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Dew's Agatha Christie Mystery Site



Some Information About Hercule Poirot


Physical Description:

€Hercule is a "tidy, little man." (Agatha Christie's words)

€Has black hair, which stays that way later later in his life thanks to his use of "a tonic, not a dye."

€He always keeps his prized mustache in perfect condition, "stiff and military." As he tells Hastings, "Never, in the whole of London, have I seen a pair of moustaches to equal mine."

€"He was hardly five feet, four inches, but carried himself with great dignity."

€"His head was exactly the shape of an egg, and he always perched it a little on one side."

€He always wears formal, proper clothing. "The neatness of his attire was almost incredible. I believe a speck of dust would have caused him more pain than a bullet wound."

Personality/Other Characteristics:

€When we first met Poirot, he has already retired, full of honor, from the Beligian police force. A refugee from the war, he currently lives in England.

€He speaks complex thoughts in English while saying easy phrases in French.

€He has been known to thrown books away in the trash can (after he has thrown them across from the room first) because he dislikes them.

€Loves the indoors

€Likes order, symmetry in his surroundings

€Is an Egoist and brags about his moustache as well as his abilities as a detective

€Enjoyed the finer things in life, including luxury hotels and good food.

€Has a sweet tooth and is particularly fond of hot chocolate "with foaming cream." He dislikes afternooon tea.

€Loves to eat and regrets that there is only three meals in a day

€Constantly repeats himself, often to Hasting's chagrin.

His Approach To Life:

€Has a passion for truth and knowledge.

€Always is on the lookout for a good mental challenge. After all, "If the gray cells are not exercised, they grow rust."

€Thinks first of justice--he's not above peeping in keyholes, reading the mail of others, or lying to a suspect in order to get him/her to confess.

€Believes that a large part of solving crimes is by sitting quietly and thinking.

€Thanks to his foreign birth and his manner, many are able to trust Poirot and confide in him. This ability earns him the nicknames "Papa Poirot" and "Father confessor."

€Believes in the help of others, particularly Arthur Hastings. "Always--always--you help me--you bring me luck. You inspire me," Poirot tells Hastings in "The ABC Murders." However, Poirot is also quick to point out Hasting's failings as well.

€Uses logical deduction ("his gray cells" as he calls them) to come up with the answers.

