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Dew's Agatha Christie Mystery Site



Some Information About Ariadne Oliver


Physical Description:

€Booming bass voice

€Heavy set

€"...was an agreeable woman of middle age, handsome in a rather untidy fashion with fine eyes, substantial shoulders and a large quantity of rebellious grey hair with which she was continually experimenting." --"Cards on the Table"

Work and History:

€"I'm Mrs. Oliver. I write books."

€She is the author of forty-six best selling mystery novels and the creator of a famous vegetarian Fisnnish detective. (She is much like Agatha Christie herself.)

€The first appearance of this character is in "Parker Pyne, Detective" when she is the employee of Parker Pyne.

€Oliver's peak performance is in "Third Girl"--Poirot wouldn't have solved the case without her.

Personality Characteristics:

€Comical and witty



€Speaks her mind

€According to Poirot, Mrs. Oliver loves to talk. In "Halloween Party," he mentions his fear that she "would no doubt spend a very long time pouring out her grievances, her woes, her frustrations or whatever is ailing her."

€Highly emotional ("The things that excited Mrs. Oliver were so numerous [...] that one had to be careful how one embarked upon a discussion of them.")

€Despises the detective that she has created in her mystery novels, Sven Hjerson. She also talks about her love/hate relationship with writing.

€loves apple. She has a large bag of apples beside her while she types out her novels. She gives them up temporarily, however, in "Halloween Party."

€Likes comforable shoes, her privacy, and well-cooked meals

€Often mentions that she doesn't understand younger girls and the way they act. ("I can't really help thinking that girls are really very silly nowadays.")

€Hard on men, also. ("You men. Now if a woman were the head of Scotland Yard--" from "Mrs. McGinty's Dead)

€Hot-headed feminist

€Doesn't drink or smoke


Her Approach To Solving Crimes:

€She usually teams up with her friend, Hercule Poirot and provides Poirot with many helpful clues.

€She is led by her intuition and follows her feelings. ("Men are so slow. I'll soon tell you who did it. Someone down here, I suppose? Give me a day or two to look round, and I'll spot the murderer. A woman's intuition--that's what you need."--"Mrs. McGinty's Dead")

