Time Told

Read this first!
Maddie Comes to School: This is the first installment of my story. We meet a new character and some new developments in the character's lives. It basically sets up the story, but can you spot the quirk I put in it? Posted April 16th

Tears in Paradise: Next installment! We learn some things about Maddie's past, and a special bond is formed. Posted April 18th

Of Secrets and Centaurs: Huge installment warning! Also a mild cuss rating. I'd give this a PG- PG13 at the most. Can you tell I've been listening to Joesph and the Technicolor Dreamcaot constantly? Okay, this has a ton of action...pay attentino to every detail! Harry Easter! Posted April 24th

The Singer, the Spiral and the skins: This is a much shorter part, but it explains some stuff. I personally like it, and a long installment is coming up soon. I need some feedback folks, cause I have the story planned out to a point..and that point is rapidly approaching! Posted April 30th

A Close Shave: Whew, the last creepy part for awhile now. I'm going to write some serious fluff, now that I'm finished with this. I keep seeing things happen in real life and going "That would be so perfect for Maddie!" So I'll wait and see what happens. Posted May 6th

Enough is enough: I got this one up relatively fast. I've been trying, but babysitting and softball and homework, oh my! I have to warn you guys, I'm leaving for a trip to Africa on June 20th, and I won't be back until August 23rd. Meaning I probably won't be up to writing anything until at least September. E-mail me to discuss this. Happy Reading! Posted May 10th

A Very Harry Christmas: Here you go- late again, but I went to Toronto! WOOHOO! And this is kinda long- I like this part. Some funny Maddie/George/Fred scenes. If anyone knows where the "Go to hell world" quote comes from, I'll give you a prize! Posted May 22nd

Enter Schyular Mertique: I am so mean! I'm so so so sorry that I took so long to get this up, and I'm so so so sorry that this is a cliffhanger! Please forgive me. I'm going to try and get another short installment up, but I leave a week from Tuesday! This is rated PG-13 for tiny bit of language and a mild run in with one of Norax's "maidens". Posted June 10th

Fist-fights and Forgiveness (or lack thereof): Well, this is it. The last one for a long time. Please, please, please don't lose interest in my page. I left the ending of this part as a challenge for you all. Just to keep you guys involved, I want you to feel free to write how you would want the next part to go. Send it in to my e-mail and I'll make another link to all the possible endings to this part. Don't think I'm pulling a Mena, please! Just keep interested, and I'll be back soon. Much love to you all! Ashlie :) Posted June 18th

A Turning Point: This is my first one back! It's...kinda...involved. I know it may seem short but it was hard to write cause I put a lot of stuff in it. A warning to the wise- the next few installments are going to be...downers, if you may. Kinda the opposite of fluffy. But then there will be some fluff as well...so keep your eyes out! Love ya all! Posted August 29th

A Little Slice of Hell: It's late! Please don't shoot me! I wrote it all this afternoon, so I hope it doesn't seem bad. I've been really busy, but I'll never let that be an excuse again (don't hold me to that :) Now, I need some feedback from you guys or else I probably won't continue. You can let me know in an e-mail or the guestbook. While I was in Africa we switched computers, and I lost my e-mail list, so if you would like an e-mail update on the site, please let me know. Also, I'm considering getting a message board on the site- do you guys think you would use it? Please let me know these answers, and please don't kill me for being late :) With no further ado, here it is, the eleventh part of TNF! Posted September 10th

A Brief Interlude With The Weasleys: I had a big long thingy posted before but then it failed to save so the creativity has died. I love writing this- I will write more. Posted September 19, 2000

Weasleys Again: Whew! Yeah, it's late, but it's here! And that's saying a lot this week. I found my musical cds (Phantom, Les Mis) and so I was inspired, but I wasted a lot of creative energy on all the papers I had due this week! Sophmore year is TERRIBLE! And Lord of the Flies is SCARY! Ugh. Anyway, more to come...we might have to say goodbye to the happy fluffy fic pretty soon...gotta get things movin ;) Who thinks they know where this is going? I would LOVE to hear some theories on that..and my prophecy...I'm telling you this, thats a huge hint. Okay, long enough author's note. I'm going to bust my butt to get you guys a good part by next Tuesday...I'll be fifteen in 7 days on Friday! Wohoo! Now READ! Posted Spetember 28th

Dear Hogwarts Pupil: Look who's on time! It's short, but sweet. The whole thing is I don't know exactly where I'm going from here, so everything takes a lot more...thinking. Anyway, I almost cried when I wrote Elisabeth's part in this. She's just a little spliff, but I love her all the same. I'm 15 on FRIDAY! I'm so psyched. I have very little to say except read and don't kill me for having it so short- not my fault! I love you all! Posted October 3rd

The Horror Has Yet Begun: Well guys, sadly enough, this is it. Yes, as much as it pains me to post this...the Maddie series is over. Eek, it's tough, and I think that there is no way I am going please everybody with this ending, so I pleased myself and hope that you have some fun with it. This is my longest installment ever, and I worked on it in huge, four-hour-long chunks so please don't think I was slacking off. It was just hard to write. If you still have any questions at ALL, please ask in the guestbook, or e-mail me, and I'll be happy to help. I may even post a "cheat sheet" with explanations and stuff. I've also changed the name of the fic. Time Told. If you can't figure it out, just ask. Now, moving on, please don't stop coming just because I've finished this story. There will be more,and original works, too. I may redo the entire sight all together :) Well, my dear friends, it has been a pleasure writing for you, and I will miss you all, and Maddie, too. Happy reading, happy life. I bid you all farewell. Posted October 12th...the last one ever.