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Inner Mind Development Institute

The Philippines is one of the most important centers of psychic phenomena. And the Filipinos are considered by foreign psychic researchers as one of the most spiritual people in the world.

The existence of spirits and elementals is not just a belief among Filipinos, it is an accepted fact. Pre-historic data reveal that they could, for instance, use their minds to influence the weather to suit their needs. Some used their powers for sorcery or evil purposes and were feared by society. Others used their powers for good -- like healing prophecy -- and were sought after by the community.

But this widespread existence of psi phenomena and the presence of psi powers among the average citizens is matched only by the skepticism and disbelief of urban, educated Filipinos who consider such mental abilities to be mainly superstition. Thus, no school or academic institution to study paranormal phenomena has ever been established. A big chasm -- a gap -- therefore exists between the practitioners of the art and science of psychism and higher consciousness (mainly rural folk) and the academicians and intellectuals of the country. In other parts of the world, schools for the development of higher consciousness already exist.

In answer to the growing need for systematic and practical training in higher awareness and its applications, the Inner Mind Development Institute (IMDI) was established on March 10, 1988 by Jaime T. Licauco, internationally known Filipino psychic researcher, lecturer, author, and management consultant.

The Inner Mind Development Institute (IMDI) offers to the general public various seminars, workshops and learning experiences in the fields of:

  • Inner awareness
  • Creative and intuitive thinking
  • Stress control
  • ESP
  • Self-healing
  • Soulmates, karma and reincarnation and related topics.

    Eclectic in approach, IMDI is not limited to the teachings of a single guru, school of thought or group. It blends the best from various teachings, both ancient and modern, local and foreign, eastern and western traditions. Persons (both local and foreign) who are invited to lecture at the Institute are carefully chosen not only for their expertise in a given field of study and their ability to impart knowledge to others effectively, but also for their ethical standards and professionalism.

    For more information on IMDI Seminars, you can call or come at our office at: :

    Jaime T. Licauco
    Inner Mind development Institute
    Room 308 Prince Plaza I
    Legazpi street, Greenbelt Makati, MM
    Phone Nos. 892-68-06 / 810-72 -45
    Fax No. 815-98-90

    Or You can Email Mr. Licauco directly from this website

    Or click here to go to Inner Mind Development Institute Homepage

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