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Pics of My Friends

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If you have AOL, these pictures look like crap. Your best bet is to open Windows Explorer, or another Internet browswer, seperately and THEN look at these pictures.

These pictures were taken recently.

Left: Me Right: Amanda

This is me and my friend Cecil. He's a cutie, isn't he? LOL.

This was taken Easter 2001. The church choir was performing outside during the Easter sunrise service. That's Kristen on the left, me in the middle, and Liz on the right.

Another shot. Singing is the one thing I can actually do pretty well.

Yet *another* Easter shot.

Here's Kelly taking a drink. Don't ask me why I took this picture, cuz I don't know.

This is Kelly and Laren. Again, don't ask.

Here's Laren by herself, showing a little blanket love, LOL.

These pictures were taken last year.

Left to Right: Amanda, me, Christina, Laren. In the middle: Mike. I'm not that short, I'm just about to fall coz Mike was leaning completely on me.


Amanda again

Brandon. He's my bus buddy.

Christina. Doesn't she look like a model? Well, that's because she was *lol*

Cory. Such a dork =)

Laren. Love her hair!!

Christina putting makeup on Laren.

Laren 'adjusting' the balls under Mike's shirt. Ya right.

Aren't they cute??

Mike and his beloved Pokemon paddle. Hehe.

This is the other Mike. My -other- bus buddy. Gotta love the look on his face.

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