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"The apparition of the Virgin, then, was a strong urge that has strengthened the faith of the believers and disproved the claims of the sceptics." Seeing is believing, yet skeptics remain! The unbelieving are a formidable opposition to the dispensation of truths and examples, which the apparitions of the BVM appear to represent. This is especially true within the the Christian Fundamentalist movement, where some go so far as to claim that these manifestations are the trick of Satan himself. We must ask ourselves; what devil would send people to God? This kind of strategem would be counter-productive. Still, these hypothesis should not be discounted, for we must consider all possibilities.


The most popular slight against the apparitions, to support these allegations, have been the claim that she is a stumbling block to those who are seeking God, and finding her, worship Mary. The preponderance of evidence would suggest that quite the opposite is true. If there is any worship of Mary occurring in this world in which we live in, then it is the subjective discernment of those who choose to do that. I have never EVER read of the BVM even suggesting that they worship here.

Let me say this, when these apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary are accompanied by the UFO phenomenon, we can believe that these things are of God, and a part of his plan for this earth and its inhabitants.

I am reminded of several parables and lessons from Christ, Mary's son. In the "New Testament" of the HOLY BIBLE, Christ teaches us concerning matters of unbelief. He made it quite clear that He'd dealt with these very same issues, especially those concerning His fulfillment of prophecy, that HE was the promised Messiah. Many Jews believed, and had been converted. Their conversion continues to this day. And still, there are many who are not convinced, no matter how the evidence is presented. The irony in all of this, is that the same is true with the ufo phenomenon!

One parable in particular, is entitled "The rich man and Lazarus." It can be found in "The Book of Luke" chapter 16, verses 19-30 . This parable concludes with:

"But (Abraham) said to (the rich man), 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead!'"*
Other chapters in the HOLY BIBLE that talk about our disbelieving world, can be found in Matthew chapter 17 verse 11 regarding Elijah, the one who was caught up in a chariot of fire. I will leave you with a few questions to consider. If God were to come today, would we recognize Him if...and when He were to appear? Who amongst you can tell me what God is, or where we may find him?**

Why Has The Virgin Made Her Apparition? And Why At El-Zeitoun?

THE VIRGIN'S APPARITION: WHY AT EL-ZEITOUN, IN PARTICULAR In my belief, the apparition has two missions, one of which has been accomplished, and the other will be accomplished in due time. The one that has been accomplished is the consolidation of faith at a time when heresy spread and when materialistic beliefs, i.e. communism and dissipation, deny resurrection, immortality, the existence of the soul and of God and of the Metaphysical. The apparition of the Virgin, then, was a strong urge that has strengthened the faith of the believers and disproved the claims of the sceptics. The apparition of the Virgin has consolidated the Orthodox creed. Had we been in the wrong, the Virgin would not have made Her apparition for a whole year over the domes of an Orthodox church. THE MOTHER VIRGIN HAS THUS MADE HER APPARITION OVER THE DOMES OF THE CHURCH THAT HAS PRESERVED FAITH FOR US! It is an act of Providence that the Virgin Mary Church at El-Zeitoun should become a sacred visiting-place at a time when the Copts were denied the right to visit the Holy Places in Jerusalem because of the occupation of the city. This apparition was also the herald of the forthcoming victory of our valiant army that crossed the canal and destroyed Ber-Lev line (1973). As for the mission that has not been accomplished; it is still unknown to us. It must impart a lot of good to all the world, to our land and to the cause of peace. We are looking forward to it.

WHY HAS THE VIRGIN MADE HER APPARITION? The Arabic word El-Zeitoun means "olives," and olives are the symbol for peace. When Noah sent a pigeon to see if the water had receded, it returned with an olive branch in its beak indicating the appearance of trees and of life in general. When Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem, He was welcomed by the crowds carrying olive branches and shouting: "Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord." Olive branches are thus a symbol of salvation and of peace. According to the law of Moses, olive oil was used in the lantern upheld in the tabernacle of faith. When we chant for the Virgin on the first day of Bashans (a Coptic month) we say: "Peace be on thee, O Mary. Peace be on Mary, the source of the righteous. Peace be on Her who is more chaste than the angels. Peace be on the "olive tree", the basis of all believers. Peace be on the blessed Mother of Christ. The olive tree is ever-green; so, it is a symbol of growth, of fertility, of constant regeneration and of the integrated fruitful Christian life that does not wither. On the Mount of Olives the Saviour used to spend the night praying, and on the eve of His suffering, the earth was soaked with his sweat that flowed like drops of blood. So, that land has been sanctified ever since. Furthermore, the Virgin has made Her apparition at El-Zeitoun because in that place, in particular, She and Her beloved Son had rest from the weariness of travel during the Holy Family's Journey to Egypt.

[Back To The Apparitions Of Virgin Mary At Zeitoun Index]
Commentary by Christopher Montgomery;
*Expletive (!) mine.

**Another passage worthy of note concerns the prophecy of the end times, and can be found in The Revelation of Saint John," chapter 21, verse 8.

Why Has The Virgin Made Her Apparition? And Why At El-Zeitoun? page
Blessed Virgin Mary in Zeitoun, Egypt (1968-1971)

UFOs and Religious Phenomenon

UFO Miracle At Zeitoun, Egypt

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