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What Comes Out in the End: Chapter One- Oh Boy!

"Where is Justina we need her??"J.C yelled from the tour bus door's.

"Better yet where is Justin??"Chris yelled from the back of the bus.

"I bet you $10's those two are probley doing their thing inside,"Joey betted.He was standing right behind J.C on the step's.

"Ever sense Justina saved your butt,J.C,Justina & Justin have gotton close,"Melinda said,she was sitting down typing on her lap top.

"I'm just scared how close that closness is,"J.C whispered.He & Joey stepped outside of the bus.


Justin & Justina came running out of the house w/ their bag's in hand laughing.They stoped infront of J.C & Joey.

"You called us,Dad's,"Justin kidded around,standing infront of Joey.

"Yes we did,what where you two up too??"J.C asked.

"I bet they where making out,dad,"Chris told them,acting like a tatal tall brother.

"Oh yea we were making out,Chris,"Justina kidded she put her bag's in the compartment & ran inside.

"Ha ha they even admit to it,"Chris laughed.

"Oh your going to get it,Chris,"everyone heard Justina say.

Justin put his things in the compartment & joined Joey & J.C on the bus.

"Justina's killin' Chris back here,you might want to give the dude a little help,"Melinda yelled from the back.

"Say it Chris,Say it,"Justina said,she was hanging from Chris's neck,but he was hunched over.

"Ok ok you wheren't makin' out.You were acting like sweet angel's,"Chris repiled.

"Not quiet but close enough,"Justina said smiling.As the guy's came to the back & sat down.

"Where the heck did you learn that move??"Chris asked,sitting next to Melinda.

Joey sat down next to Justina,"That's my girl,"he said.

"Oh so that's the deal.You learn moves from him & do his dirty work I see,"Chris repiled.

"Yup,"Joey said,he had a big grin on his face.

"Not quiet,Mr,"Justina said.

"Is everyone here that's supposed to be here???"Johnny asked.

"YES!!!"everyone in the back & in the bunk's yelled.

"Then here we go,"he yelled back.

Justina looked around her at all the guy's,"Should I be scared now???"she asked Melinda.

Melinda looked up,"W/ these guy's around you???"she asked.

Justina nodded.

"Hell ya girl,"Melinda repiled returning to her work.

"Oh boy,me in trouble,"Justina said.

"Hell ya,pill on Justina,"Justin yelled.Justina tried to run,but all the guy's tackled her in one pile.

Chapter Two

Email: Nikii the person who wrote this story!

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