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Love Is Blind: Chapter 12

Sarah was able to get Joseph out of her mind and kept going back to spend time with JC while the guys went out. She really found herself liking him. It actually scared her a bit. He was such a jerk in the beginning and just from her saying a couple words their whole relationship was turned around. The more she hung out with him the more she realized how he grew on her. Sarah was outside about to get into her car to leave Justin's house when Lance pulled up in his car. He had noticed that ever since she had been hanging out with JC she was much more pleasant and relaxed. She stopped and waited for him to get out of the car. When he got out he walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"So Sarah how's JC? You seem to be the one that's with him the most lately." Lance said trying to tip her off.

"Yeah well our friendship really changed ever since his surgery." Sarah replied.

"Sarah what did you say to him to make him change his mind about you? Or what did he say to you to make you change your mind about him?" Lance questioned.

Sarah knew everybody was pretty suspicious about what was going on with her and JC but it was hard for her to explain. She knew Lance was going to get it out of her one way or another so she knew she had to tell him.

"OK Lance if you want to know the whole story you have to take me out to lunch." Sarah said.

Lanced laughed at her proposal,"Well someone needs to stay here with JC don't they?" Lance replied.

"Well yeah but he's been doing physical therapy and he can walk around some now." Sarah said innocently.

"Why don't we go see if he needs someone with him or not ok?" Lance suggested. Sarah nodded her head in agreement. They walked into the house and JC was in the kitchen with his crutches getting some soda. When he heard the front door begin to open he looked up and saw Sarah walk in with Lance. They walked over to him in the kitchen.

"Hey guys what are you doin?" JC asked curiously.

"Sarah and I wanted to know if you would be ok here by yourself for an hour or so. I forgot I had promised Sarah we would go out to lunch today." Lance lied, he didn't have to but it would make it more believable and it wouldn't sound as selfish.

"Sure guys don't worry about me I'll be fine. I'm getting better everyday soon enough I'll be able to dance again and we can go on tour!" JC answered.

"Great! We'll be back in a little while. If you need another you know the numbers. Oh yeah Chris, Joey, and Justin will be back soon too. They had to go check out the new songs that Garry has for us." Lance said as he walked towards the front door.

"Bye JC see you later." Sarah said as her and Lance left. They both got into Lance's car and the drove off. Lance looked over at Sarah and Sarah just smiled devilishly.

"Ok so tell me why are you and JC getting along SO well?" Lance questioned.

"Not until we are sitting down at a table in a restaurant of your choice. I will then tell you all about it!" Sarah replied.

"Ok if you say so but it better be a good story!" Lance warned jokingly as he drove into the parking lot Mc Donald's. Sarah looked up at the big yellow arches and then back at Lance.

"Are you serious? Come on Lance I was expecting somewhere expensive. You are a member of the most popular boy band around!" Sarah commented.

"Hey you said my choice and I'm not a big spender." Lance answered with enthusiasm. Sarah just laughed as she got out of the car and walked up to the entrance with Lance.

After they ordered their food they sat down at a table and began to talk. Sarah told him about how Chris convinced her to talk to JC and how JC went and told Garry himself about his legs and then he got mad at Chris and hated Sarah even more. Then Sarah told him what happened in JC's hospital room when he was asleep and how he kissed her. She summed it all up by telling him that JC said "thank you" to her for what she said earlier.

"Well that explains everything. I told you JC wasn't such a bad guy once you got to know him." Lance said.

Sarah looked at him with a look of a problem arising. "Lance I have a problem with me getting to know JC." Sarah said looking down at the table.

"What's the problem? You guys are getting along great. Isn't that what you wanted?" Lance questioned.

"Sure it is but I think I'm getting along with him too great. It seems the more I get to know about him the more I get to like him." Sarah explained.

Lance knew what he was hearing but he wanted to hear her actually say it so he played dumb, "Well JC is a likable guy." Lance replied.

"No Lance I don't think you're getting it. I think I like JC more than a friend." Sarah said with wide eyes.

"Oh! Really? You think you like him? Well I think you like him too." Lance said back.

"You do? Is it obvious?" Sarah asked concerned.

"No. I don't think the other guys would catch on. I don't even think JC would catch on. I'm just good when it comes to these things." Lance answered before biting into his large Big Mac.

