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What Comes Out in the End: Chapter Two-What Normality???

It was 11:30 at night,everyone was sleeping in their bunk's.So was Justina,but something else was happening to her.............

***Enter Dream***

"Justina,I love you,"the stranger said,he stared down at her.

"I love you too,"Justina said,then she looked up.'Oh where am I??'she asked herself.She looked up at the stranger,his face was covered behind a fog.She moved her head to try to look at him & he took no notice.He wrapped his arm's around her waist & hugged her.Justina felt so great in his arm's like he was the one.She flet his muscle's & she could tell how tall he was.He was a lot taller then her.

Justina looked over his shoulder,a figure came closer to her & the stranger.She couldn't see him that well,all she saw was that he was skinny,tall,had muscle's & he was white from his hand's.His hand Justina's eye's darted too,he was holding a gun....a 9 milimeter one.The man started to raise it,she felt him smile & heard him say,"Adios Timberlake."He fired the gun,but before she could do anything she could fell the stranger's arm's pull tighter around her as the bullet went into his back.He pulled away from her & fell to the ground.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha,"the man laughed & walked away.

Justina looked down at the stranger & fell next to him & strated to cry."Nooooo!!!!Oh god noooo!!!!"she screamed.Her hand's covered her face as she cryed.

***Outside of Dream***

"NOOO!!!!OH GOD NOOOOO!!!!!"Justina screamed.Her scream woke J.C & Justin up.

J.C stird in his bunk till he heard the scream again & opened his bunk certain & found Justin looking out of his."Man,what is that???"he asked.

"I have no idea,someone might be having a bad dream,"Justin whispered back.His bunk was across from J.C's.

"This is the stuf part trying to figure out who's screamin' so we can go back to bed & there's so many people in this bus,"J.C told him.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"Justina screamed again.

"That's not a guy scream,it's a girl & I know who's,"Justin said,jumpin' from his bed.

"Justina,that's who,"J.C repiled jumping from his two.They walked over to Justina's bunk & pulled her certain to see her.Her face was filled w/ sweat & she was toshing & turning uncontrobly.

J.C bent down & shook Justina a little sayin',"Come on baby girl wake up.It's just a nightmare."

She still didn't wake up,but she screamed again.She thought J.C shaking her was the man behind her in her dream,"Noooo don't kill me please."

J.C & Justin looked at each other.

"She's dreamin' someone's killin' her,man,"Justin said.

"I'm now definitly waking her up,"J.C told him.He shook her just a little harder."Come on baby girl time to wake up.Your just havin' a nightmare."

It took a little while but Justina finally woke up.But she didn't wake up that well,she shot up in the air,bumping her head on the bunk top & her forhead bursied up a lot.

"Shit,"Justin said.He looked at her forhead.

"Man,get her some ice,"J.C told him.Justin walked into the kitchen part & came back w/ the ice.

"Here,man,"Justin told him giving J.C the ice.

"Here you go Justina,"J.C said placing the ice on her forhead.

"Ouch,"she said,holding it to her forhead.

"You ok now??"Justin asked.

"I have a headache & I'm a little tired but I'm ok,"she told them.

"I don't think you should go back to sleep,just incase if you know what I mean,"J.C told her."I'll go tell the driver to take us to the nearest hospital or clinic to get you checked out ok.No butt's baby girl."He got up & walked to the bus driver.

Justin looked up as J.C walked away from them."Are you really ok???"he asked her w/ a look of conserine on his face.

Justina looked up at him & she knew she wouldn't be able to hide anything from him.He'd know in a spilt second."I just had a scary dream that's it,"she said.

He gave her a look w/ his eye's."That isn't all Justina.I know you better then J.C,you can tell me.What's really up???"he asked.

She looked away from him at the other side of her bunk."You would never believe me,"she told him

"Try me,"he said.

She looked back him,"Remember when I got shot saving J.C??"she asked.

"Yes,J.C wouldn' come back on tour till he knew you where alright,"Justin told her.He pulled himself up onto her bed & sat on it.

"J.C was supposed to die that day,"she started.

"WHAT???!!!"Justin gasped.

