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Love Is Blind: Chapter 13

"I'm bbbaaaaaacccckkk!" Sarah said as she burst in through the front door of Justin's house. All the guys looked at her like she was crazy. "Ok these are the movies I was told to pick up, the Matrix, Huricane, and Instinct. Did I do good?" Sarah asked as she walked into the living room.

"Yes you did very good!" Justin said giving Sarah a hug and a small kiss on the cheek, while grabbing the tapes from her grasp.

JC saw and his eyes widened and he could feel the jealousy build up inside of him. How could Justin kiss her like that and it be nothing? JC wondered. Ok JC calm down! You can't let little things like that get to you. She doesn't like Justin like that, he's too young for her. There is no possible way. They are simply good friends.

Justin popped in the Matrix and sat down next to Chris where he was before. Sarah had sat down next Lance on the love seat, while JC was in the big chair and Joey was on the couch with Justin and Chris. The movie started a couple minutes later.

As much as JC loved this movie the only thing on his mind was Sarah. He kept glancing over to where she was all cozy with Lance. Once in awhile Sarah would glance over to the other guys and everytime she glanced over to JC she noticed him move his eyes back to the television. Finally JC just couldn't take it anymore inside.

He jumped out of his seat and ran up the stairs with anger in his eyes. Sarah noticed and decided to go check what was wrong with him. She slowly and quietly walked up the stairs and softly knocked on his door.

"Who is it?" JC asked and an unfriendly tone.

"It's Sarah can I come in?" Sarah asked softly.

"What do you want?" JC replied rudely.

"Look JC if you don't want to let me in fine but you don't have to be so rude about it! I came up here to see if you were ok! Obviously you're fine in some cracked out way, so I'll just go back down and finish watching the movie. It's your choice! Did you want to talk about what's bugging you or should I just go back down?" Sarah snapped back.

"Just go back down." JC responded.

"Fine I will. But I'm thinking I should never come back up. I thought we were cool with each other now but I guess I thought wrong." Sarah said as she walked back down and sat next to Lance with anger on her face.

After Sarah left JC called out quietly,"Wait, come back." but it was too late, she was already upset and down stairs.


The next day at work Sarah was in her office installing some fashion software when someone knocked on her door.

"Come on in, it's open" She answered.

When JC walked in Sarah glanced up and then focused back on the computer. "Look Sarah, I'm really sorry I got mad at you last night. I was extremely distracted by my thoughts and I really didn't mean to take it out on you. Actually there is this big music ball coming up soon and I was wondering if you would go with me so I could make it up to you.

Sarah looked at him with a bright gleam in her eyes when the words came out of his mouth. She starred up at him and answered,"Let me think about it..."

"Oh...alright...sure...get back to me tomorrow?" He responded.

"Yeah of course." Sarah replied. She wanted so badly to say yes but she had to think it over first and she had to consult her therapist, Lance Bass.

Sarah got home and called up Lance. She told him what happened and he was really happy for her. She complained to him and asked him what to say. Of course Lance thought she as crazy for not saying yes in the first place but then again he realized it was Sarah he was dealing with and she can never make up her mind on her own. So he told her to say yes and not to worry about what will happen. He also reminded her that he was going to be there too. She took that into consideration and it was reassurring to Sarah that Lance would be there. She got off the phone with him and decided to go online. Once online she went and checked her budy list sure enough that Freaky Deaky guy was on.

Freakydeaky: Hey there!
Sarahbear2177: Oh hi nice to talk to you again
Freakydeaky: Yeah so how have you been?
Sarahbear2177: I've been good you?
Freakydeaky: uhh ok I guess...
Sarahbear2177: oh? what's wrong?
Freakydeaky: Nothing I'm just waiting for this girl I like to answer me.
Sarahbear2177:answer you? What did you ask her?
Freakydeaky: Well I asked her out and I'm waiting for her answer
Sarahbear2177: I'm sure she'll say yes you seem like a pretty nice guy
Freakydeaky: really? thanks that's really nice of you to say.
Sarahbear2177: your welcome no prob. Well I gtg talk to you soon bye.

Sarah shut off her computer and went down stairs to get her mail. She opened up her mail box and got out all her tons of letters. As she looked through it on her way back to her apartment she came across a letter with no return address. She got inside and opened it up here is what it said all nicely typed.

Dearest Sarah,

Roses are red, violets are blue.
Everyday I wake up and think of you.
Hard as rock, dry as wheat.
You're the last thing I think of when I go to sleep.

I wish I could tell you who I am but it has to remain a secret till you meet me at the coffee shop around the corner from your place. I guess you could say we've known each other for awhile. Don't start worrying like you usually do you'll be happy to see me. I've just missed you a lot and I'm back. Now we can be together again.

