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Researched by Christopher Montgomery


Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 09:15:40 +0200
Subject: UFOnet: UFO ROUNDUP Volume 5, Number 17

UFO ROUNDUP Volume 5, Number 17 April 27, 2000 Editor: Joseph Trainor CHUPACABRA HUNTED BY POLICE IN CHILE On Wednesday, April 19, 2000, Carabineros (Chile's national police--J.T.) conducted an intensive search for a Chupacabra on the outskirts of Calama, a small city 300 kilometers (180 miles) northeast of Antofagasta. The Carabineros fired several shots at an unknown intruder on the north bank of Rio Loa and later found several strange footprints at the spot. According to the newspaper El Diario, "on Wednesday night, the fast, sudden movement of 'something' inside the bushes, accompanied by a strange howling, alerted police officers who fired a volley of shots in the air in the vicinity of the local cemetery." "Nothing was found afterward except for a pair of strange footprints which were taken and sent to Santiago (Chile's national capital--J.T.) for analysis." "Carabineros searched the north bank of the Rio Loa for more than three hours, covering four kilometers on foot, in search of the culprit (responsible for) the deaths of nearly 200 animals, but the possibility of human involvement has not been discounted." Carabineros from the cuartel (barracks) at Aguas Buenas conducted the search and fired the shots at the intruder, which local residents said was a Chupacabra (Spanish for goat sucker--J.T.) The Chupacabra first appeared on the island of Puerto Rico in 1995. Since then the creature has been sighted in Mexico and Brazil. "Police officers unsuccessfully combed the farms in the suburbs of" Calama "to search for an alleged Chupacabra which had already slain some 200 sheep and which had also attacked pigs in recent days," between April 15 and April 20. "Alarmed by recent attacks, the regional government ordered patrols of the outskirts of the desert mining region about 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) north of Santiago de Chile. Policemen, accompanied by tracking dogs and under orders to open fire if attacked searched the farms where the locals maintain small cultivation operations..." "The slaughter of pigs and sheep has been attributed not only to the Chupacabras--attorney and ufologist Boris Campos says that aliens from space may be to blame for the carnage." On Thursday morning, April 20, 2000, authorities in San Fernando, another community of the El Loa region, west of Calama, received "reports about the strange deaths of some 30 hens, ducks, pigs and dogs in several areas. These killings have also been attributed to the Chupacabras." "The bizarre deaths of sheep and goats in the region of Labanda, El Loa province, led to a summoning of a multi-agency meeting to discuss the subject and to agree on measures aimed at putting an end to the problem, and above all, determine who or what has caused the deaths..." While the interagency meeting was taking place, more reports were received from Talcarehue, near San Fernando, "where strange animal deaths have also been reported over the past few days. Locals speak of the strange deaths of a hog, a dog, six chickens and some ducks under circumstances that remain unexplained, as well as the presence of footprints for which no explanation could be found." On Saturday, April 22, 2000, authorities in northern Chile began to attribute the rash of strange animal deaths to a roving pack of wild dogs. "Lucas Bouchard, chief of Environmental Hygiene and Food in Calama, explained that these animals tend to bite each other during fights, inflicting deep bloody wounds, thus developing a taste for the substance (blood). This gives rise to the hypothesis that (the dogs) running in packs now slay animals, and given the difficulty of consuming the flesh, are content to drink their blood." Francisco Segocia, regional governor of El Loa province, said, "The footprints were taken to the Investigations lab. We cannot say what they are at this time, but at first sight, they come pretty near to dog prints, which tend to expand and acquire strange shapes. An operation has been conducted, and we want to point out that no evidence of the presence of a strange animal was found, nor of any strange phenomena that could be the cause of the animals' deaths." (See the Miami Herald for April 20, 2000. Also El Diario and El Mercurio de Chile for April 20, 2000. Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales, auto de los libros Chupacabras and Other Mysteries y Forbidden Mexico, y tambien Gloria Coluchi para esas histories.) MYSTERIOUS LIGHTS HOVER OVER CASEYVILLE, ILLINOIS Four months after the January 5th incident, southern Illinois is again the stage for a UFO drama. "A rash of bright-light sightings early Thursday," April 20, 2000, "could have been little green men, but UFO experts are skeptical." "Investigators with the National Insitutute for Discovery Science initially were excited by reports from the Illinois State Police and Caseyville police early Thursday because they were so near the January 5 sighting in Highland, Lebanon, Millstadt and Dupo. And it occurred just after 4 a.m.