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What Comes Out in the End: Chapter Three- 'God must have spent a little more time on you............'

A week later the guy's arrived at their 9th stop for their next concert in Tennessee.In Justin's hometown, Memphis.His dad,step-mom,& brother's where out visiting relitive's so Justin had little to do.

"What are you going to do man???"Joey asked,they where in the green room.Joey was laying on the couch.

"I have no idea,no one's home to go visit so I can't do that,man,"Justin told him.

"Go play basketball w/ Justina.I heard J.C's finally letting her walk w/o help,"Joey told him.

"Yea he is,she was just helping me w/ some of my dance move's I wasn't gettin',"Lance said,walking in.He was carrying a water bottle & a towl.

"Is she really up to it though???"Justin asked.He was remembering that night when she bumped her head,they had almost kissed.He remember the passion he was feeling at the time too.

"Oh trust me she's up too it,"Lance started to say."Up for what??"

"Basketball w/ Curly here,"Joey told him.

"Yea,man she's ready,"Lance told him.Lance walked around to one side of the couch Joey was laying on & grabbed a basketball that was there,he tossed it to Justin."Go play bball w/ her,man."

Justin caught the ball & looked at it."Ok,I'll see ya later,"he said turning to leave.He walked all the way to the stage where Justina was sitting at the end of the stage w/ her leg's tangling."Hey Jus,"he said.

She looked up,"Hi Justin,"she repiled.

He tossd the ball up in the air a couple of time's."Wanna go play bball???"he asked.

"Sure,finally,"She said getting up.

"What???"he asked.

"I've been waiting to play.It's 1 of my fav's,"she told him.

"It is.I didnt' know that.Something new I learned,"he said.

"And your gonna learn something else too,"she said smiling.


"And Justina make's another basket,to untie the game,"Justina said making a dunk.

Justin smiled at her."We'll see about that."He tossed the ball back & forth to her till he got the ball.He dribbled around till she got the ball from him.She dribbled around w/ it,till Justin toppled onto her.

Justina turned around under Justin's body,the basketball sepreted them.Justin looked down at Justina,he looked over her body.She was wearing one of his jersey's & her tight blue short's,her hair was up in a pony tail & she was sweating only slightly.Then he looked her eye's & that's when he felt the feeling's for again,he couldn't help it.He brought his hand up toward's the side of face & brought the extra shorter hair's behind her ear.Justin looked down at her chin,nose,& then the rest of her face till he came back to her eye's.Finally Justin leaned down toward's Justina,he got closer & closer to her soft red lip's.His lip's softly toched her's & they kissed each other softly & passionatly.

Justina let the basketball that seperated them fall out of her hand's & out from beneath them & Justin's body came closer to her's.Justin rapped one arm around her waist & pulled her onto him a little as he fall down to his side,still kissing her.His hand's romande her back softly.Their kisses got deeper & more passionate & more passionate.But that's when they stopped.When they stopped they still looked deeply into each other's eye's,Justin's hand's still romaded her back,& his other arm still held her.

"Justina we have to talk,"he told her,taking his free hand & putting the other extra hair she had behind her ear again."Cause I think I'm falling in love w/ you."

Justina looked him in the eye's,"I'm falling in love w/ you too,Justin."He looked at her in the eye's looking for hopefully what he wanted & he found it.The love she said she had for him,he found it in her twinkle.He brought her head closer to his & placed his lip's ontop of her's again.Kissing only a little harder & a lot more passion.When they pulled apart,he said."No....I am in love you."

Justina smiled,shly.They decided to stand up,so Justina got off from laying on him & Justin got up & pulled her w/ him.He wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked.They stopped about a mile from where the court was & Justin turned to her."Justina,I love you." & pulled her into a hug.

"I love you too,"she told him.Then her dream came back......

***Enter dream***

"Justina,I love you,"the stranger said & pulled her into a hug.

"I love you too,"she said & she hugged him back.She pulled away though & looked up at his face.Then she gasped,the fog that was covering his face slowly started to fade.Behind it was Justin's face.But Justin pulled her into his arm's again & Justina looked over his shoulder's.The man appread again,he brought up the 9milimeter gun & she felt him smile,"Adios Timberlake."And he fired......

***Out of dream****

Justina looked over Justin's shoulder's,there wasn't a man.She shid a little.Then she looked up again,there he was.He was wearing a navy blue shirt,w/ green army pant's.His face was hidden behind a wool mask,he pulled up the gun in his hand & pulled the trigger.

"Noooo Justin!!!!"Justina screamed.She pulled herself out of his arm's & stepped behind him covering his back.When Justin turned around he saw Justina clasp to the ground.

"No!!!!!"he yelled,he fell to the ground on his knee's next to Justina.Justin looked up as the man came closer.Justin looked down where the gun was pointed,then looked up.

"Adios Timberlake,"the man said & he fired.

Back to Chapter Two

Email: Nikii the person who wrote this story!

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