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Love Is Blind: Chapter 2

Sarah was at the grocery store picking some things she needed for the week. She was walking down the magazine aisle when something caught her eye. She bent down to pick it up right when someone bumped right into her. After falling hard on her ass she looked up to see a stranger holding his hand down to help her up.

“I’m really sorry Sarah.” The man said to her.

“How did you know my name?” Sarah asked trying to figure out which one of her friends he resembled.

“Oh! Sorry you probably don’t recognize me.”

“Am I supposed to?”

The man titled his sunglasses revealing his blue eyes.

“JC?” Sarah screamed out. “Could you have said that any louder?” JC asked sarcastically.

“Well if you really want me to.” Sarah replied.

“Like I said before, I’m sorry. Now if you don’t mind I have to go about my shopping.”

“What the hell are you hiding from?” Sarah asked rudely.

“Like you don’t know.”

“Obviously I don’t!”

“You seriously don’t know?” JC said surprised.

“Don’t you think I would have said something if I did?” Sarah said pointing out the obvious.

“I don’t want anybody to see me that’s all. Things can get a little crazy when I go out in public un-disguised.”

“Um, yeah, ok, I got to go. Bye!” Sarah said walking away.

“I don’t think I’ve ever met someone so rude in my life!” JC said under his breath.

When Sarah got home she sat down and went through her mail. She came across a letter from her work office. She slowly opened it.

Here is what it said:

Dear Miss Jennings,

We are very sorry to inform you that your contract has run out of date. We request that you come into the office at no further notice. A meeting has been scheduled on the 21st of January, at 3 ‘o clock pm. We will then go over another contract for you. Thank you for your time.

Director of operations
Henry Fickle
Henry Fickle


Sarah starred over the letter a couple more times before the whole concept set in. She put down the mail and dialed her office number as quickly as possible.

“Cartel Fashion Agency, how may I help you?”

“Could you please transfer my call to Mr. Henry Fickle?” Sarah asked.

“One moment please.”


Sarah was impatiently waiting while the office music played in the background. * What the hell is taking so long? * Sarah thought to herself.

“Mr. Fickle is in a meeting may I take a message?”

“Do you know when he’ll be out?” Sarah asked nervously.

“No I don’t. Is it important?”

“Yes, very!!”

“Please hold.”


Sarah sat there for about 15 minutes till finally a male voice came on the phone.

“This is Mr. Fickle how may I help you?”

“Mr. Fickle it’s Sarah Jennings.”

“Oh!! Yes Sarah, what can I do for you?”

“I don’t understand how my contract could run out of date. If I remember correctly it didn’t have a date when it would expire.”

“Yes, we know. It was our polite way of saying you’re fired.”

“I’m fired? Why?” Sarah asked confused.

“We are having some financial problems.” Mr. Fickle said.

“Well do I get a months worth of pay like it says in my contract?”

“Yes of course it’ll be coming to you soon.”

“Ok thank you for your time.”

“Oh of course! Be sure to come to that meeting though.”

“Uh huh.”

“Bye now.” Mr. Fickle said very cheery

Sarah hung up the phone and continued to look through her mail.


The next day she woke up and went online to look for job ads. She came across one that look quite interesting.

It said that they were looking for a fashion coordinator, and that was exactly what Sarah was. The qualities they were looking for were, likes to travel, gets along with men, and loves music.

When Sarah read the ad she almost fell out of her chair with excitement. It was like a dream job for her. She wrote down the number and immediately called it.

“Jive Records, Lucinda speaking, how may I help you?” The secretary asked.

“Hi, I’m calling about the fashion coordinator job offer.”

“Oh yes, May I take your name?”

“Sarah Jennings, S-a-r-a-h J-e-n-n-i-n-g-s.” Sarah said spelling it out.

“Miss or Mrs.?”


“Ok, Miss Jennings let me transfer your call.”

“Thank you.” Sarah said excitedly.


“Ms. Jennings, I hear you are interested in our job offer.”

“Yes I am.”

“Great! My name is Garry Sullivan; I’m the head of Jive records. I run everything here.”

“Well it’s great to talk to you Mr. Sullivan.” Sarah said.

“Why don’t I send you back to Lucinda and we’ll schedule a face to face meeting.”

“That would be wonderful! Thank you so much Mr. Sullivan.” Sarah said gratefully.

“It’s no problem at all, and please call me Garry, everyone else does.” Garry said.

“I’ll remember that. Bye.”


When Sarah hung up the phone she was the most excited she had been in the longest time.

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