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PART 1: MUSEUS, APLICAÇÕES DO PSICANALISE, LITERATURA, DIAGNOSTICO                                                                                                                                                                               Visitors since 1998:Update: Sept 3th, 2022



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Nas seguintes páginas, você encontrará links científicas e político-profissionais de psicanálise. A lista dirige-se a colegas psicanalistas, candidatos de pós-graduaçáo e estudantes, facilitando através da Internet o acesso às mais variadas informações.

Na primeira parte de minha lista, você pode informar-se sobre informaçãos de fontes históricas da psicanálise, congressos, literatura, diagnostico e na segunda parte sobre atividades em países de língua alemã. Você encontrará aqui resumos de revistas especializadas, boletins de noticías, informações de associações profissionais, endereços de institutos, departamentos universitários e bibliotecas da psicanálise. A terceira e quarta parte figuram informações de atividades psicanalíticas em países de língua inglesa e na quinta e sexta parte em países náo-inglesa. Eu espero que você aprecíe as seguintes links em psicanálise.




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 |  Museums  |  Aplicações do Psicánalise  |  Congressos  |   Journals  |   Literatura  |  Diagnostico |   Lectures  | 



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Part 1
Museums, Aplicações
Videos, Lectures

Part 2

Part 3
Nothern Europe
Canada, Australia

Part 4
Austria, Switzerland

Part 5
Middle Europe
Southern, Eastern Europe, Protugal

Part 6
Middle, Southern America
Asia, Africa


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You Tube




Freud, S.: | 1  | Video: Videothek Freud-Museum Wien  | | 2 | S. Freud Museum London | | 3 | Sigmund Freud - Life and Work (and: Groddeck, Stekel, Abraham, Sachs, Jones, Rank) | | 4 | Psiconet: S. Freud (Video) / Foto-Gallery: A. Freud, S. Ferenczi, K. Abraham, D.W. Winnicott, J. Lacan, E. Fromm, G. Groddeck | | 5 | Video: S. Freud: Ödipus 2:02min | | 6 | Video: S. Freud, Psychoanalysis 2:49min | | 7 | Video: S. Freud in BBC, London 1938 1:02min | | 8 | Video: S. Freud, London 1938 1:17min | | 9 | Video: S. Freud, A. Freud 1938 0:12min | | 10 | Video: S. Freud 1938 0:31min | | 11 | Video: S. Freud in BBC, 1938 2:26min | | 12 | Video: S. Freud 1932-1938  0:39min | | 13 | Video: S. Freud, Emmanue 0:11min | | 14 | Video: S. Freud, Late Clips 0:39min | | 15 | Video: S. Freud, Clip 1:54min | | 16 | Video: Interpretación de los Sueños Freud y Jung 8:10min | | 17 | Video: S. Freud, C.G.Jung 0:38min | | 18 |  Video, Psiconet: S. Freud

Adler, A.: | 1 |   Psychology A. Adler (Institute San Francisco) | | 2 |   Video: A. Adler (Institute San Francisco) | | 3 | Video: A. Adler 1929 4:31min | | 4 | Video: A. Adler, Life 3:17min | | 5 | Video: A. Adler, S. de Vries, H. Stein 2:29min | | 6 | Video: A. Adler, H. Stein 4:27min | | 7 | Video: A. Adler, Series 2:12min | | 8 | Video: H. Stein about A. Adler 1929 3:23min | | 9  | Video: S. de Vries, A. Mueller 2:01min | | 10 | Video: S. de Vries, L. Sicher 2:04min | | 11 | Video: S. de Vries, F. Kunkel 2:04min

Balint, M.: | 1 |   Psychology of M. Balint (International Balint Society)

Bion, W.: | 1 | Video: W. Bion en la Tavistock 7:11min

Frankl, S.: | 1 |  Video of S. Frankl, Logotherapy 3:53min | | 2 | Video of S. Frankl, Interview (1) 8:42min | | 3 | Video of S. Frankl, Interview (2) 10:28min | | 4 | Video of S. Frankl, Interview (3) 9:35min

