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Links to the Larger Worlds

Linking is about my favorite part of the internet, so I'll keep updating the links you'll find here. For convenience, they're divided by topics. Let me know if you find others that'd make good links from this central page.

Search Engines * Cool People with Cool Sites * Mental Health * Writers and Writing * Spirituality * Arts and Crafts *
Just for Fun * Miscellaneous * Journalism * Celtic Collection

Search Engines

Ask Jeeves The perfect search engine for lazy days or times when you expect a relatively easy search.
AltaVista AltaVista was the first search engine I ever used, and it's still my favorite for any kind of complex search.

Cool People with Cool Sites

Glassdog World Domination I became a fan of Lance from his fiction writing, and have since decided that he's the best web designer around. I'm entitled to my opinion. Check this site out.
Emain Macha, home of some excellent fiction and a journey in search of self.
Brett's Page, with lots of fun stuff, animal pictures and stories, and rants about cancer and Native American wannabes... and a William Fichtner website.
The Southern Chick, the place to go for advice on everything from how to deal with a cheating husband to how kinky is too kinky... and more.
Darcy's Page A talented designer and writer. Look for the original fiction.

Mental Health

Joy Ikelman's Info on Bipolar Disorder One of the best sites I've found about bipolar disorder: non-threatening, easy to read and with excellent links to more detailed information
Pendulum Resources A bipolar disorders portal that calls itself your gateway to the web
Bipolar Disorder This is's bipolar disorder forum. If you are bipolar or have to deal with someone who is, this is a good place to start for useful, understandable explanations.
Lithium infoNo explanation needed
Wellbutrin SR Another meds site
Celexa Yet another meds site

Writers and Writing

Project Gutenberg Full texts of hundreds, maybe thousands of documents. An incredible resource.
Inkspot, If you're interested in any aspect of writing, you have to visit here. Be prepared to stay a while.
Writers Online Most sections of this site are pretty skimpy so far, but there's are good lists available for writers in the Links, Markets and Contests categories.
Eclectic Writer Hasn't been updated in a while, but has some useful articles for freelancing.'s Freelance Writer Forum Lots of articles and links.
Orson Scott Card's Website "Uncle Orson's Writing Class" has some interesting insights into the writing life.


I Believe The most interesting religion/spirituality site I've found. Non-denominational and blessedly inclusive.
The Witches' Voice, A well-designed, intelligently written Wiccan site.
The Pagan Library Self-explanatory's Pagan/Wiccan Forum Lots of articles and links.'s Christianity Forum A good, broad view of societal trends from a Christian perspective.

Celtic Collection

Celtic Traditions A page of links to all kinds of Celtic material.
Learning Irish, Well-designed, easy to print out series of lessons in Irish Gaelic. From The Irish People, a 30-year-old publication.
Gwybodiadur, A Welsh Informationary Lots of Welsh connections.
A Welsh Course Self-explanatory.
The Welsh Learner's Links Also self-explanatory.

Arts and Crafts

SAU Art Department Southern Arkansas University's excellent art department web site. Best part is the Figure-Drawing Lab, a terrific resource for artists and artist wannabes. Graphic intensive.
Eyes on Art Interactive art lessons and more, on a well-designed site. It's temporarily down as of May 17, but should be up again soon. Check it out.
Pagan Art A collection of links to some good pagan art sources on the internet.
Museum of Web Art A mind-boggling look at what's possible in art on the web. Needless to say, this one's graphic intensive.
Feorag's Free StuffA limited but very good selection of Celtic-based typefaces and art for the Mac. Where else can you find a rune or ogham typeface?
Midnight Hour Graphics Cool art, Kaleidoscope themes for the Mac user and a gallery of Thoroughbreds. What more can you ask?
Metropolitan Museum of Art The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. Beautifully designed and easy to navigate.
Counted Cross Stitch, Needlework and Stitchery Page A well-organized collection of links to various needle craft sites.

Just for Fun

Ghost Planet Absurdist humor lives! Don't miss the Prancing Ponies
This is the end It's a funny-once, but worth the click
Crimescene A fictional crime/detective-based website that once caused an uproar in a small town that refused to believe it was fiction. What fun! Yours truly wrote part of the stories for the cases "Olympic Skating Duo Murdered" and "Parents Murdered; Children Missing."
Psychic Puppy Reveals Your Past Lives Only on the internet can you find incisive and useful info like this. Moderately graphic intensive, so if you're on a molasses connection like mine, go get a sandwich while you wait.
QueenDom Tests Love to take tests and quizzes? A sucker for every slick-mag quiz you see? This site's for you. At last tally, it featured more than 150 fully interactive tests and quizzes on everything from intelligence to sex to careers to critters and more.


The Freedom Forum An invaluable resource for working journalists and anybody interested in the news media. Links to all sorts of organizations, along with original research and reports from the Freedom Forum.
Urban Legends and Folklore Ever worry about waking up in a bathtub in New Orleans minus a kidney? Fear getting a huge bill for a cookie or cake recipe? Afraid to try on coats at Kmart for fear of being bitten by exotic Southeast Asian snakes? Worried some gang member hiding under your car in a parking lot will slash your heel tendons to get points with his gang? Do you honestly believe Microsoft would give anything to anybody just for forwarding a bunch of junk email? Then this is the site for you. Go now. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.


Amphigory Go, and be thou a blood-sucking vampire goth sorta groovy person. For all your black lipstick and fake blood needs.
Implicit Association Test Both fascinating and vaguely disturbing, this test reveals deep-seated prejudices that many of us like to believe we've gotten beyond. Take the test at least once without reading any of the material. It's serious food for thought.
Urban Legends and Folklore Ever worry about waking up in a bathtub in New Orleans minus a kidney? Fear getting a huge bill for a cookie or cake recipe? Afraid to try on coats at Kmart for fear of being bitten by exotic Southeast Asian snakes? Worried some gang member hiding under your car in a parking lot will slash your heel tendons to get points with his gang? Do you honestly believe Microsoft would give anything to anybody just for forwarding a bunch of junk email? Then this is the site for you. Go now. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.