All About Me

Name: Dana Lynn

Nicknames: D, Twizzler, Floss (there's a story behind each of them)

Age: 21

Grade: Two and a half semesters away from graduating!

School: Lock Haven University

Do you have a Job: Yes, Kohl's Department Store (although, not right now!) and when I'm at school I work as a computer lab attendant. (Worlds best job...we do nothing!)

Any Piercings/Tattoos: Both my ears, and just recently, my belly-button

Ever been involved with the Police: No

Do you have any Pets: formerly, Sadie and Kasey (below).

What are you looking for in a guy? Good sense of humor, ARMS!, patient enough to put up with me!

Boyfriend/girlfriend: nope, do we have to rub it in?

Best friends: Amanda

Birthday: 10-28-80

Hair color: brown-blonde-ish (this changes frequently....I don't think I remember the "real" color)

Shampoo: Herbal Essences - Natural Volume

Eye color: hazel

Contacts: yes

Glasses: yes

Braces: once

Height: 5'4-ish

Store: anywhere....

Place to go: BEACH!

Fruit: Strawberries and Apples

Food: Aunt Lisa's Cheesy Potatoes...heaven on earth!

Candy: Nerds, Pretzel Flips

Disney Movie: The Little Mermaid, The Lion King

Animal: Lions (ROAR!)

Radio Station: Q102

Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip and Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Drink: Pepsi, Water, Orange-Stawberry-Bananna Juice from Tropicana Twister....That stuff is awesome!

Season: fall/spring

Number: 8

Song: All time favorite? Now and Forever by Richard Marx. That man is a genius!

Music artist: Faith Hill, Nsync, Britney Spears....the list goes on and on....

Car: My Saturn....SHAZAM!

Color:  black/grey

Article of clothing: jeans....what would i do without them? And they count? I love shoes...

Person to talk to online: Amanda, Courtney, Laura

Sport to play: dance dance dance!!!!!!!!

Quotes: SO MANY! like..."To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."

Best movie: any romantic "chick flick" and others....

Soundtrack: Notting Hill

Teacher: Dr. Campbell (Journalism/Mass Communications.  Also my advisor...that man is awesome!)

Grade: 12th grade (oh....memories)

TV Show: Friends (hey amanda.....WWHAT??!!??)

Had your heart broken: yes

Been a heartbreaker: once

Smoked: I more though.

Drank: I'm 21 people....

Done drugs: Nope

Loved somebody so much it made you cry : Thought so...

Made a person of the opposite sex cry: once

Gone sky diving: Nope, I want to though

Stayed up all night and never slept: Of Course, that's what college is all about!!!

Trustworthy: Amanda

Best one to talk to about problems: Amanda

Loudest: Amanda (in a good way!)

Craziest: Amanda (but honestly, in a good way!)

Smartest: I don't know....wanna compare SAT scores?

Prettiest eyes: Robert the I used to work with (god, i miss him....)

Something that you hate about the opposite sex: you want a list!?!

What's the first thing you notice: arms...(yeah, it's an obsession!), hair, eyes

Short or tall: TALL taller than me anyway 

Long hair or short: short... but STILL THERE!!! 

Hat or no hat: Depends where we are, I guess.

Pants or shorts: pants

Song that best describes you: Too many to count!

First best friend: Jen K. (and ask me if we're still friends....)

How many people are on your buddy list: about 50 I guess

Do you sing in the shower: ...and my room, and outside, and in the car, on the way to the car..... so, um....YES!

Do you like plaid or stripes: Depends on what it is

Boxers or briefs: boxers

AOL or phone: both?  AIM! and my cell phone.

School or home: I LOVE LIFE AT SCHOOL!  But, now, I've learned to appreciate home a lot more.

Movies with girlfriend/boyfriend or just friends: Well, if I had a boyfriend.....

What was the last movie you saw at a movie theater: 40 days, 40 nights (Josh Hartnett..hottie!)

Did you like it: Yep

What theater did u see it at: The Carmike5 in State College

What are your plans for the summer: work, work, vacation, work, vacation, did i mention work....

First kiss: i don't know, i forgot to write it down....;-)

Cutest person on n sync: What a question to ask me! Anyway, my pick is JC. Let's all look in awe...

Cutest backstreet boy: No comment.

98 degrees: Damn.  Who knows.  Awesome guys though.  I used to love Jeff, so let's stick with him.

Favorite actor: another list? John Travolta, Josh Hartnett, and Brad Pitt (purely physical...sorry Jen)  [so many more...]

Favorite actress: Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston

Brothers or sisters: Brother, Kyle (18)

Have u ever been in love?: nope

Crushes: ANOTHER list....Matt, Paul, Andy, Tony(but he really doesn't count), Luke (ah yes.....), Ryan, Kevin (God love him....).....none since him.

A(ny) word(s) u hate: i dont think vocabulary is pretty ecletic as it is.

Saddest moment with a friend: I'd have to say when Eve was killed senior year.

Happiest moment with a friend: ANOTHER LIST!

Funniest moment with a friend:  For some reason, everytime Amanda and I are together....why is that!

Place you go when u need to be alone: my room, take a drive (bullshead!)

Have you ever gotten mad at someone for something stupid?: of course I'm human

Something u would take back: nothing. although not everything i've done i my life has been beneficial at one point in time it was the right thing to do and that instance has somehow altered my life.

Something u would make happen if you could: And yet...ANOTHER list....

Ya wanna know more???
I was REALLY bored one night....

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