Fromm, E.: | 1 | Video: E. Fromm, Interview (1) 6:25min | | 2 | Video: E. Fromm, Interview (2) 10:05min | | 3 | Video: E. Fromm, Interview (3) 6:07min | | 4 | Video: E. Fromm, Interview (4) 5:19min | | 5 | Video: E. Fromm, Dependence 4:16min | | 6 | Video: E. Fromm, War (1) 9:21min | | 7 | Video: E. Fromm, War (2) 8:34min | | 8 | Video: E. Fromm, War (3) 9:52min | | 9 | Video: E. Fromm, Faschismus  25:23min | | 10 | Video: E. Fromm, Anpassung 2:10min | | 11 | Video: E. Fromm, Glück 2:58min

Gross, O.: | 1 | Psychology of Otto Gross (International Otto Gross Society)

Andreas-Salomé, L.: | 1 | Lou Andeas-Salomé

Horney, K.: | 1 | Psychology of Karen Horney (International Karen Horney Society)

Jung, C.G.: | 1 | Psychology of C.G. Jung | | 2 | Video: C.G. Jung, Biography (1) 10:00min | | 3 | Video: C.G. Jung, Biography (2) 10:05min | | 4 | Video: C.G. Jung, Biography (3) 10:05min | | 5 | Video: C.G. Jung, Biography (4) 10:06min | | 6 | Video: C.G. Jung, Femine Archetype 2:04min | | 7 | Video: C.G. Jung, Future 1:23min | | 8 | Video: C.G. Jung, Psyche 1:11min | | 9 |  Video: C.G. Jung, God 0:28min | | 10 |   Video: C.G. Jung, Mysticism 5:27min  | | 11 |   Video: C.G. Jung, Death is no End 4:30min | | 12 |   Video: C.G. Jung, La Vida 6:51min

Kohut, H.: | 1 | Psychology of H. Kohut | | 2 | Video: H. Kohut, Selfpsychology 4:47min | | 3 | Video: Lichtenberg, H. Kohut 56:50min | | 4 | Video: Perry, H. Kohut 57:49min

Lacan, J.:  | 1 | Psychology of J. Lacan | | 2 | Video, | | 3 | Video: J. Lacan, O Gozo 1:53min | | 4 | Video: J. Lacan, Transferancias 0:51min | | 5 | Video: J. Lacan, No Saben que lo Saben 1:15min | | 6 | Video, J. Lacan, Inconsciente 2:19min | | 7 | Video: J. Lacan, Televisão (1) 4:05min | | 8 |   Video: J. Lacan, Televisão (2) 1:38min | | 9 | Video: J. Lacan, Televisão (3)  2:53min | | 10 | Video: J. Lacan, On la Guerison 1:41min

Mitscherlich, Margarete: | 1 | Video: Zwischen Handlung und Behandlung 1 14:47min | | 2 | Video: Zwischen Handlung und Behandlung 2 16:01min | | 3 | Video: Zwischen Handlung und Behandlung 3 16:10min | | 4 | Video: Mitscherlich Zeitzeuge  2:46min | | 5  | Video: Mitscherlich 1:03:00min | | 6 | Video: Geistesgegenwart 1  13:13min | | 7 | Video: Geistesgegenwart 2 14:27min | | 8 | Video: Geistesgegenwart 3 14:23min

Rank, O.:  | 1 | Psychology of Otto Rank

Reich, W.: | 1 | W. Reich |  W.Reich-Museum | | 2 |   W. Reich & Orgone Ring | | 3 |   Video: W. Reich, Work 9:59min

