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CPR-Canada News

Crop Circle Reports, Updates and Photographs


From: Paul Anderson
Date: Sat Aug 26, 2000 10:39am
Subject: CPR-Canada News: Large 'Dumbell' Crop Circle Formation in Saskatchewan

The E-News Service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada

August 26, 2000

LARGE 'DUMBELL' CROP CIRCLE FORMATION IN SASKATCHEWAN Preliminary Report - August 26, 2000 Moosomin, Saskatchewan August 20, 2000 Report received yesterday of a new crop formation near Moosomin, Saskatchewan. Initially discovered by a crop duster pilot on August 20. Fomation is a large classic 'dumbell' formation, one large circle and one smaller circle connected by a straight pathway, in wheat. Larger circle is approximately 120' diametre, the smaller 60'. Pathway is about 40' long and 5' wide. Total length is approximately 220'. Crop in pathway is flattened in opposite directions, running from each circle, towards centre of the pathway. Formation will be sampled today by Dennis Eklund from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, for The BLT Research Team (Dr. W. C. Levengood). Ground report, photos to follow. Farmer's name and specific location being kept confidential as word of the formation has already made the local media, with around 200 visitors to the site and the farmer does not want further publicity, but is open to a ground investigation by researchers. This is the fifth formation reported for 2000. IF YOU HEAR OF OR FIND ANY NEW CROP FORMATIONS, PLEASE DO LET US KNOW: Tel / Fax: 604.731.8522 E-Mail: psa@d... I am also running an ad in The Western Producer, Canada's primary farming and agricultural newspaper, with hotline / contact info for CPR-Canada. WP has run some excellent articles on us and the phenomenon in general the past couple years now, helping to make farmers and the public more aware of what is happening. The ad will run through September, (typically) the month when we get the most reports when farmers are harvesting. Paul Anderson


From: Paul Anderson
Date: Sun Aug 27, 2000 1:09pm
Subject: CPR-Canada News: Updates - Special Research Projects

The E-News Service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada

August 27, 2000

UPDATES - SPECIAL RESEARCH PROJECTS The Special Research Projects area of the CPR-Canada web site has been updated, as part of a general revamping. Current sections include History of the Phenomenon, The Scientific Evidence and Related Phenomena, which will continue to be added to and updated in the coming weeks and months. Paul Anderson _____________________________

From: Paul Anderson
Date: Mon Aug 28, 2000 7:18am
Subject: CPR-Canada News: Update #3 - Oro-Medonte Township, Ontario Crop Circles

The E-News Service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada

August 28, 2000 UPDATE #3 - ORO-MEDONTE TOWNSHIP, ONTARIO CROP CIRCLES Following is another ground report, from Drew Gauley, Ontario director for CPR-Canada, as well as an article from The Packet & Times newspaper (Orillia, Ontario). Additional ground photos and video footage also taken. Aerial photo and previous reports are on the CPR-Canada web site. Paul Anderson

On Friday August 18, 2000, myself and Henry McKay (previous MUFON Canadian Director and more recently, a self motivated consultant of Accultural Studies) visited the Horne family farm to witness the crop circles for ourselves. Upon our arrival, the Horne's weren't home, but a neighbour pointed us in the direction of the field. From the road we could see some indentations in the field and some pathways leading in. Closer inspection revealed no pattern to the fallen crop. We found out later that there had been so many visitors that this area had been trampled by people looking in the wrong spot! After picking up two articles from the Orillia Packet we noticed some details in the aerial photo and realised we had looked in the wrong part of the field. So back we went! Fortunately, one of the Horne's was in the field talking with a couple from Toronto. We greeted them as they left and introduced ourselves to ____ Horne (an older brother to Garnet who is also a farmer). He told us that he estimated over 1000 visitors to the field by that point. Combined with a some additional facts (it had been over a week since the formations appearance, there had been rain recently and it was beginning to rain as we spoke) we proceeded with a general inspection. We decided that the basic info had been gathered (dates, measurements, orientation, etc) so I tried to keep my video camera dry as we got a guided tour from Mr. Horne. The circles themselves all had a neat rotation, with a tighter whorl in the centre where the crop was almost "weaved" together as a result. The edges were well defined and all were "perfect" circles. No samples were collected although Mr. Horne did mention some people had previously taken some. The field is in close proximity to a number of towers, both electrical and radio transmitter/cell phone.(?) Although the circles are close to the edge of the field and forest border, nothing unusual was noted on nearby trees. Of note is his retelling of the strange bang his brother and son experienced in their truck the night of the formation. Mike Bird of the TSPC spoke with Garnet Horne who recounted the story and he passed it to me. I believe Garnet tends to the field and was driving up the service path that runs east/west adjacent to the field when he noticed the formation. He went back home to get his son to show him. They headed back at around 9 o'clock when on the same path they heard what sounded like a large "wallop" hit the truck. At first they thought it was a branch hitting the side or undercarriage of the truck and then it occured to them that it could also be a gunshot. Garnets son did up his window and they got out of there ASAP. Back home, they checked the truck and there was no sign of any impact. Needless to say it caused them quite an inexplicable scare. I spoke with Nancy Talbott yesterday and she is interested in receiving plant samples regardless of the time that has passed and the weather. I'm unable to visit again any time soon, so I have sent out a request to interested folk who could do the collecting. Apart from awaiting a response to this question, I'm also hoping to hear back from the Horne's as to whether harvesting has taken place yet. Drew Gauley

