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ADULT PCE: Personal Contact Experience

By Christopher Montgomery


The UFO Resource Center thanks "Kimizone" for her account of a sighting, which happened back in 1988.

Subject:Re: ufo sighting and contact l988                      
From: "Kimizone" *snip*  
Date:Wed, Apr 19 2000 12:50:19 PM EDT                         

ok here is the basics of my encounter. I was sitting outside of a residental home in Cottonwood, AZ in the afternoon around 4:00pm in a metal foldup chair, having a cigarette. i heard a low thrumming sound that seemed to vibrate above me and in me. i saw 3 ships in a v formation moving towards me, they came right above me and stopped. they were 3 segmented like an ant. black metal. the sky was perfectly clear and blue as it often is in that part of AZ. the ships were about 4 inches to my sight above me. they must have been pretty far up if they were big. i swear they wearnt helecopters or aircraft. didnt act or look like that. when they were directly above me. . .some sort of energy beam was sent down it enveloped me where i was sitting, against the outside wall of the house. i felt immediately that this was really high good energy, very powerful. it was really shocking. . .so i went into just breathing and relaxing and letting go of my fear as much as possible. then two little blue beings were beamed down. one on my right, one on my left. they were very short, blue, i could vaguely see through them. they just stayed there and the energy went way up as soon as they appeared. the little blue beings were not speaking or communicating, just hanging out. i felt total love, compassion and a great great approval from them, as if they wanted me to know they knew me and were just letting me know they loved me intensely. this could have lasted 30 seconds, or went on for some time. i really dont know. i just accepted it and let it happen. then very suddenly the 2 blue guys just vanished and i felt a distinct change in vibration as they were beamed back up to the 3 ships. they the beam was taken up or something like that, and they slowly moved back in the direction in which they came and were soon out of my sight. i didnt tell anyone for a long time, and when i did was ridiculed as being a nut or making it up for attention. there were not "flying saucer" shaped ships. like nothing ever described that i have heard. the little guys did not have features or limbs, just blue energy forms that were very clear to me on either side of where i was sitting. i felt really good about the experience at the time and still do. i can draw the ships and the beings but i am new to computers and i dont know how to do that online yet. i have never reported this before. please dont be newage flakes about this. if you are not sincere, or are hackers, or i have any problems. . .i will notify aol. let me know if you have any other testamonies of this nature reguarding 3 segmented ships. i never hear about this type. thankyou. [Unable to display image]

========================OUR REPLY===========================


We are replying to your message in a dialogue format, which makes it easier to take your questions and/or comments individually; In a message received on April 19, 2000 Kimizone wrote;

KIMIOZONE; "please dont be  newage  flakes about this.  if you are not sincere, or are hackers, or i have any problems. . .i will notify aol."

DIRECTOR: Actually, our site is considered "very scientific;" Unfortunately, science has not come full circle and accepted UFOs as a significant part of our reality. Perhaps you can refer us to a friend and let AOL know that we are A-OK. We actually get a significant number of our referrals from AOL.

KIMIZONE: i felt really good about the experience at the time and still do.

DIRECTOR: Yes, that is very interesting indeed...some people are terrified by their experience(s). Did your experiences terminate after this initial (?) encounter, or have their been others, before and/or after? Just curious. Most encounters do not stop with the first one.

KIMIZONE:  let me know if you have any other testamonies of this nature reguarding 3 segmented ships.  i never hear about this type.  thankyou.

DIRECTOR: Well, KIMIZONE; I have got to tell you, you are the first report I have read of this kind...although I have read reports that UFOs can merge and seperate, mother ships (cigar shaped) UFOs have been known to disgorge a fleet of saucers. We are going to publish your story, and we would like to post your e-mail also, so that others can reply to your question. We will not post your e-mail, unless you give us your permission. We would like to, if it's alright?

One more thing; we are looking for one volunteer...YES! you will do...would you give our new UFO report form a second try? After you told us it was not working, I personally went in and re-did the entire form html! Your story is saved in an abstract format; however, if you reply to the form (and it is successful) we can add those details to the abstract, sort of flesh it out, so to speak. Let me know if you have any more information you would like to share.

All the best and thank you for your report!

INVESTIGATOR Christopher Montomery;
Director of the UFO Resource Center
UFORCE Alt e-mail:

The following report comes from our newsgroup affiliates, [coreUFOnet]  The UFO 
Resource Center thanks for this report: 
Delivered-To: Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 16:29:31 -0000 From: Subject: (unknown) HI! In 1995 I saw ufo on st.martin (fwi).It scared me very very much. I guess it was the fear of the unknown. It was just sitting there, glowing orange color, oval shape, about 2km from my house. I think about it every day. I`m not afraid of being ridiculed,I talk about it. Who are they -the crew of the vehicle?

That's the six billion dollar question, isn't it? If we knew "they," were (the crew of the vehicle); then the mystery behind the UFO enigma would be solved and we could deal with the situation and get on with life. I believe that our world government knows much more than they want to share. In my opinion, if they were NOT a threat, then the they would have told us a long time ago. Apparently they are a threat...but to whom?

In a message dated 04/19/2000 9:31:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
HI! In 1995 I saw ufo on st.martin(fwi).It scared me very very much. I guess it was the fear of the unknown.It was just sitting there, glowing ogange color, oval shape, about 2km from my house. I think about it every day.
"It does effect us this way at times." Sandy Nichols
We have sent our comment to "ola" and await their reply. In the meantime We shall keep trying to answer that question.

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