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March 28-March 31, 2000

======================================================= Subj: KABAR-IRIAN: [EN] Government amongst the kamoro
Date: 3/30/00 10:15:31 PM Central Daylight Time

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Jakarta Post
March 31 2000

The Kamoro strive to regain lost culture

By Mehru Jaffer

JAKARTA (JP): At least there is one American who is not
trying to preach the merits of liberal democracy to
here. For Kal Muller realizes that a lot of traditional
societies are not all backward and barbaric. In their
level of
organization, or political hierarchy, many follow an
informal, egalitarian government where decision-making is

Muller was speaking about his experiences with some
18,000 souls divided among nearly 40 villages along the
south coast of Irian Jaya where the ancestral homeland of
the Kamoro stretches some 300 kilometers by the Arufura
Sea, from Etna Bay to Asmat-land. He said the current
leadership structure, such as village chiefs and leaders,
impositions for the convenience of the outside world and
not sure-fire mechanisms for dealing with the Kamoro.

Muller concluded the last of the eight evening lectures
organized by the Indonesian Heritage Society with
understanding and appreciating the country's culture at
Erasmus Huis by quoting author Jared Diamond in Guns,
Germs and Steel. "Not only is status not inherited; no
member of a traditional tribe can become
wealthy by his or her own efforts, because each has
individual debts and obligations to many others." Even
today the Kamoro remember a great leader for his personal
goodness and capability and not because he was a
descendant from a certain family.

However, when the church and the state were faced with
little-known societies like the Kamoro they found it
to deal with the free spirit of the ancient matriarchal
way of

The Kamoro were strongly discouraged from following
their seminomadic existence as free spirits cannot be
counted, educated, taxed or controlled. Wandering folks
as they please and that is considered a dangerous
precedent. When the Dutch government and the Roman
Catholic Church established themselves in the area in the
1920s, it proved to be traumatic for the art and culture
the Kamoro.

A missionary describes the Kamoro homeland in the 1960s
as a dead area filled with zombies. "There is no work and
no interest in work. Religion of the past is no longer
celebrated and the Christian religion means nothing to
people. The past is gone forever. The present lacks
The future holds no hope."

Not condemning the interference of the outside world
totally, Muller said their life span was about 30 years,
infant mortality from malaria reaching 50 percent of live
births. The population of the whole island of New Guinea,
now well over six million, never exceeded one million
the colonial powers brought in western medicines and
forced an end to tribal warfare.

Muller is a writer and photographer whose firsthand
knowledge of traditional societies around the world is
sought by publications like the National Geographic
magazine. He has lived in Indonesia for years and is an
author of several books, including the Periplus guide to
Irian Jaya.

Just two days after landing in Indonesia, Muller decided
that this was where home was going to be for him. Having
lived in Irian Jaya continuously for four years has
the Hungarian-born ethnologist almost to his teeth,
him nearly resemble one of his handsome Kamoro brothers.

Already hidden by the world's richest and most profuse
mangrove zone, the Kamoro are lesser known than their
more famous neighbors, the Asmat, mainly because it is
latter tribe that is suspected of having gobbled up
Rockefeller, the American patron of the arts.

Muller feels that the young Rockefeller probably drowned
and it was the well-financed and high-powered search
his disappearance that gave the Asmat free publicity,
bringing their wood carvings to the attention of the art
world, especially the permanent exhibit of his collection
New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. Decades ago
Rockefeller was collecting Asmat art when he vanished and
was last seen trying to swim to shore from an overturned

Explaining the purpose of cannibalism, Muller said it is
as if people are hungry and eat up the first human being
they see. It is more of a ritual to avenge enemies and
believes that maybe just 10 percent of the population
actually ever ate human flesh in the province of Irian
The Kamoro killed, but probably did not eat their fair
of explorers, says Muller.

Even as the modern world intrudes upon them, the ladies
still use the mangrove as their main supermarket,
home crabs, other shell seafood and numerous leaves and
roots from the swamp. The best efforts of missionaries
governments to turn the Kamoro into farmers has met with
little success. Logging companies deprive the people of
trees used for carving canoes and areas of land are taken
over for transmigration programs without the knowledge
and approval of many of the Kamoro.

However, the worst thing to happen to the Kamoro over
the years is the loss of pride and knowledge of their
traditional lifestyle and culture.

To reverse this trend an annual cultural festival is now
every October. Woodcarving auctions and mask making
competitions take place, while forgotten rites and
rituals are

This festival is slowly gaining fame and has attracted in
past some art collectors from abroad. Muller hopes that
together with education and encouragement of its
traditional culture, the Kamoro will be able to face the
modern world with a pride and confidence that was once a
part of their heritage anyway.