By Joelle Kovach The Packet & Times After a weekend visit, a paranormal phenomena expert says the crop circles at a local family farm were not created by humans. "I don't think they're a deliberate hoax," said Henry McKay, a one-time Canadian director of the Mutual Unidentified Flying Objects Network (MUFON) and crop circle researcher since 1965. Had human pranksters tromped the circles, it's likely they would have chosen a site visible from the roadway, McKay said. But the circles at the Garnet Horne family farm, on the edge of Orillia, are concealed from the road. McKay also studied circles discovered in a farmer's field near Bass Lake in 1993. He attributed the Bass Lake circles to wind damage. He says the ones in Horne's fields are far more precise in their dimensions and placement. The three circles are exactly 23, 15 and 12 metres in diameter. Drew Gauley, the Ontario director for Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, accompanied McKay from Toronto to Simcoe County to see the crop circles. Gauley said it would have been preferable to view the circles soon after they first appeared on Aug. 10. As a result, he reserved judgment on how they were created. "It's important to be there before rainfall, before 1,000 visitors," said Gauley. Horne estimates that 1,000 visitors have stopped by to see the circles in about 10 days. Some of the curious have come from as far away as New York, Kitchener and Ottawa. And they were still coming Sunday; someone had even erected a roadside sign to indicate the location of the circles. "I can't get over the people who have come," Horne said. Among those who visited on the weekend was Clynt King. Circles cropped up in his wheat field near Hagersville last summer, and he has taken an avid interest in the topic since. Equipped with what looked like a measuring wheel, King set out to take the dimensions of the circles. While the circles in his field were transpersed with symbols resembling runes, there were three circles off to one side that were similar to those in Horne's field. King has no doubt of the circles' origins. "People from other planets put them there," he said matter-of-factly. "They use microwave energy from the Earth." Gauley said he had visited King's circles in July, 1999, and they displayed a more intricate pattern. "It was more of a pictograph." Canada's prairie provinces are famous for crop circles, Gauley said. But in more than 30 years of study, McKay has only seen 10 crop circle fields in Ontario. Most of them occurred a few years back, he said. He said he didn't come across any bits of evidence in Horne's field to merit further study of the circles. In 1971, he said he found depressions in the earth in a crop circle field in Trenton, Ont. They suggested to him the presence of a tripod undercarriage.

From: Paul Anderson
Date: Tue Aug 29, 2000 7:05pm
Subject: CPR-Canada News: Update #1 - Moosomin, Saskatchewan Crop Formation

The E-News Service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada
August 29, 2000

UPDATE #1 - MOOSOMIN, SASKATCHEWAN CROP FORMATION Attached are two photos of the Moosomin, Saskatchewan crop formation, found August 20, 2000. Approx. 220' in length, in wheat. Aerial: © Marshall McLeod, The World-Spectator, Moosomin (moosomin00a.jpg) Ground: © Kevin Weedmark, The World-Spectator, Moosomin (moosomin00b.jpg) Beautiful simplicity describes this one well, I think. Additional images to be posted on the web site soon, plus further field reports. On a related (?) note, the night before Nancy Talbott called about the Moosomin formation, I had a dream of looking down on a couple circles in a field (connected together or not I don't remember), and the whole "picture" looked sort of like an infra-red photo - all reddish orange, like a soft glow. The circles had glowing "bands" or "streamers" of energy (?) moving inside them, like maybe inches from the ground... maybe coincidence, maybe not, although I've this same kind of experience several times now over the last few years. If anyone has had any similar kinds of experiences, please let me know. Paul Anderson

From: Paul Anderson
Date: Sat Sep 2, 2000 10:32am
Subject: CPR-Canada News: Update #2 - Moosomin, Saskatchewan Crop Formation

CPR-CANADA NEWS The E-News Service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada
September 2, 2000