--about the same time the earlier sighting occurred, said institute investigator Roger Pinson." "But a lack of identifiable witnesses or a precise UFO description--coupled with a storm Wednesday night that pelted the area with rain, high winds and lightning--quickly fizzled the investigation's drive, Pinson said." "'No one was able to see an actual shape. All people saw was lights. There was no pattern or color or intensity.'" added Pinson, who also reportedly said the lack of such details "'made it difficult to, for lack of a better word, to get excited about.'" "He admitted there was a '100 percent possibility' the light seen Thursday was related to the object reported January 5 but said it was unlikely." "Officials at Scott Air Force Base and at Lambert Field in St. Louis (Missouri) no sightings or signs of spacecraft on the radars." "The Illinois State Police received an anonymous call just before 4 a.m. Thursday reporting bright lights. And Caseyville police received six calls between 3:30 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. placing the bright lights over a roughly five-mile (eight-kilometer) radius between Fairmont Park and Illinois (Highways) 157 and 161." (See the Belleville, Ill. News-Democrat for April 22, 2000, "Expert: Sighting likely not UFOs." Many thanks to Gerry Lovell for forwarding the newspaper article.) UFO APPEARS TWICE OVER HAMILTON, OHIO On Saturday evening, April 15, 2000, Ronald G. was working at the Meijer store in Hamilton, Ohio (population 62,000), a small city on Route 127 approximately 22 miles (35 kilometers) north of Cincinnati. Suddenly, he saw a bright gleam in the western sky. "I was doing the lot at Meijer, moving shopping carts off the lot," Ronnie reported, "And all of a sudden I looked up and saw a UFO. It was moving at a fast rate of speed. A very fast rate of speed!" "The color was a light red-orange color, and the shape was like an oval or a circle. The length of the UFO was at least 10 feet by 10 feet (3 meters by 3 meters). And it was going at a rate of speed of about 700 miles per hour (1,120 kilometers per hour). As it streaked over the skies above Meijer, it speeded up and it was gone." "The same thing happened the following night (Sunday, April 16, 2000), and it was the same color and shape," he added, "It slowed down to 650 miles per hour as it approached Meijer." (Email Form Report) COUPLE SEES "VERY BRIGHT" UFO OVER SOUTH AFRICA On Saturday, April 22, 2000, at 7:45 p.m., Alan J. and his wife were standing outside their home in George, Southern Cape province, South Africa when they spotted a bright object approaching from the west. "I thought I was looking at a Satellite, but it was very bright," Alan reported. "Much brighter than any night star or Satellite. It went dim as my wife and I were watching it, and it travelled at about the same speed as a Satellite," moving from west to east. "We studied it for about 15 seconds total." "Alan, who was facing northwest when he saw the UFO, added that "It was brighter than any night star and was travelling in a straight line." George is in Southern Cape province approximately 400 kilometers (250 miles) east of Capetown. (Email Form Report) FRENCH UFO GROUP OBTAINS RADAR RECORDS FROM THE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE SOS OVNI, the French UFO research group, has obtained documents proving that France's Ministry of Defense tracked a UFO on radar during a close encounter in 1998. According to issue number 43 of Phenomene, a newstand UFO magazine, "in August 1998, a civilian living near Metz saw a spherical object which beamed down a light as it flew over his head." The witness reported his encounter to the Gendarmerie (France's national police--J.T.) During the investigation, the Gendarmerie "showed him a file which seemed to show that the military had tracked the OVNI (French acronym for UFO--J.T.) on radar." The file reportedly showed that the UFO had been tracked by radar at the Drachenbronn Air Control Center, north of Strasbourg in eastern France. In February 1999, SOS OVNI sent a request for information letter to France's Ministry of Defense, asking for a copy of the radar report. A similar request was also sent to the facility at Drachenbronn, but there was no response from the air control center. "In July 1999, investigators from SOS OVNI received a copy of the Gendarmerie report. The military radar detection was mentioned in unquestionable terms." Armed with this report, SOS OVNI again lobbied the ministry to release the actual Drachenbronn radar detection report. Their request was referred to the Commission d'Acces aux Documents Administratifs (CADA), a French agency that reviews all requests made under that country's freedom of information act, deciding "which documents may or may not be released under the act." Last month, CADA issued a favorable response and turned over the Drachenbronn reports to SOS OVNI. "The report states, 'We detected radar track ME-403 with no information about the height (altitude) of an oject on which we have absolutely no data.'" (Merci beaucoup a Perry Petrakis de SOS OVNI pour ces nouvelles.) JACKRABBIT HORDE RUNS WILD IN FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA One of the strangest Fortean "swarms" of recent years took place on Saturday, April 22, 2000--the day before Easter Sunday--when hundreds of large brown jackrabbits overran yards and streets in Fargo (population 75,000), a large city in eastern North Dakota. The animals were described as prairie jackrabbits, brown with white tails, with long ears and slightly larger than the average rabbit of the species. They were believed to have crossed the Red River from the prairie east of neighboring Moorhead, Minnesota (population 33,000). Rabbits were seen and videotaped hopping along University Drive and 17th Avenue, and also along Interstate Highway I-94, particularly the grassy median strip between the traffic lanes. (Editor's Comment: True enough! I counted over ten rabbits in the Fargo TV station's five-second video clip, which aired Saturday night.) Scientists had no immediate explanation for the sudden and unexpected rabbit migration. (Many thank to WDIO-TV Channel 10 here in Duluth, Minn. for the report.)

This report is continued. If you would like to see Part II; please click here


UFO Roundup~ Volume 5 Number 17; April 27, 2000; Editor: Joseph Trainor;

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