NEW!!! Call and complain!!! Use the phone number 1-866-554-DEPO, Let them know what Depo has done to you!! (courtesy of Depo-Provera)
My story along with ten's of thousand's of other women should be heard. Women are suffering needlessly, because our doctors and nurses are not fully informing us. Or perhaps they are not reporting our side-effects.
Our stories and experience is about the birth control injection called Depo-Provera, and the information that IS NOT being given to women before they are injected. The pamphlets that are given in the doctors office is one that praises this horrible drug saying it is reversible, and that it is a "birth control you have to think about just 4 times a year", and that the side effects are minimal including headaches, no period after continued use, or fatigue, nervousness, and weight gain just to name a few. You can learn more about what the drug company and doctors are telling women at this site Depo-Provera
What WOMEN are truly saying about this drug and how it is effecting them and their LIVES is a complete 180. You can read THOUSANDS of stories from women and how this drug has DEVESTATED them in one form or another and has even caused SUICIDAL DEATHS , broken up families, and other atrocities at this web site Depo-Provera Information
Why are so many women being mislead into believing that this is a GREAT alternative to the birth control pill? Some tell you that you might not be able to conceive for at least 6 to 18 months after your last shot. The truth is it can take 4 to 31 months before you may be able to conceive. That is a big and LONG range. So which is it? I have friends where it has taken them up to 5 years before conceiving, not to mention the high miscarriage factor after taking Depo-Provera, which is not reported.
How many women have to DIE, or be shuffled around from doctor to doctor with ailments that never occured before taking this drug? How many children need to be motherless, or even fatherless, because we are uneducated about the side effects?
~*~*~*~This is my personal opinion about Depo-Provera and my personal experience with Depo-Provera.
I am very aware that there are many women who have been on Depo-Provera without many side effects, if any. I am also very aware that the doctors and nurses are not truly informing their patients with all of the information about Depo-Provera.
My main purpose for this site is to educate women . Through my site I am hoping I can provide the information and resources needed to make a true and more informed decision about the birth control Depo-Provera.~*~*~*~
If you would like other's to know your story or experience, Please Sign Our Guestbook and Leave Your Story for others to read.
~*~*~At no time are we supposed to be recognized as doctors, this is only an informational site, and is for women to share their stories about their birth control experiences, and to gain knowledge through resources provided.~*~*~