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Subj: KABAR-IRIAN: [EN] No one killed in Mimika forest attack
Date: 3/30/00 10:15:10 PM Central Daylight Time

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Jakarta Post
March 31 2000

No one killed in Mimika forest

TIMIKA, Irian Jaya: The local military said on Thursday
that no one was killed in an attack by an unidentified
on a number of farmers collecting firewood in Kali Kopi
forest in Mimika regency on Sunday.

Mimika Military Chief Lt. Col. Fransen Siahaan said one
the two farmers who were reported to have been killed was
found alive on Tuesday.

Fransen also quoted Lukman as saying that the other
suspected death was only injured but was still out in the

"Six villagers have already been dispatched to evacuate
him," Fransen said.

Local authorities earlier said that at least three men
four others were injured during the attack. (eba)

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Subj: KABAR-IRIAN: [EN] TOM BEANAL: Our Families Are Being Killed
Date: 3/31/00 11:41:25 AM Central Daylight Time
From: (Admin)

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Print Edition: Page 31 No. 5, Year II, March 22-28, 2000



Tom Beanal installed as commissioner at Freeport Indonesia.
To silence the demands for an independent Papua?

This portly looking fellow belongs to the Amungme tribe, who claims to o=
the traditional land title of Freeport's mining site. A closer look
reveals a modest appearance and a face with a ready smile. He was born i=
Amungme on July 11 1947 and is known in the region as a Human Rights
activist of Papua. He is known to file complaints against Freeport in Ne=
Orleans Court USA, in 1997. He lost his fight on account of insufficie=
But, Tom did not stop the fight. Last year, together with 100 other Papu=
figures, they called on President B.J. Habibie and read a political
statement, which contained an appeal for independence of the region.. To=
cause succeeded to make him a central figure in the plight of the
Papuan people. A large Public Assembly was held at Hotel Sentani Indah,=

Jayapura, on February 23-26, where he was appointed the Leader of Papua=

and Deputy Representative over the Papua Presidium.
After his appointment as one of Freeport's commissioners, has Tom chang=
The following is an interview by Dance Bleskadit of GAMMA.

You were appointed as PT Freeport Indonesia's Commissioner. Why did you
accept it?

For the last two years Freeport liked to have me as one of their
commissioners.. But, I've always said, "Wait, let me ask the people firs=
They finally approved in one of our meetings provided I would be their
spokesman. There was still one snag at the time. Freeport wanted me, bu=
the authorities did not. It has changed only recently after Gus Dur beca=
president. He wanted me to sit in as one of Freeport's commissioners. Wh=
I met Gus Dur to deliver the report over the Papua Assembly in February,=
repeated again that a request to Freeport had been forwarded to appoint=
as one of their commissioners.

People fear that you might be shut out. What made you accept this
Obviously, this post is not a reward, it is my duty since it involve=
used of our land. I don't feel as if I have received an award. To me it i=
s a
duty. Don't ever get the idea that I am living a glamorous life becau=
of this appointment. Not at all. I should have assumed this post in 1967=
So, it is far too late. And the delay is not on account of Freeport
Indonesia. It is because of the Indonesian government, they delayed the=

offer to the Amungme tribe.

You don't feel that you've been bought off?
My appointment has been due to the people. How can I forget my people?=

The post of commissioner is our right, indeed, as landowners' right. So=
, I
acquired this right because I own something. And I am not installed as=

the sole commissioner. There are Freddy Numberi the governor, Jacob Patip=
former governor. Then there is Pottereyau, Mimika's Regent, who represent=
the Komoro race.

Very well. What have you targeted? Reviewing the work contract?
It is our principle to sit together. To have equal seating. If we were to=

review the work contract, then equal places should be extended to
government, the company, and the people who own the area. But, I'm not i=
n a
position to tell Freeport to leave Timika. Freeport is a guest of the
Indonesian Government. If I would do that, government would be quite
displeased with me.

But, many see this appointment as a result of the demands for
Independence of Papua. That is what you are fighting for, isn't it?
Ah, I don't want independence. The Papua people want independence. I onl=
convey the aspirations of the community. I am not a politician. I am onl=
conveying the people's political aspirations, which have grown out from
intolerable repression. This post is not related to demands of the public=
It is really related to land ownership.. To me, the voice of the people =
really like God's voice. If we crave a democratic state, we should
respect what they are saying. If another Papuan figure with the same
independent aspirations should come out in front, I might retire. The
demands for independence for which I am fighting, have actually come fort=
from a pit of desperation. Papuans in the hinterland, still wear "kotek=
(penis sheath). They dance, then as a token of self respect throw
themselves in a ravine. In the morning mother gets killed, at noon it's
father's turn. Later in the day a child will be killed. Actions of
security forces have brought unbelievable suffering on people. I will
always fight against such sufferings.

