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Love Is Blind: Chapter 1

Sarah was in her room getting ready for her best friend, Kelly’s, party. She looked in the mirror with satisfaction. Sarah was wearing a blue, slinky, 3-quarter sleeve top and black pants.

The day before Kelly had mentioned something about a guy she wanted Sarah to meet at the party.


“Sarah I found you the perfect guy!” Kelly said excitedly into the phone.

“Oh no, Kelly how many times do I have to tell you that you don’t have to set me up with anyone anymore? I’m 22! I think I would be able to find guys on my own.” Sarah replied.

“Please just trust me this time! I promise you’ll like him. He’s 5’11”, he has the most gorgeous blue eyes, he has dark brown hair, and he sings!”

“He sings?” Sarah asked questioningly.

“Yes! He sings! Oh and you should hear him! His voice is amazing!”

“Does his excellency have a name?”

“His name is JC.”

“You are trying to hook me up with some guy that has initials as his name?!” Sarah exclaimed.

“Yeah! Why? What’s wrong with initials?” Kelly asked.

“It just sounds a little kidy-ish, don’t you think?”

“Come on Sarah, just give him a try. Ok?”

“Give me a really good reason why I should trust you again.”

“Ok I know that some of the guys I’ve hooked you up with in the past weren’t so great, but this guy is different.” Kelly said pleading.

“Some of the guys? Ugh! I can’t believe I’m going to go through with this. Fine Kelly I will meet this guy.”

“Thank you so much!!! I promise you won’t regret it! Well I better get going. See you tomorrow, Bye.” “Bye” Sarah said hanging up the phone.

End Flashback

Sarah got into her silver Ford Escort and drove to the party.

At the party

Sarah knocked on the door and was greeted by Kelly’s huge angelic smile.

“Are you ready to meet JC?”

“Not really.”

“Great come on.” Kelly said pulling Sarah into the house.

They were walking around and then Sarah halted.

“What?” Kelly asked.

“I have to go to the bathroom.”

“Ok sure but get back down here quick! I want you to meet him.”

“Don’t worry I will!” Sarah said and went on her way to the bathroom.

Sarah stopped a couple times to talk to some people that she knew. She had just finished talking with her friend Ted when she turned around and someone slammed in to her. She looked down at her top and saw wine all over.

She looked up to meet the person’s gaze. “Oh my God! I can’t believe this! My shirt is ruined!”

“I.. I.. I’m really sorry.” The guy said.

“You should be!” Sarah said scolding him.

“Look lady it was your fault! If you were paying attention to where you were turning then this wouldn’t have happened!”

“How dare you blame this on me!”

Kelly saw the commotion and ran over to where it was.

“JC! Sarah! You two met!” Kelly commented trying to make light of the situation.

“What?” Both JC and Sarah said at the same time.

“Sarah this is JC, JC this is Sarah.”

Sarah instantly turned to Kelly. “I can’t believe I trusted you again! How could you hook me up with such a klutz?!”

“Excuse me? I’m a klutz? You were the one who bumped into me!” JC said defending himself.

“Whatever! Sorry Kell, but I’ve gotta go.” Sarah said hugging her friend and leaving.

“I think I should be going too.” JC said.

“Ok bye. Sorry things didn’t work out.” Kelly said solemnly.


The next day Sarah went to Starbucks with Kelly.

“I can’t believe what happened last night.” Kelly said.

“I swear Kelly, I’m never ever letting you try to hook me up again!” Sarah remarked.

“I’m really sorry Sar. I thought for sure you guys would hit it off really well. If it wasn’t for the way you acted you guys probably would have hit it off.”

“For the way I acted? What are you talking about? He is the one that bumped into me!” Sarah said surprised.

“Whatever, I’m not going to get into an argument over it.”

“Ok your right.”

Just as the two girls left the Starbucks, they bumped into JC.

“Speak of the Devil!” Sarah said under her breath.

“Hi, JC.” Kelly said perky.

“Hey.” JC replied giving Kelly a hug.

“So what are you doing here?” Kelly asked.

“Oh just shopping for a present.”

“Who is it for? We might be able to help.” Kelly replied smiling deviously.

“It’s for Justin’s mom, Lynn.”

“Who’s Justin your bisexual lover?” Sarah said to herself a little to loud.

“My bisexual lover? That’s real mature!” JC said remarking her.

“Oh did I say that out loud? I’m sorry.” Sarah replied sarcastically.

“JC I think its time that we get going. Good luck on your gift.” Kelly said pulling Sarah away.

“Let go of me!” Sarah protested.

In the car Kelly was lecturing Sarah.

“Why did you say that about JC? Are you eight? I can’t believe you Sarah!! You have been acting so weird! What is your problem? Are you on your period or something? Answer me!!” Kelly yelled.

“I didn’t mean to say it out loud! My problem is JC!! No I’m not pms-ing !”

“You don’t mean to say things like that out loud!”

“Ok so I said it out loud on purpose. It’s over so don’t worry about it. I promise you that it’s me that he doesn’t like not you!”

“I can honestly say that, that isn’t what I’m worried about!” Kelly said and stopped the car in front of Sarah’s building.

“Whatever, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Bye.” Sarah ended her sentence and got out fo the car and walked into her building.

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