"Yea,but a couple night's before that concert I had a dream that he was going to get shot...."she said.

"And you came to save him,"Justin finished.

"Yea,I was scared out of my mind like last time but I did it anyway,"Justina told him.

"Last time???"he questioned.

"When I was 10.I saw in a dream that a couple was going to get cheated out of their money & 1 of them,the wife was going to get shot.She was pregnet w/ twin's,but the thing is she didn't know she was pregnet,expessionally w/ twin's.I tried to stop them from loosing their money,but it didn't work,but I did the next best thing....."Justina started again.

"You went out & saved the lady & the twin's,what happened???"he asked.

"I got shot in the chest.She was supposed to get shot in the stomach,but at the time my chest reached to her stomach so I was shot there,"she repiled.

"Where???"he asked again.She took his hand & put it right under her chin,but a tiny bit lower(not that low....ewwww...that doesn't happen yet :P),passed the neck.

"There,"she showed him.

"Is that bump from it??"he asked.

"Yea,it left a scare you can't see it,but you can feel it."

"Eeesh,we never thought...I never thought...."

"That I was a freek,"she finished for him,at least she thought.

Justin's face shot up & locked eye's w/ her's."No!!!!Gifted,some of us don't believe in what you have,but your not a freak,Justina,"he told her.Her brought his hand up toward's the side of her face & rubbed gently.Justina leaned into his hand.Justin looked at her,he started to feel something he never felt for someone else before,he moved closer toward's her,as she lifted her chin a little,they got closer & closer.Their lips that where filled w/ passion for each other,where so close.....

"Ok he's we're going to be headed to the neartest clinic,in 10 mintute's top's,"J.C said coming closer.Justin & Justina quickly moved away from each other,as J.C stood infront of them."How do you feel,baby girl???"

Justina looked up at Justin,his face at his hand's.Then she looked at J.C,"I'm still a little tired & the headache's getting bigger,"she said.

"Your not going to sleep so don't even think about it,baby girl,"J.C told her."Justin why don't you get some shut eye,I'll watch over Justina till we get to the clinic.I'll wake ya up when we get there."

"Ok,"he said quickly,jumping from the bunk.J.C turned toward's Justina checking the bump on her head.After Justin reached his bunk he looked back at Justina's head still a little out of the bunk,'I can't be falling in love w/ Justina,'he said to himself.He turned back & climbed into his bunk.'I am.'


J.C & Justina came back on the bus,after going to the clinic that the bus was parked infront of.J.C was helping her climb the stair's.

"J.C I can climb them,I sware,"Justina pleaded w/ him.

"I'm just making sure,"he told her. Justina got to the top of the bus stair's & looked up,"Look who's up at,"she started to say,looking at her watch,"at 6:45am when they don't have to be."

There sitting in the chair's were all very tired men & 1 tired Melinda.Most of the guy's where either in their boxer's or short's & a tee-shirt.Melinda was wearing kind of the same thing Justina was still wearing.Long PJ pant's & a speggedy strap shirt.Well Justina was wearing her sweat jacked over it,but it came off as soon as she sat down.

"Hey girl,you ok???"Melinda asked,Justina had settin' right across from her.

"I'm fine,the doctor said I have a mild consion,"she said,enthising on mild & looking at J.C at the same time.She turned back to Melinda though.

"That's good,"she said.

"But the doctor said to keep it easy anyway,"J.C put in.

"And J.C's *yawn* going to make sure of that,"Joey said.He was still a lot tired.

"Yup,"J.C repiled.

"How's our dear old girl doin'???"Chris asked,walking in.He had Lance & Justin right behind him.

"Who told by the way???"Justina asked,looking up from J.C to Justin.Everyone looked at Justin."Ok."

"The doctor say's she has a consusion & for her to take it easy for a well,"J.C told everyone.

"A Mild consuison,"she emthinised again.

A couple of the guy's laughed.

"What it is???"Justina told them,she looked inconnent.

"We know,but we're laughing cause it's funny.You guy's alway's act like a brother & sister gettin' in fight's,"one of them said.

"Yea,you get used to it though,"Justina told him

Chapter Three

Back to Chapter One

Email: Nikii the person who wrote this story!

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