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Gravitional Physics Research

Christopher Montgomery, Researcher


The UFO Resource Center thanks Mike Van Dusen ( and Tony Craddock Web Administrator (CSETI) for this report. It has become quite apparent to myself and anyone else reading this, that the governments of the world are powered by money and not motivated by the needs of their people.

FWD: Earth Day With CSETI; Free Energy Devices & Processes

A "Quote from VP Al Gore today on National Public Radio, responding to criticism of his prediction that we'll eliminate the use of internal combustion engines within 25 years. 'We can do it in much less than 25 years!'" (LIES!-Ed)

Perhaps he is aware of the following - if not, he should be.

* In the 1930's, under a contract with the U.S. Navy at Stanford University on the Network Analyzer, General Electric developed a device (actually a "negative resistor'') that would power the circuit by extracting energy from the vacuum when the generator was disconnected.

* In the early 1900's, Dr. T. Henry Moray of Salt Lake City produced his first device to tap energy from the metafrequency oscillations of empty space itself. Eventually Moray was able to produce a free energy device weighing sixty pounds and producing 50,000 watts of electricity for several hours.

* In the 1930s Russian scientists at the University of Moscow and supporting agencies developed and tested parametric oscillator generators that put out more power than was input ("over-unity").

* A frequency converter using 64 transistor stages and similar sophisticated feedforward and feedback mechanisms was placed in the original Minuteman missile, then deliberately modified to stop its demonstrated overunity performance. Very quietly, Westinghouse engineers then obtained several patents surrounding the technology, but no further mention of it appears in the literature.

* In a 1988 experiment, an unconventional solid-state vacuum triode developed by the late Floyd Sweet continuously discharged 1,200,000 times more electrical power than was fed into it. It also exhibited anti-gravity properties. These are but a few of the documented instances where devices have been able to extract free energy from the vacuum. And of course it has all been quickly and ruthlessly suppressed by the High Cabal (as Winston Churchill called them) that wants to keep us all hooked up to the grid and to the fossil fuel bandwagon. Even well-intentioned environmentalists have a problem with all this when they turn to their scientific advisors, as the 136 year old electrical theory that is taught is hopelessly (and deliberately) flawed, so that all of the above looks "paranormal" and inexplicable.

The bottom line is that the technology to extract free energy from the vacuum has been around for more than 50 years, and we are running out of time to get it introduced to stop the degradation of the biosphere. And if you want some REALLY powerful energy? Use "time" for energy, by transducing time-energy into spatial energy. Transducing one microsecond per second of time, into spatial EM (electro-magnetic) energy, yields nearly 1,000,000,000,000 watts of power. Sounds wacky? Well, a little tiny bit of that is already what is producing the novel transmutations in the so-called "cold fusion" experiments. Experiments, which, despite official denial by "prestigious" academic institutions, have been replicated hundreds of times in the laboratory.

For a more complete summary of processes for extracting free energy from the vacuum that have been documented in the open literature, see the CSETI Website under What's New. The sad thing is that mastery and quick development of self-powering EM power systems is doable. As research goes, it will not even be very expensive - $40 million at most. It can be done in five years or less, given the focus of qualified labs and scientists, open minds, and reworking of the flawed foundations of classical electrodynamics. It could move with one voice under a Presidential Decision Directive.

Tony Craddock (Reference #1)

UFO RESOURCE CENTER thanks UFOnet and Ted for the following Gravitational research;

Delivered-To: Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 14:55:58 -0400 From: Ted Subject: Re: UFOnet: Current And Past Antigravity/Gravity Research


Mr. Gluhareff agrees with Dr. Pascual Jordan of Hamburg University, one of Europe's outstanding authorities on gravitation who proved many parts of the 'Quantum Theory' of Dr. Max Planck, that it will be possible to induce substantial changes in the gravitational fields of rotating masses through electromagnetic research. Dr. Jordan has just signed a contract to do research for Martin Aircraft Corp. of Baltimore. Dear Mr. Hamilton, I believe I have a good knowledge of the theoretical research of P. Jordan in 1955 and I really wonder, why there is no success visible. If there is an interest in details of the theory, i would be able to publish it here. (Reference #2) Greetings, Dr.-Ing. Detlef Hoyer Hamburg

THE UFO RESOURCE CENTER is your "One Source for UFO News and Information." If you have some research that you'd like to contribute to our group, please send it to Thank You!

Candidate for a 5th dimension

Delivered-To: Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 19:41:11 -0400 Sender: Ted ( Reply-To: Subject: UFOnet: Candidate for a 5th dimension

Candidate for a 5th dimension

Space and time have been unified by relativity theory. What in our world could be added as a 5th component to the three space directions and the time axis ? "As things now stand there is no further indication in our fund of experience of such an odd world parameter, but we are free to interpret our spacetime-continuum as a four-dimensional part of a five-dimensional space" wrote Kaluza 1921 (meeting reports of the Prussian Akademy of Sience, phys.-math. class p. 966 - 972). One indication he had found: The curvature tensor in a five-dimensional space consists of fifteen components, of which ten as expected are members of the gravity equation, while four additional components surprisingly fit into the electromagnetic field equation (for the fifteenth component the matter is quite different). This indication, that the electromagnetic potentials might be a manifestation of a 5th dimension, shall be the reason to take a closer look on these potentials. Which are the characteristics of the electromagnetic potentials and which point to a connection with a 5th coordinate ? 1. Of course the electromagnetic potentials have been introduced in classical theory as auxiliary fields, but in advanced theories they are real, irreplacable fields with physical substance (Schrödinger's Equation, QED, Proca's Equation) 2. In the Bohm-Aharonov experiment the bare presence of electromagnetic potential in regions without electric or magnetic field causes a phase shift in the quantum mechanical wave funktion (like that of an additional path). 3. The classical Maxwell theory of electric and magnetic fields does not fix the electromagnetic potentials, but leaves freedom for the choice of an additional parameter, with which the electromagnetic potentials can be modified without changing anything in the results of the derived fields (gauge transformation). 4. A successive application of a general coordinate transformation and a gauge transformation to the electromagnetic potentials (invariance group of the relativistic Maxwell equation) is structurally similar (isomorph) to a rotation and streching of a vector in five dimensional space (linear transformation in a five dimensional manifold). (References: UFOnet[IBID]; reference #3)

In my search for evidence of hyper-intelligent beings as pilots of UFOs, I have made several discoveries along my quest. One being that hyperdimensional physics, which operate outside of the known boundries of time and space, offer some real answers to their ability to pop in and disappear from our dimension. The following research is presented as evidence that the doors to science are not closed, and that this can be presented as theoretical evidence, which suggests that UFOs utilize a principle of hyperdimensional travel, manipulating frequencies of radiation beyond our know parameters of electromagnetic spectrum. My research has proven this time and again.


REFERENCE #1: Tony Craddock is the "Web Administrator" for CSETI;
REFERENCE #2: Ufonet is an open, international, free news and discussion list devoted to: UFOs, Strange Phenomena, Astronomy, Skywatching, SETI, the Latest on Aerospace Research and Space Travel, Free & New Energy,Exoscience, etc.

URL: Messages to the list-owner:

Wordt voor fl 20,-- lid van de ufonieuwsbrief. Zes maal per in de echte brievenbus het laatste nieuws uit de ufologie, astronomie, ruimtevaart en aanverwante onderwerpen.Kijk op! Reference #3: Candidate for a 5th dimension; Ted (;


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