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1. Emby rules. 2. Everything around us can be represented by Embs' rulitude. 3. If you graph Embs' rulitude, patterns emerge. 4. Everything in nature depends on Emby ruling. 5. Emby IS a force of nature.
Therefore: Emby rules all.

So, you want to know about me? Sure, we all do! ;o) :o) Here's a few tasty tidbits...
Read my diary at
See my Color Quiz results here.
I am currently feeling My current mood at

Name: Erika
Nicknames: Emby, Embs, Embers, or anything remotely related (Embersmeisterchickiethinggal! Emberdisastablishmentarianism!! *g*); Serendipity, Gracie, Ga, Rika (family only *s*), Knuckles (you're weird, Joey), Emergency Room (that's just me... I call myself that sometimes... yeah...)
Age: 15- bday is December 29th, 1984 and I'm a Capricorn :o)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: None of your business!!! Okay, 120-ish. :o)
Hair: Dark brown, with natural red highlights, falling four or five inches below my shoulders and layered

Me! :o)
More Pictures

Loves: MST3K!!, SnO, web design (can't get that table thing to work out, though... *g*), Vancouver, CHEESEBURGERS *LOL*, movies, writing, yellow, purple, teal, light blue and Terrier blue :o), my doggies, aminals, and a couple of super cool people... you know who you are... :o)
Hates: Things that get in my way, releasing emotional baggage (it's good for the soul, tho'), flying, and people who think they're really cool when they're not!!
Fears: Just about everything *LOL*, but specifically heights, small spaces, deep water, death, and losing the people I love.

Me, making out with a sexy mad strawberry. Strawberry and I were so meant to be... 'til I ate him. *g*

Best Buds: Courterney, Patrick, Rina, Bear, Tree, Momma Gracer, Rimmey, Joey, Mic, MB, Sothster, Donna, Steph, Mike, Faith, Onil, all the tappers I'm forgetting about (I love you all, you know it!), and the Les Chantoosies and Am-Bad-Ass-Adores!! Oh, and all the sockheads, too! ROCK!!

Quote to Live By: "Avoid stuff that sucks." -SweetWy :o)

Favorite Music: Anything Lilith Fair-y (I've been twice!), esp. Sarah McLachlan, Sheryl Crow, Fiona Apple, and the Dixie Chicks; also Dave Matthews Band, Savage Garden, and Shedaisy; almost anything else, too, I'm not incredibly picky, just so long as it's not bubblegum pop or rap! Blecch!! *g*
People I've Seen In Concert: Lilith '98 (6/27/98)- K's Choice, Sinead O'Connor, Indigo Girls, Shawn Colvin, Natalie Merchant, and Sarah McLachlan; Lilith '99 (7/17/99)- Sixpence None the Richer, Luscious Jackson, the Dixie Chicks, Mya, the Pretenders, Sheryl Crow, Beth Orton, Stevie Nicks, and Sarah McLachlan; Fly Tour (6/19/00)- Patty Griffin and the Dixie Chicks
Most Meaningful Songs: "Angel" by Sarah McLachlan (it helped me through a very difficult time in my life), "Cowboy Take Me Away" by the Dixie Chicks (it helped me through a different difficult time) "This Woman Needs" by Shedaisy (o/~ I need you to see me/In every light/And hear that you still think I'm beautiful anyway o/~), "It's Not The Spotlight" by Beth Orton (yet another difficult time song), and "I Want You TO Want Me" by Letters To Cleo, just because it's FUN!
Favorite Books: The Hitchhiker Trilogy, by Douglas Adams, especially So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish; both Bridget Jones books, by Helen Fielding (read my favorite bit from BJD here); The Green Mile and any other Stephen King book that isn't too long... I get bored easily. *g*
Favorite Movies: Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and Dogma (Kevin Smith! Jason Mewes! Bryan O'Halloran! Ben Affleck! Jason Lee!!!!!); There's Something About Mary ("Seven chipmunks twirling on a branch, eating lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch! You remember that old children's tale from the sea?!" *LOL*), and Romy and Michele's High School Reunion ("Would you excuse me? I cut my foot earlier and my shoe is filling up with blood.")
Favorite Actors: Cameron Diaz, Ben Stiller, Janeane Garafalo, Jason Lee, Ben Affleck, Lisa Kudrow, Mira Sorvino, John Cusack, and, the cutest actor of all time, Jeff Anderson!!! :o) :o) :o) Click here to hear Jeff in acting action.

Jeff Anderson as Randal, in real and cartoon form. *swoon*

Current Compy: Compaq Presario- Windows 98, 96mb RAM, 28.8 modem (POS), DVD-ROM disk drive...
Online Stuff: ISP- AltaVista; AIM, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, MIE, Netscape...
Some Other Compy Programs I Have: Dogz4, Winamp, RealPlayer, Real Jukebox, Who Wants to be a Millionaire *g*, Winzip, Quicktime 4, Adobe Photoshop... more that I can't think of...

Bio: Well, let's see...I'm very active in choir at my high school. I would refer you to the school webpage to read up on it, but it's not very informative. However, you can read my page on this year's choir tour by clicking here. I first got involved in performing arts in the form of middle school drama. My first play was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I played Violet. I loved it. The next year I played Grace Farrell in Annie, which you can see below. That was the role of a lifetime. I learned a lot about myself playing that, as cheesy as that sounds. You can see my drama resumè by clicking here. ~~ I suppose drama led to my movie loving thing. I mean, what actress doesn't want to learn more about her craft, right? The second best way to learn (right after doing) is observing. So, I went to movies. A lot of movies. Some of those movies weren't very good. And so, I went back to my friends and told them why I didn't like the movies I didn't like. They told me I was pretty good at being opinionated. So, last April, I wrote my first review. It was for Lost and Found. I asked my friends to read it, and they thought it was pretty cool. Thus, a legend began. ~~ Going hand in hand with my movie reviewing passion is my passion for writing. I started writing short stories when I was seven, mostly cute little things about animals. Back then, I was facinated with family relationships. My stories would revolve around the progression of a family from marriage to children to grandchildren. Certainly, they weren't very detailed (or very good, in my opinion), but they were the start of something really neat. While I've had several false starts on a novel for some time now, I think that, once I find a good storyline, I will someday have a bestseller on my hands. You can say you knew me when. :o)

Me as Grace in Annie

Moment That Changed My Life: Story alert!! :o) I was in the car one day when I saw an old woman in a blue convertible wearing a red baseball cap. I watched her for a moment, and she looked so incredibly happy... she didn't care what anyone else thought, and she was doing exactly what she wanted: driving in her blue convertible with her red baseball cap on. Since then, I have strived to become like that old woman, doing exactly what I want to do, no matter what other people think about it. :o)

Random Shtuff: We are all neurotic, for to be anything less would be insane... o/~ I met this shiny girl/She said I'm crescent fresh/She had a sparkly dress/She smelled like stuff o/~... Emby is full of rulification... Triangle Nose, Triangle Nose, Triangle Nose... I am Map Girl! Bum da da dum!!! MAP GIRL!!!!!... Incandescent Lip Gloss Girl AWAY!!! (For more shtuff, visit the SCARY PAGE!!)

In closing...

"If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended:
That you have but slumb'red here,
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding but a dream,
Gentles, do not reprehend:
If you pardon, we will mend.
And, as I am an honest Puck,
If we have unearnèd luck
Now to scape the serpent's tongue,
We will make amends ere long;
Else the Puck a liar call:
So, good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends."
-Puck, A Midsummer Night's Dream