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Jakarta Post
March 30th 2000

Three killed in Mimika forest

TIMIKA, Irian Jaya: Three men were killed and four others
injured when they were attacked by an unidentified gang
while collecting firewood in Kali Kopi forest in Mimika
regency on Sunday, the military said.

The authorities also expressed concern over the fate of
men who were working in the forest at the time of the
attack, fearing that they might now be hostages of the

Mimika Military Command Chief Lt. Col. Fransen Siahaan
said details of the killings came from those who survived
the attack.

Cendrawasih Pos daily identified two victims as Abu
Rahman, 23 and Lukman, 22. The identity of the third was
not known.

They reportedly suffered from gunshots.

The four injured were treated at a hospital run by
copper giant PT Freeport Indonesia. (eba/edt)

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Subj: KABAR-IRIAN: [EN] Irian and others endorse Megawati's speech
Date: 3/29/00 2:34:27 PM Central Standard Time

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The Jakarta Post
March 30th 2000
National News

Aceh, Irian and Maluku endorse Megawati

SEMARANG (JP): Delegates from Aceh, Maluku and Irian
Jaya endorsed the accountability report by the outgoing
leader of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle
Perjuangan) on Wednesday, but not before criticizing its
failure in fighting for the interests of the three most
regions in the country.

The Irian Jaya delegation said they had considered
rejecting the accountability report, presented by
chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri on Tuesday, but
thought better of it after feeling pressure from other

"We have no other alternative because the climate was not
conducive," Komaruddin Waitubun, leader of the Irian
Jaya delegation, told The Jakarta Post.

"Delegates who reject Megawati's nomination for the
chairmanship will be considered betrayers," he said.

Komaruddin said the Irian Jaya delegation would gain
nothing by rejecting the accountability report but would
get a lot of criticism from other delegations.

By Wednesday evening, the third day of PDI Perjuangan's
inaugural congress, none of 200 delegates who presented
their opinions has rejected the accountability speech.
declared their outright support for Megawati's candidacy
although formal nomination is not due until closer to
election day.

Komaruddin said the 12 delegates from Irian Jaya had
threatened to boycott the congress in hope of drawing the
party's attention to their regional aspirations.

Irian Jaya was particularly disappointed by PDI
Perjuangan's ignorance about the escalating conflict in
province, he said.

"The party's leaders have been busy fighting for their
interests and have abandoned the Papuan people to deal
with their own problems," he said. If the majority of
Papuans supported the Free Papua Movement -- which is
fighting for a separate state -- it was primarily to gain
greater bargaining clout against Jakarta, he said.

Papua is the name given by President Abdurrahman Wahid
for the Irian Jaya province. The name change has not been
formally endorsed by the House of Representatives.

Azhari, who leads the Aceh delegation, said he would
rather not make public their position with regard to
Megawati's accountability speech, because either way they
would be criticized back home.

"I'm very sorry, we have no comments," he said.

While endorsing Megawati's candidacy for the
chairmanship, Azhari hoped that she would recruit Eros
Djarot in the next executive board to avoid a possible
in the party.

Eros, a senior journalist and an intellectual, plans to
contest the election.

Another Acehnese delegate who requested anonymity
criticized the leadership for doing nothing to help the
of the Acehnese amidst the growing demand for a
self-determination vote in the province.

"The party did nothing to fight for the Acehnese demands
for a self- determination referendum. It also did nothing
about human rights abuses and atrocities in our
homeland," he said.

The Maluku delegation, while deploring the party leaders'
minimal efforts to prevent the bloodshed in Ambon and
North Maluku, eventually endorsed Megawati's
accountability speech.

"We should recognize Megawati's role in helping to calm
the tension in the province," John Mailoa, the chairman
the party's Maluku provincial chapter, said after
his delegation's views to the congress.

Megawati, in her capacity as vice president, has been
entrusted by President Abdurrahman Wahid with the job
of finding a solution to the Ambon/North Maluku crisis.
Megawati has rejected accusations that she had done
in Maluku, saying that she has worked mostly behind the
scene to try to restore peace.