Szondi, L.: | 1 | Szondi-Forum

Wurmser, Leon: | 1 | Video: Was ist Liebe? 6:22min | | 2 | Video: Traum und Traumdeutung 9:58min | | 3 | Video: Psychoanalyse und Individualität 14:46min |  | 4 | Video: Konflikt und Freiheit 20:13min | | 5 | Video: Ressentiment 3:43min | | 6 | Video: Seelenblindheit, Seelenmord, Scham 6:41min | | 7 | Video: Urscham und Drogensucht 1:06:32min

H. Segal,  B. Joseph, A.M. Sandler, E. O'Shaugnessy, E. Laufer, E. Spilius | 1 | British Institute of Psychoanalysis, Video 15:00min



Freud, A.: | 1 | Anna Freud Museum London | | 2 | Video: A. Freud, La Vida 3:52min | | 3 | Video: A. Freud, Tv Isrealita 5:06min | | 4 | Video: A. Freud, Loca 2:09min

Klein, M.:  | 1 |  Psychology of M. Klein | | 2 | Video: M. Klein, Her Life 3:28min | | 3 | Video: M. Klein, La Obra 3:11min | | 4 | Video: M. Klein, Live 7:58min | | 5 | Video: M. Klein, Biografia 2:48min  | | 6 | Video: M. Klein, Las Teorias 2:41min | | 7 | Video: M. Klein, Técnica da Analisa de Crianças 2:07min

Winnicott, D.W.:  | 1 | Video: D.W. Winnicott, S. Freud, Wallon, J. Lacan 1:38min

Mahler, M.: | 1 | Psychology of Margret S. Mahler

Erikson, E.: | 1 | Psychology of E. Erikson | | 2 | Video: E. Erikson, Psychosocial Development 4:00min

Bowlby, J.: | 1 | Video: J. Bowlby, Attachment Theory 2:09min | | 2 | Video: J. Bowlby, Maternal Deprivation 6:50min | | 3 | Video: J. Bowlby, Attachement 6:59min

Miller, A.: | 1 | A. Miller | | 2 |  Video: Child and Violence 3:28min



Yalom, I.: | 1 | Video: I. Yalom, Psychotherapy 5:35min | | 2 | Video: I. Yalom, Gift of Therapy 3:46min | | 3 | Video: I. Yalom, Case Consultation (1) 4:21min | | 4 | Video: I. Yalom, Case Consultation (2) 4:22min | | 5 | Video: Outpatient Group 4:12min | | 6 | Video: Inpatient Group 6:11min



Videos, see here




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 Aplicações do Psicánalise  

Álcool| 1 | American Psychoanalytic Foundation

Artes: | 1 | Institute for Psychological Study of the Arts | | 2 | Psyart | | 3 | Earthlore | | 4 |  Art Therapy links  | | 5 | Academy for the Study of Psychoanalytic Arts

Borderline: | 1 | Krause, Universität Saarbrücken | | 2 | Borderline Resources | | 3 |  Borderline-community (Forum of patients)

Criança: | 1 | American Psychoanalytic Foundation | | 2 | The Child Development Website | | 3 | Australian Institute of Family Studies | | 4 | Parent Child Center of the New York Psychoanalytic Society

Eating disorders: | 1 | Psychosomatics and Eating Disorders The Psychoanalytic Approach, American Psychoanalytic Association (APA) | | 2 | Eating Disorders, Center for Psychotherapeutic Studies, University of Sheffield | | 3 | Eating Disorder Organization (EDA), UK | | 4 | Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center, UK | | 5 | National Eating Disorders Organisation (NEDA)

Estudos: | 1 | International Psychonalytical Association

Ethic: | 1 |   American Psychological Assoaciation (APA)  | | 2 |  Center for Democracy and Technology, Washington (CDT) | | 3 | Interfakultäres Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften, Uni Jena

Ethnology: | 1 | Association Gesza Roheim

Família: | 1 | International Institute of Object Relations Therapy | | 2 | American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy  | | 3 | Society of Psychoanalytic Marital Psychotherapists (SPNP)

Filosofia: | 1 | Psychoanalyse und Philosophie | | 2 | | | 3 |   C.G.Jung and Philosophy