UPDATE #2 - MOOSOMIN, SASKATCHEWAN CROP FORMATION Following is a field report from Dennis Eklund, who did a ground study of the Moosomin, Saskatchewan 'dumbbell' formation found August 20. The formation is 250' long, in wheat and beautifully constructed, with no initial pathways found leading in or out (it should be noted too that this field, like most in North America, does not have tramlines). Some very unusual physical deformities have been found on the stalks of the flattened wheat crop (in addition to the more well-known node anomalies). Details on this are pending; a full report will be issued by the BLT Research Team in the near future after a thorough study has been completed (the formation was sampled extensively). This formation, as also the one at Oro-Medonte Township, Ontario, has received many hundreds of visitors, with a steady stream of people coming to view it even up until a couple nights ago when I last spoke with the farmer. Additional ground photos from Dennis have also been added to the report on the web site, and the diagram has also been revised based on the aerial photos and ground survey: Dennis also went to the site of the Grenfell, Saskatchewan circle (between Moosomin and Regina), the small ten foot circle in wheat with radial lay pattern, found August 10. Report, images to follow. Paul Anderson

MOOSOMIN REPORT After being informed of this formation on August 25th by Nancy Talbott of the BLT Research Team, I immediately telephoned the owners of the land to get permission to do a ground study of the site for the next day. Although in the middle of an important harvest and concerned about the damage that the already hundreds of visitors to the site might be causing, they kindly gave me permission to do a thorough study. The 5 hour drive from Saskatoon to Moosomin was long, but it turned out to be worth every minute of the drive. My wife Jan and I arrived in Moosomin and began following the directions given to us, we realized right away that the site was very out of the way and secluded to a point where it would never be noticeable except by air as it was first discovered by a crop sprayer. If not for a little red ribbon marking a thin path placed by a concerned neighbour to discourage the already increasing amount of people visiting the site in creating more paths, causing more damage to the crop, we would of never found it. The crop of wheat being 3 to 4 feet high made the site totally invisible from the dirt trail where we parked. We followed the path through the crop for 140 yards until all of a sudden we entered into a large circle with a corridor path going slightly downhill joining another circle, the classic dumbbell formation... but yet with a few surprises. Measuring the large circle in two different directions, it turned out out to be a perfect circle measuring 105 feet in diameter both directions. The corridor path joining the circles measured exactly 98 feet long and 6 feet wide which joined the smaller circle which measured 47 feet wide in 2 directions, making the total length of the formation exactly 250 feet. Surprisingly, the lay and the weave of the crop was in pretty good shape considering the amount of people that had visited the site. The large circle had a very neat counter clockwise weave effect. Further study indicated that under the top weave effect, another layer underneath traveled in the opposite direction. The smaller circle proved to be just one layer also going in a counter clockwise direction. The corridor path joining the two circles were fascinating. The crop lay from the large circle ran down the corridor in the direction of the smaller circle as the crop lay from the small circle ran up to the large circle, both joining each other exactly half way up the corridor to create a tuff of crop pointing to the outside of the corridor. (see photo). In our initial visual examination I noticed an interesting aspect where the edge of the large circle joined the edge of the corridor path. At first glance it looked like the weave of the circle was overlapping the downed crop of the corridor path, but on closer examination I discovered there was absolutely no overlapping, they both joined exact. There were no power lines or towers in close vicinity of the formation. Although this formation must had been a couple of weeks old, we did do compass and battery checks but did not discover any abnormalities. One final note - I called the owners of the land again last night to keep them informed of what is happening. They are very interested in this phenomenon and informed me of strange animal behavior (friend's dog) at the site. They will keep me informed of any additional happenings they hear of. By far, my most interesting formation experience. Dennis Eklund Saskatoon, Saskatchewan email: dbrentt@h...

From: Paul Anderson
Date: Tue Sep 5, 2000 9:16pm
Subject: CPR-Canada News: Hazlet, Saskatchewan Crop Circle

The E-News Service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada

September 5, 2000

Preliminary Report - September 6, 2000
Hazlet, Saskatchewan
August 24, 2000

Report received this afternoon of another circle in Saskatchewan, at Hazlet, near Swift Current. Report received from farmer Ellis Randy. First found in morning by Ellis while combining the field on August 24. Formation is a 22' diametre circle, in duram wheat. Very neat and tight clockwise spiral lay pattern, a "perfect circle", with no damage to plant stalks, entry / exit paths, etc. reported (circle is again in a field with no tramlines). Digital aerial photo already taken by a local neighbor who is a pilot, and I should have a copy shortly. Farmer has also taken ground photos, copies pending of these as well. Ellis' wife Heather reported odd feelings when she stepped inside the circle, like suddenly having had " too much coffee", which she described as like feeling some kind of energy inside the formation. Also some unusual UFO / alien -related dreams a couple of weeks before. Both Ellis and Heather are open-minded and curious about the crop circle phenomenon, especially after having it finally "arrive on their doorstep", and don't attribute this circle to pranksters, based on their physical examination. The circle is well into the field, not visible from any nearby pathways or roads. The circle has also been filmed by a CBC affiliate film crew from Swift Current. This is the sixth formation reported in Canada for 2000. Paul Anderson