Many delegates from Maluku and North Maluku criticized
Megawati's accountability speech earlier, saying that
were disappointed by the party's silence throughout the
year-long violence. (rms/swa/har)

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Subject: KABAR-IRIAN: [EN] Irian and others endorse Megawati's accountability speech
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Subj: KABAR-IRIAN: [EN] Fwd: [wpapua] Eurotour Report
Date: 3/29/00 2:27:48 PM Central Standard Time
From: (Admin)

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----- Forwarded message from West Papua

A West Papua Tribesman and Euro-tour

0. Introductory Comments

Almost a half century, Papuan people have been living
under total manipulation of their historical,
political and legal statuses and rights within
Indonesia nation-state. Furthermore, the manipulations
have been very well covered. If these were uncovered,
the world highly unlikely will justify what Indonesia
has been doing so far in West Papua. The world will
say, "Indonesia, stop your dirty politics!" This
civilisation will not find it acceptable to the norms
and standards of humanity we hold nowadays. It is not
less than Hitler or Milosevic with their followers.

Almost a half century, Indonesia claims its full
rights to all resources in West Papua: land, forests,
flora, fauna, gold, silver, copper, natural gas that
are on and in the island, on the sea, and even on the
life of Melanesian people in West Papua. At the same
time, this world says, "Yes, Indonesia has the right
to do so!"

If we ask, "Who has given these rights to Indonesia?
Or How these rights have been maintained and used? and
"Who has been supporting these all?" then we will not
surprise knowing that European nations, Australia, the
USA and the United Nations are the supporters of all
misconduct of Indonesia to the land and people of West
Papua since 1962. We will be amazed to see how the
United Nations failed to properly practice what it
calls "democratic process of self-determination" in
West Papua and then ignored the sufferings there.

Tribal people of West Papua see the brutality of
Indonesia, the greed and the less-civilised behaviour
of Indonesia have been supported financially as well
as with facilities and knowledge from the western
world. Therefore, we believe that it is important to
uncover the brutality Indonesia and ignorance of the
West to the case of West Papua.

The tribal people understand that the brutality so far
needs to be corrected and stopped at this level of our
human civilisation and particularly democratisation
process in Indonesia. Of course, we cannot make any
mistake on what Mr Abdulrahman Wahid has recently
said. In front of about 600 business delegates from
the UK in their informal meeting in London on February
1st, 2000, he agreed that the age of democratisation
process in Indonesia is only about 50 years. Britain
has been constantly in democratic processes for more
than 600 years to reach this level of democracy.
Therefore, Britain should not criticise Indonesia for
the very young process of democratisation. In other
words, the world can only criticise Indonesia for its
democracy when it reaches the age of 600 years. Thus,
the West must wait until the next 600 years before
starting to criticise Indonesia's democracy.

If we use this sort of reference to assess democratic
processes in Indonesia, then we need not to forget
that this is really dangerous, and particularly really
a negative signal for Jakarta. Such an assessment has
further implications that you and I will find it
difficult to comprehend fully, particularly if we
compare it with other ambitions and practices in
Indonesia. Take an example in technology. Why does
Indonesia own an aeroplane industry? Is this not too
soon for a country aged 50 years? Why can't Indonesia
wait another 600 years? Why does Indonesia use modern
technology such as computer, aeroplane, telephone, and
hawks? Why cannot Indonesia wait for 600 years? What
is the reason for Indonesia buying hawks, modern
weapons and military equipment from the United
Kingdom, the USA, Australia and Canada? Why only
democratisation processes needs very long period of
time, even though it is not the same case for the
military equipment and technology. Why should they
need military technology now but democratic process
until 600 years?

1. Euro-tour

European Tour (Euro-tour) is another step by the
tribal people to disseminate open information to
European people regarding the sufferings of
Melanesians in West Papua and the greed of Western
world, brutality and less civilised behaviour of
Indonesia and the possible alternatives of solutions
to problems in West Papua.

Euro-tour is funded by unemployed and homeless people
who live in Britain in particular and Europe, who
already know the meaning of the word "suffering" and
political manipulations of the world's governments,
who have the same friends and enemies as Papuans have.
They are those who oppose the world's systems of
capitalism, conservatism and other groupings made
based on descendants, colour of skin, type of hair,
place of origin, nationality, religion, political
principle and ideology, type of job, sex, hobby and
others that are already established for centuries and
generations in the West, that will never be destroyed.

