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UFO Miracle At Zeitoun, Egypt

The pages listed below were taken from the BVM web-site in Zeitoun, for the sake of preservation and access retention. For my study to continue, these bits of valuable data may be lost over time, and are used extensively for reference by myself, and others hoping to learn more about the UFO experience, especialley when it concerns apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Christ.

Here is that archived document listing, as it appeared at the Zeitoun church web site. The listings are linked to their relative documents, in this mirror site annotation project. Those listings which are italicized (below) can be read on the web site. You'll need your browser=back button to return to this page. Bookmark this page, and it will be stored on your computer, or click the angelfire link above and it will save it for you.

#  1. The Apparitions Of Virgin Mary At Zeitoun Church, Egypt: Foreword
#  2. The Apparitions Of Virgin Mary At Zeitoun Church, Egypt: The Papal Delegation
#  3. The Virgin Mary's Church At El-Zeitoun
#  4. Inside The Virgin Mary's Church At El-Zeitoun
#  5. An Outline Of The History Of Virgin Mary * The Holy Family's Journey To Egypt
#  6. Why Has The Virgin Made Her Apparition? And Why At El-Zeitoun?
#  7. The Church And The Consideration Of Mary As Blessed
#  8. Symbols That Stand For Virgin Mary In The Old Testament * The Virgin's Picture
#  9. How The Virgin Made Her Apparition At El-Zeitoun
#10. Unusual Phenomena Taking Place At The Time Of The Apparition
#11. Miracles Performed By Virgin Mary In The Remote Past
#12. The Miracles Of The Virgin's Apparition At Zeitoun (Part 1)
#13. The Miracles Of The Virgin's Apparition At Zeitoun (Part 2)
#14. Newspaper Scraps On The Apparition Of The Virgin Mary At Zeitoun, Egypt
#15. The New Cathedral Of The Virgin Mary At Zeitoun * Zeitoun Church Activities


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