From: Paul Anderson
Date: Wed Sep 6, 2000 8:09pm
Subject: CPR-Canada News: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Crop Circle
The E-News Service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada
September 6, 2000
Preliminary Report - September 6, 2000 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan September 6, 2000 Report received this afternoon from Dennis Eklund in Saskatoon, of a large ringed circle about two miles outside of the city, found this morning (?) according to initial reports. Reported on local TV news this morning. Details pending. Dennis investigated the Moosomin, Saskatchewan dumbbell formation from August 20, and the Grenfell, Saskatchewan circle from August 10, and is also now the new Saskatchewan director for CPR-Canada. On a related personal note, I again had a dream last night of a similar looking formation, the second time that has happened in the past couple weeks, the first with Moosomin, as related in my report on that formation. The last time before these that I had any crop circle or related kinds of dreams, etc. was several months ago, so it is an interesting correlation if nothing else. Just food for thought. This is the seventh formation reported in Canada for 2000. Paul Anderson _____________________________

From: Paul Anderson
Date: Thu Sep 7, 2000 6:46pm
Subject: CPR-Canada News: Update #1 - Grenfell, Saskatchewan Crop Circle

The E-News Service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada
September 7, 2000
UPDATE #1 - GRENFELL, SASKATCHEWAN CROP CIRCLE Following is a ground report on the Grenfell, Saskatchewan circle from Dennis Eklund, Saskatchewan director for CPR-Canada. It should be noted that both the farmer and reporter who initially reported the circle described a neat, radial lay pattern, with the formation apparently suffering considerable damage by the time Dennis was able to get to it on the 27th. Ground shot photos from Dennis are now posted on the web site as well: Paul Anderson

GRENFELL REPORT On August 27th while driving back to Saskatoon from the dumbbell formation in Moosomin we had the opportunity to take a look at the small formation on the farm of Lloyd Arthur located just south of Grenfell, Saskatchewan. Although Lloyd was not at home at the time, his son was kind enough to show us the way to the formation. Located in the field of wheat about 30 yards off the gravel road it was apparent that it was not the classic type of formation we are all used to seeing. Measuring approximately 10 feet in diameter it was plain to see it was not a neat or perfect circle. Both the floor of the formation still showing a slight radial effect and the outer edges offered no uniformity giving the whole formation a very disorganized and messy appearance. This could be partially due to the damage caused to the formation after being recently swathed and also the visitors it attracted since being discovered August 9th. The crop seemed to be pushed down from the centre and out in all directions into the standing crop giving the formation an uneven circumference. Although time restrictions did not allow us to do any sampling, I did notice some swollen node abnormalities, even the odd stem of crop bent completely at a right angle at the node itself. Because the field was already swathed it was hard to tell if there were any colour differences as previously reported. We concluded our brief examination by taking the following photos and also doing a compass and battery check inside the formation. No abnormalities were discovered. Small but interesting, it would of been nice to spend more time examining. Dennis Eklund CPR-Canada Saskatoon, Saskatchewan dbrentt@h...

From: Paul Anderson
Date: Thu Sep 7, 2000 8:47pm
Subject: CPR-Canada News: Update #1 - Hazlet, Saskatchewan Crop Circle

The E-News Service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada

September 7, 2000
UPDATE #1 - HAZLET, SASKATCHEWAN CROP CIRCLE An aerial photo has been added to the web site: A closeup shot from the photo is attached: © Ian Sletten (hazlet00.jpg) *Correction: the previous direct links for the last updates with latest reports and images for the Moosomin and Grenfell formations in Saskatchewan should be: Paul Anderson



CPR-Canada News is the e-news service of Circles Phenomenon
Research Canada, an affiliate of Circles Phenomenon Research
International, a leading crop circle investigative organization,
providing periodic e-mail updates with the latest news and reports
on the crop circle phenomenon in Canada and around the world,
as well as information on CPR-Canada-related news and events.
CPR-Canada News is edited by Paul Anderson and published by
CPR-Canada, and is available free by subscription.

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