Countries visited are such as France, Switzerland,
Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Ireland, and the

2. Why Europe?

Europe is the place where all kinds of disaster
through religious organisations, through governmental
institutions, and through multinational corporations
with its famous industrial revolution started. The
whole world has copied systems of government, law and
justice systems, colonialism practices, racism,
fascism, communism, capitalism, socialism, just to
mention a few, all these were originated in a
continent called Europe. Europe is one part of the
planet that should be held accountable for the
"murder" of this planet and its inhabitants.

In other words, the solution to the problems on
environment such as global warming, deforestation,
colonialism, development, and such will come when
people who are originally from Europe repent from
their misconduct, their brutality, their colonial
attitude and behaviour. Europe should become a
continent that is save for plants, animals and human
being. Until this is not become a reality, let us not
talk about "peace with all beings" on this planet.

3. What is the Message?

The message delivered to audience is mainly based on
the history, bearing in mind that most of people in
Europe do not know even the map of Papua.

The message covers the following issues:

1) When and who (in this case European) first visited
New Guinea Island?

2) History of colonialism, started from the division
of the island into three parts by Deutchland,
Netherlands, and England.

3) History of neo-colonialism, started from Indonesian
invasion into West Papua New Guinea.

4) Brutality of Indonesia that represents Proto-Malay
nation and people, that has violated the rights to
live, practice the culture, gathering, movement,
expressing opinions, live on the land and forests and
other rights as one of the races and people who happen
to exist on this planet. The people are called
Melanesians in western part of New Guinea Island.

5) The reason for the Euro-tour.

6) What Europeans can do to help?

4. The Result of the Tour

4.1 The United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom there is already a support group
that will help in doing some actions against
multinational corporations, NGOs dan governmental
organisations that have policies either directly or
indirectly affect the lives of plants, animals, humans
and the island of New Guinea and West Papua in

Network with activitist groups and People and Planet
(student's organisation) has been established and will
continue in the future.

They have done some actions to show their support to
the struggle in West Papua and they are determined to
continue until West Papua is free from capitalist

4.3 The Netherlands

Most of the people who were present in the talks in
four places (cities) in the Netherlands have shown
their willingness to support the case of West Papua
until it is free.

Some of them regreted that the Netherlands has done
wrong to West Papua as an island and as a people. They
are determined to do whatever they can do to rescue
West Papua from obliteration.

4.4 Switzrland

Activists in Switzerland are particularly concerned
about the involvedment of the Red Cross in the
massacre that occurred in Geselema, Baliem Valley of
West Papua on May 9, 1996 at 15:00pm local time.

In this visit, I also visited the Headquarter of the
Red Cross, questioning the investigation of the murder
of civilians by white helicopter and white soldiers.
The meeting was video-taped. At the moment, I have the
summary of the report send via e-mail.

They promised to do some solidarity actions in front
of Indonesian embassies and the Headquarter of the Red

meringankan beban dan mempercepat proses semua
kegiatan ini.

4.5 Deutchland

Activists and students in Germany are in fact aware of
what is actually happening in West Papua. A few of
them heard about West Papua for the first time.

Especially one of the places I visited in Germany has
promised to become the centre for dessiminating
information about West Papua in German to European

They are also ready to do some actions in solidarity
with the problems in West Papua.

4.6 Austria

Austria was less prepared, but they were ready to

I have done some interviews and meetings with
newspapers and radio in this country.

4.7 France

Three cities in France was visited. One of the cities
has promised to send special person to West Papua and
report from the spot what is actually happening there.
Neccesary arrangements have been made for this visit.

They are ready to do solidarity actions in support to
the West Papua struggle.

5. Notes for further solidarity actions

>From all talks and visits, I can conclude that:

1) It is important to maintain the contacts by sending
out current events and information on West Papua;

2) There will be actions against Indonesian Embassy,
The Netherlands Embassy, the Red Cross and other
internatoinal organisations related to the UN all over
Europe. The Alliance of Students of West Papua based
in Jakarta dan West Papua will send out information
about what to do, what to say, and when.

3) We will soon establish Centres of information for
German, Dutch and English. This will be under direct
co-ordination with the Counter Information Centre from
the jungles of West Papua.

4) We wil conduct further studies to find out names
and addresses of companies involved in the murder of
the lives of plants, animals, humans and the island of
New Guinea.

5) It is suggested that there is a need for Euro-tour,
at least once a year, to visit the contacts and to
established other contacts in other European countries
that have not been yet visited.

6) There will be also America-tour, Asia-tour,
Africa-tour, Australasia-tour, organised by the
supporters and the Alliance of Students of West Papua.

For further information, please contact us at Web-site:

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