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Monday 12 June

127 lbs., alcohol units 3 (v.g.), cigarettes 13 (g.), minutes spent trying to program video 210 (poor).

7 p.m. Mum just rang. "Oh, hello darling. Guess what? Penny Husbands-Bosworth is on Newsnight!!!
"You know the Husbands-Bosworths, darling. Ursula was the year above you at the high school. Herbert died of leukemia..."
"Don't say 'what,' Bridget, say 'pardon.' The thing is I'm going to be out because Una wants to see a slide show of the Nile so Penny and I wondered if you'd record it... Ooh, better dash-- there's the butcher!"

8 p.m. Right. Ridculous to have had video for two years and never to have been able to make it record anything. Also is marvellous FV 67 HV VideoPlus. Simple matter of following operating intructions, locating buttons, etc., certain.

8:15 p.m. Humph. Cannot locate operating instructions.

8:35 p.m. Hah! Found operating instructions under Hello! Right. "Programming your video is as easy as making a phone call." Excellent.

8:40 p.m. "Point the remote control at the video recorder." V. easy. "Turn to Index." Aargh, horror list with "Timer conrolled simultaneous HiFi soud recordings," "the decoder needed for encoded programs," etc. Merely wish to record Penny Husbands-Bosworth's rant, not spend all evening reading treatise on spying techniques.

8:50 p.m. Ah. Diagram. "Buttons for IMC functions." But what are IMC functions?

8:55 p.m. Decide to ignore that page. Turn to "Timer-conrolled recordings with VideoPlus": "1. Meet the requirements for VideoPlus." What requirements? Hate the stupid video. Feel exactly the same as feel when trying to follow signposts in roads. Know in heart that signposts and video manual do not make sense but still cannot believe authorities would be so cruel as to deliberately dupe us all. Feel incompetent fool and as if everyone else in world understands something which is being kept from me.

9:10 p.m. "When you turn your recorder on you must adjust the clock and the calendar from precise TIMER-controlled recording (don't forget to use the quick-adjust options to switch between summer and winter time). Clock menus called with red and digital number 6."
Press red and nothing happens. Press numbers and nothing happens. Wish stupid video had never been invented.

9:25 p.m. Aargh. Suddenly main menu on TV is saying "Press 6." Oh dear. Realize was using telly remote control by mistake. Now news has come on.
Just called Tom and asked him if he could record Penny Husbands-Bosworth but he said he didn't know how to work his video either.
Suddenly there is clicking noise within video and the news is replaced, incomprehensibly, by Blind Date.
Just called Jude and she can't work hers either. Aaargh. Aargh. Is 10:15. Newsnight in fifteen minutes.

10:17 p.m. Cassette will not go in.

10:18 p.m. Ah, Thelma and Louise is in there.

10:19 p.m. Thelma and Louise will not come out.

10:21 p.m. Frenziedly press all buttons. Cassette comes out and goes back in again.

10:25 p.m. Have got new cassette in now. Right. Turn to "Recording."
"Recording will start when in Tuner Mode when any button is pressed (apart from Mem)." What, though, is Tuner Mode? "When recording from a camcorder or similar press AV prog source 3 x during a biligual transmission press 1/2 and hold for three seconds to make your choice of language."
Oh God. Stupid manual reminds me of Linguistics professor had at Bangor, who was so immersed in finer points of language that could not speak without veering off into analysis of each individual word: "This morning I would... now 'would' you see, in 1570..."
Aargh aargh. Newsnight is starting.

10:31 p.m. OK. OK. Calm. Penny Husbands-Bosworth's asbestos leukemia item is not on yet.

10:33 p.m. Yesss, yesss. RECORDING CURRENT PROGRAM. Have done it!
Aaargh. All going mad. Cassette has started rewinding and now stopped and ejected. Why? Shit. Shit. Realize in excitement have sat on remote control.

10:35 p.m. Frantic now. Have rung Shazzer, Rebecca, Simon, Magda. Nobody knows how to program their videos. Only person I know who knows how to do it is Daniel.

10:45 p.m. Oh God. Daniel fell about laughing when I said I could not program video. Said he would do it for me. Still, at least have done best for Mum. It is exciting and historic when one's friends are on TV.

11:15 p.m. Humph. Mum just rang. "Sorry, darling. It isn't Newsnight, it's Breakfast News tomorrow. Could you set it for seven o'clock tomorrow morning BBC1?"

11:30 p.m. Daniel just called. "Er, sorry, Bridge. I'm not quite sure what went wrong. It's recorded Barry Norman."