Grupo: | 1 | International Association of Group Psychotherapy (IAGP) | | 2 | American Group Psychotherapy Association | | 3 | Deutscher Arbeitskreis für Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik

History: | 1 | The Institut for Psychohistory | | 2 | International Association for the History of the Psychoanalysis | | 3 | Deutsche Psychoanalytische Gesellschaft (DPG) | | 4 | Deutsche Psychoanalytische Vereinigung (DPV) | | 5 | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Tiefenpsychologie (DGPT) | | 6 | Sigmund Freud Museum Wien | | 7 | Frankfurter Psychoanalytisches Institut | | 8 | Wiener Psychoanalytische Vereinigung (WPV)  | | 9 | International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis (all countries)

Internet:  Articles from | | 1 |   R. Young | | 2 |  N. Holand  | | 3 |  | | 4 |  Deutsches Netzwerk Evidenzbasierte Medizin

Liaison: | 1 | Liaison-Psychiatry Section of the Royal College of Psychiatrists

Literatura: | 1 | Center for Literature and Psychoanalysis, Uni Kent | | 2 | Arbeitsgruppe Literatur und Psychoanalyse, Uni Freiburg

Personal Constructs: | 1 |   Rohrschach-Test, Universität Göteborg  | | 2 |  SASB: Strukturale Analyse Sozialen Verhaltens, Universität Düsseldorf

Película:  | 1 | Forum for the Study of Film (American Psychoanalytic Foundation) | | 2 | European Film Festival (London Psychoanalytic Society)

Política| 1 | International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations | | 2 | Journal Information Society | | 3 | Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society | | 4 | Macquarie University, Politics Discipline 

Psychosomatics: | 1 | United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy  | | 2 | Society of Psychosomatic Research | | 3 | Deutsches Kollegium für Psychosomatische Medizin (DKPM)

Religião: | 1 | Psychology of Religion Pages (Division 36 of the American Psychological Association) 

Social worker: | 1 | Mental Help Net  | | 2 | Cinical Social Work | | 3 | National Association of Social Workers  | | 4 |   Committee on Psychoanalysis  | | 5 | Uni Berlin: Psychoanalytische Sozialpädagogik

Sonho| 1 | Association for the Study of Dreams | | 2 | Rêves et interpretation (C.G. Jung) 

Trauma:  | 1 | Center of Mind and Human Interaction | | 2 | International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies  | | 3 | American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy








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| 1 | Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP) of the American Psychoanalytic Association (APSA): summaries of books, journals, reviews  | | 2 | Digital Archive of Psychoanalytic Texts (APA)  | | 3 | Open Directory Project (dmoz): Science/ Social_Sciences/ Psychology/ Psychoanalytic_and_Psychodynamic/ | | 4 | US National Library of Medicin (PubMed)  | | 5 | (Zusammenstellung der Gesammelten Werke von S. Freud in deutscher Sprache im Volltext) | | 6 | Projekt Gutenberg (Hauptwerke S. Freuds online) | | 7 | (eingescannte Werke von S. Freud | | 8 | Freud Mediathek des S. Freud Museum Wien | | 9 | Freud Mediathek des S. Freud Museum London | | 10 | IMAGNO (Datenbank mit historischen Aufnahmen der frühen Psychoanalyse) | | 11 | Psychoanalytic Document Database (Datenbank mit Briefen, Manuskripten und Dokumenten zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse) | | 12 | Psychoanalytikerinnen. Biografisches Lexikon (Datenbank mit dem Beitrag von Frauen in der Geschichte der Psychoanalyse) | | 13 | Literaturdatenbank der Deutschen Psychoanalytischen Gesellschaft (DPG) (35000 Einträge) | | 14 | Bibliothek im Sigmund-Freud-Institut | | 15 | Actual Psychoanalytic Literature ( | | 16 | Sigmund Freud Buchhandlung  | | 17 | Antiquariat (











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