P.S. 5:00 pm on Wednesday. (hopefully you'll get this by then)

Sarah closed the letter and looked down at her watch it was 4:30 she had a half hour to get ready. She had a good idea of who it was and she got excited about it. She hadn't seen him in so long. Sarah walked into her room and opened her closet first she tried on a blue dress and looked in the mirror. No too fancy, she thought. Then she put on a pair of dark denim jeans and a white top with a dark denim jean jacket over. She pulled her hair up and put on a little lip gloss and mascara. She slipped her black boots on and grabbed her purse. She flew down the stairs and began to walk to the coffee shop. Just incase it wasn't who she thought it was she had her pepper spray in hand.

As she walked into she coffee shop she slowly looked around but didn't recognize anyone. She sat down at a table and ordered a mocha latte. A couple minutes later she was drinking her latte and looking around for anyone familiar. She looked down at her watch and it read 5:10. She looked up and there he was.

"Patrick!" Sarah yelled as she jumped up and hugged her recent ex boyfriend. It was exactly the person she expected it to be.

"Oh Sarah! You got my letter! I've missed you so much. Let me look at you... You look even more beautiful than I remember." Patrick said as he gave her a hug and a kiss on the lips.

"I can't believe you came back! No luck in New York?" Sarah asked.

"Nope I guess being a writer just isn't the job for me," Patrick answered. "How is the fashion business?"

"It's great! I got fired at Cartel but then I landed this great job as the fashion coordinator at Jive records for the band *Nsync. It's great. The guys are so nice." Sarah exclaimed.

"*Nsync? Wow! That sounds wonderful. I heard what happen to JC on Mtv news. With his surgery and everything how is he?" Patrick asked as they sat down.

"Oh he's doing much better. He can walk again but he is on crutches at the moment." Sarah said.

"Oh Sarah I've missed you so much. I wanted to call you but I was so poor there in New York I couldn't even afford a phone." Patrick explained, "Plus I thought surprising you would be better. I didn't freak you out with the letter did I?" He asked.

"Well at first yeah but then you said not to worry and I knew it had to be you." Sarah exclaimed.


"So are you back for good?" Sarah asked.

"Yep I sure am. I'm just looking for a place to stay now." Patrick said.

"Well I still that pull out couch if you want to stay with me until you find a place of your own." Sarah offered.

"Really? That would be great! Are you sure? I wouldn't want to invade your privacy with all the guys you bring home." Patrick responded.

"Oh no guys. Not since you left atleast." Sarah said.

"I would have for sure thought you'd be dating one of the *Nsync boys by now." Patrick laughed.

"Nope. How 'bout we walk over to my place now?" Sarah asked.

"Sure, sounds good."

As they were walking back to Sarah's apartment Patrick took her hand and she smiled up at him. Patrick was a very handsome guy. He was about 6'2" with light brown hair, green eyes, light tan skin, and a nice build. Sarah and Patrick went out for about a year and then he left for New York to become a writer and they broke up. He was gone for 6 months and now is back. They got inside her apartment and Sarah checked her messages.

"Message 1" The machine said. "Hey Sar it's me Kelly. You'll never guess who's back in town! Patrick! He told me not to tell you but oh well. Maybe you guys could get back together? Well give me a call back bye."

Sarah blushed at that last remark Kelly had said.

"Message 2" "Hey Sarah it's Lance just wanted to check up on you to see how you were doin. The guys wanted me to ask you if you were doing anything tonight and if you weren't, to ask if you wanted to come over again. Oh yeah did you figure out what to say to JC? Call me later bye." "End of Messages"

Patrick looked at her suspiciously,"No *Nsync guys huh?" Patrick asked curiously.

"Boy do I have a lot to tell you. Come here and sit down so I can tell you everything." Sarah said as she patted the space next to her.

"Ok but is this a long story or a short one?" Patrick asked sitting down.

"Medium. Ok so it started like a week before I got fired. Kelly had this little party and was trying to hook me up with JC. Well when I met the guy he spilled wine all over that blue top you bought me for our anniversary. So it was a bad start. The funny thing was the next week I started working with him. I didn't know that he was in *Nsync and when I found out I had a fit. So did he. But since his surgery we have been cool with each other. And well he asked me if I wanted to go to this music ball with him and I haven't made my decision." Sarah explained.

"It seems like you skipped some details there." Patrick replied.

"Nothing major just minor facts." Sarah said knowing she left out the fact she liked JC. Yeah minor facts like the fact I'm falling for JC!

"Sarah do you like JC?" Patrick asked bluntly.

"Umm... well... I'm not sure. You've been gone so long and everything so I've kind of moved on. But now you're back and I've missed you so much." Sarah rambled.

"Look I can tell you like him. Don't worry about it I think you should go for it. I don't expect you to drop everything you've been up to and make me fit into your love life again." Patrick explained.

"I knew there was a reason I loved you so much! You're so understanding!" Sarah exclaimed and kissed Patrick on the cheek, "I still want you to know you can stay here though. As long as you want."

I would stay here forever if I could Patrick thought. "Thanks," he said.

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