Sarah looked down at one of her chicken nuggets and picked it up. She looked at it carefully, then dipped into some sweet and sour sauce and took a bite. "There is no food like Mc Donald's food!" Sarah commented before taking in a hand full of fries.

When they were done eating they left and went back to Justin's house. Like Lance had said, the other guys would be back by the time they got home and they were.

Lance and Sarah both got out of the car but instead of them both going up to the house Sarah got into her car. While Lance walked up to the house. He looked back at her, "Aren't you going to come in?" He asked.

"Not right now I have to take care of some things at my home." Sarah answered.

"Ok see yah later." Lance waved. He walked in and found Chris and Justin playing a video game. JC looked up and when he saw Lance with out Sarah he frowned a bit.

"Where did Sarah go?" He asked innocently.

Lance couldn't help but laugh to himself, "She went home. You know the place where she lives! She had to take care of some things there. She'll probably be back later." Lance said.

"Oh ok." JC replied. He grabbed his crutches and pulled himself up. Then he began to the stairs and surprisingly got up them. When he was settled in his chair in front of his computer, he turned in on and logged online. First he checked his email only to find a couple letters from fans that had found him out. He replied to them answering their questions and then logged onto his instant messenger. When he saw that no one was on an idea popped into his head. He picked up his phone and began to dial Sarah's phone number. It rang a couple of times before she answered.

"Hey this is Sarah." She answered.

"Hey Sarah it's umm it's Joey." JC said giving himself an accent.

"Oh hey Joey wut's up?" She asked.

"Umm I was wondering what's your email address or screen name?" JC asked.

"Woah for a minute there you sounded like JC. I've been around him way to much lately! Umm my email address is same goes for my screen name, Sarahbear2177. (authors note: if you feel the need to email that address or give an instant message to that name go ahead. It will go through. You might even get an email back! From the character).

"Ok thanks I'll add you." JC replied.

"Joey are you online?" Sarah asked curiously.

"No But I was thinking about it and I realized that none of us have your email address so I'll give it to all the guys as well." JC saved himself.

"Ok well I better get going I'll see you later tonight." Sarah said.

"Ok bye." JC said as he hung up his phone. He looked at his computer and went to "add buddy" he typed in Sarah's screen name. A couple seconds later her named popped up on his buddy list. Before he could react he starred at for about a minute debating if he should say something or not. Finally he decided he would. He double clicked her name and said hi. (author's note: the screen name used by JC is not his real one! I don't know what his real screen name is or if he even has one. This is just a made up screen name I'm using for the story.)

Freakydeaky: hey sweet thang

Sarahbear2177: ummm hey

Freakydeaky: how are you?

Sarahbear2177: pretty good. yourself?

Freakydeaky: I'm great!

Sarahbear2177: I hope you don't mind me asking but do I know you? Or do you know me?

Freakydeaky: Nah I just like talking to people i don't know.

Sarahbear2177: Oh I see. Yeah it's cool to talk to strangers. So where are you from?

Freakydeaky: Maryland u?

Sarahbear2177: Orlando

Freakydeaky: All your life?

Sarahbear2177: Yeah

Freakydeaky: Sounds like paradise

Sarahbear2177: I guess you could call it that

Freakydeaky: what's not paradise about it?

Sarahbear2177: Sure it's a great place to live but life makes it unpleasent sometimes

Freakydeaky: tell me I'd love to hear

Sarahbear2177: umm it's a complicated story. It invovles a guy I work with. I'm having mixed emotions towards him

Freakydeaky: Like what?

Sarahbear2177: I like him a lot but I don't know if it's the smartest of things for me to like him.

Freakydeaky: I think I'm getting it. I'm kinda in the same situation

Sarahbear2177: Oh really?

Freakydeaky: Yeah

Sarahbear2177: Oh look at that it's 6:00 umm I have to go meet some of my friends I'd love to talk to you again.

Freakydeaky: Is one of your friends the guy you work with?

Sarahbear2177: Actually yeah

Freakydeaky: Oh ok well have fun! I'm sure we'll talk again. Bye Bye Bye

Sarahbear2177: Haha Nsync! I get it ok bye bye bye

Sarah got off the internet and grabbed her stuff and left for Justin's house.

Back with JC, he turned off his computer and felt a bit of jealousy and curiousity. He now knew that she liked one of the guys but which one? He was yet to find out. He had to find out, for he liked her back so it was natural for him to want to find out.

Thanks Jackie!

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