasez. J.C. still remembered too, when I had woken up he was still there, he had been singing, 'This I Promise You' to me. One of my favorite songs. And now I'm sitting here on a plane w/ J.C. to go to Florida. Where Justin,Joey,Chris,& Lance are.

'The guys' had invited me to come down & visit when I was well enough & I wasn't about to pass it up, 'I wrote in my journal.


"Hello Justina," Joey said, as J.C. & I walked into the studio room.
"Hi Joey," I said back. He stood up & gave me a hug.
"I want a hug," Justin pretended. He put a sad face on.
"Not until I'm done, Curly," Chris said. He leaned in & gave me a hug. "Hi I'm Chris by the way."
"Hi Chris,"I said.
"My turn,"Justin sprang up.
"Nope," Lance teased & hugged me. "Hello, I'm Lance."
"Hello,"I repiled.
"Ok sense there is no one else in this room who hasn't hugged, Justina can I give her a hug now??" Justin asked sacrasically. He looked from J.C to Lance to Chris then to Joey.
"How about this," I said. I walked over to him & gave him a hug. "Hi, Justin."
"Hi Justina," he said, smiling. "See someone want's to hug me." He acted like a baby.
"Cause she feel's sorry for you, man," Joey teased.
"Your going to get that when you don't expect it man," Justin told him.
"We'll see man," Joey said. "Ok I want to know how long, Justina is staying on w/ us & if she'll come on our next tour??"
"Your asking me to come on tour w/ you??" I said astonished.
"No we're all asking," J.C. said coming up behind her. "Will you??"
"Yea will you come on tour w/ us??" Chris asked.
"Will ya??"Justin said.
"Please???!!"Lance begged, smiling.
I laughed,"You bet."
"Yuppee," Justin said, jumping in the air.
"I can't wait, a long tour w/ 5 hyper guy's....oh boy what have I gotton myself into," I said, looking around at the guy's w/ a big grin. "I know what I'll do."


What Come's Out in the End The Sequal to Costly Dreams

Back to Chapter Three and Four

Email: Nikii the person who wrote this story!

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