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108th MP Co. (ABN/AASLT)

Headquarters Platoon

Headquarters Platoon

The Headquarters Platoon of the 108th MP Co is led by SSG Spain. The soldiers of the Headquarters platoon provide critical support to the MP platoons in the form of vehicle maintenance, medical support, communications equipment maintenance, supply, personnel actions, NBC, and the dining facility. These are the soldiers that work behind the scenes to ensure our MP platoon can continue patrolling.


SPC Phillips and SSG Young try to beat the heat at Camp Virginia...

PFC Provencio takes a moment to relax...

Members of the Ops Squad during inventory...

SGT Stanek & CPT Whitmer inspecting motor pool equipment...

SGT Slaton and crew unloading a MILVAN...

PVT Kent, Ops Squad's and the company's newest member...

SSG Sproul takes a smoke break...

Ops Squad, goofing off instead of working...

SGT Stanek and the 1SG on the outskirts of Baghdad...

SFC Frazier about to choke on a PB&J sandwich...

HQ members help SPC Warr celebrate the birth of his son...

PVT Palmer gets promoted to PFC...

SPC Rangel in formation, ready to go to work...

SPC Furey in action in the maintenance tent...

SPC Lee and PVT Fifer, part of the supply team...

The real brains of the outfit...

SGT Thompson & SPC Marquez look at pictures from home

MSG Stanko after his farewell ceremony


Headquarters Platoon
First Platoon
Second Platoon
Third Platoon
Fourth Platoon
108th MPs in Action
Requested Pictures
108th MP News

