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I continue my study of Karen Lyster's work. Once again, we will examine the connection between UFOs and the Paranormal. As I continue to study this UFO paradigm, I am left with a growing awarness that these UFO events may be "supernatural" in origin. This "paranormaal" world may lie one step beyond our understanding.

As mankind peers into the vastness of space in search of an "extraterrestrial" intelligence, he may be missing one very important clue. The data that scientists have chosen to ignore, may provide them with the solution to their problem. The answer to these and other mysteries may lie within each one of us. In THE INVISIBLE COLLEGE, Jacques Vallee writes...
"To be sure, I have been aware that many UFO cases contained elements indicative of psychic phenomena. At the same time, I have found in the literature of psychic history many observations that were suggestive of either the presence or the interference of UFOs. It would have been impossible not to recognize these connections and yet, to give just one example, when I was recently invited to speak about UFO research at a University of California extension course on psychic phenomena, my decision to accept the invitation was greeted with disbelief among astronomers privately interested in the subject."-page 186 "Building a Bridge"

As you may recall, the last article " Does Paranormal Activity Accompany A UFO Experiences?" Lyster confronts an issue that eludes most scientists...a growing understanding that the UFO phenomenon presents paranormal attributes. In this story, "Touched By a REAL Angel?" Karen shares with us some of her paranormal events that followed her "MISSING TIME"* Experience.

Touched By a REAL Angel

By Karen Lyster August 27, 2000

We have all heard stories of miracles and meetings with otherworldly beings.

I was in a good mood that late afternoon when I turned the key in the front door and walked inside. Something seemed different but I couldn't put my finger on it until I walked down the hall and noticed that the bedrooms on either side of the hallway had been stripped of linen "oh they're doing a really big laundry this time" I chuckled to myself as I carried on down the hall and into the main living room. Something was different there as well and it took a few seconds for my senses to take it in. Alot of the items were missing, the TV, the ornaments on the sideboard and loads of other things. Now you would have thought at this realisation that I'd be thinking that we had been burgled, but instead my heart sank as I realised that my friends whom I'd been living with had been very busy that day, packing up their belongings and leaving without a trace. I stood there in the middle of the lounge taking it all in and then I moved over to the kitchen table trying to pull myself together. I had to be strong, "be strong Karen", I kept repeating to myself. I sat down at the table and pulled out my cigarettes and light one to try and calm my nerves. What on earth was I going to do now? I was in this large apartment all alone and had no idea of where to go or what to do. Why hadn't I seen this coming, why hadn't I realised they were going to leave.... of course it had been there right in front of my eyes for weeks now and I just didn't want to face up to it. Well now I had to whether I liked it or not. You see "it" all started after that weekend of missing time. Right afterwards strange things had started to happen all through the apartment. We had it all, the flying glasses, the tables wobbling, and even the odd person walking right through the walls right in front of all of us. I'd found the whole thing so amazing, so exciting, so thrilling.... but I'd failed to realise the terrible toll it was taking on my dear friends who shared the apartment with me. I'd seen the looks of terror on their faces, so I had no excuse saying "I didn't know"... because "I did know". And who could blame them for being scared out of their minds, who could blame them for packing up and leaving without a word. If they had of told me I probably would have begged them to stay.... stay in an apartment that terrified them and yet only made me more inquisitive of the world around me.

As I sat there smoking that cigarette at the kitchen table, I felt so wretched that I had put my friends through such an ordeal. I wanted to reach out to them and say it was ok; what they'd done was ok; I knew they must be feeling so guilty right at that moment for leaving me alone like that, but I understood that was probably the only course of action they felt they had open to them. Discussing it with me would have gotten us nowhere. Yes - they had done the right thing. I took a deep breath and thought about what I was going to do next. There was no way I could pay the rent on my salary so after an hour of ideas flying through my head, the only solution seemed to be to pack up and leave Sydney, returning to New Zealand. I didn't want to do that, but really I didn't have much of a choice. The landlord lived in the apartment right above mine so I bounded up the stairs and knocked on his door to tell him the bad news that I was moving and the flat would be free within the next few days.

As he opened the door and I went to say what I'd come for I suddenly burst into tears. I'd been fine right up until that moment - but the heavens opened up and all my emotions just burst out. Through my sobs I told him the situation and that I was leaving - he listened sympathetically but also looked rather scared as "what the hell do I do with this woman LOL". With that part over I returned to my own apartment and made a phone call to the airlines to book a flight back to New Zealand. There was only one available and it was for the very next day at 6pm - I took it gladly.

There was so much to do and I was hardly in a fit state to do any of it. I had to deal with my job, and a host of other things but I still felt in such a state of shock and my brain was in neutral and didn't look like it was going to reave up a gear any time soon ;). Then there was a knock at the door. "Oh god" I thought "who the hell is that"... the last thing I wanted was a visitor. As I walked down the hallway I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My makeup had run and I looked like a racoon having a hell of a bad day! "Too bad" I thought "who cares what the hell I look like". So I opened the door and there stood a stranger who I'd never seen before in my life. He had the kindest face I've ever seen in my life and the bluest eyes you could ever image. His hair was a gorgeous blond. I guess it was obvious to him that I was embarrassed at the way I looked as he gave me a beautiful grin and said "don't worry you look just fine to me". For the first time in a few hours I allowed myself a little whimper of a laugh - heavens I really did look a mess and he must have wondered why I'd been crying like I had to leave all those streaks down my face.

He told me his name was Mark, and that he'd just moved into the apartment right next to mine and he was putting rubbish outside the door when I'd been upstairs at the landlords front door, and he couldn't help but overhear my plight and wondered if there was anything he could do to help me. "Wow what a guy I thought". The apartment next door was owned by a lady named Hilda whom I gotten to know quite well and she had told me a new guy was moving in so it all made sense to me who he was. I thanked him for caring but said I'd so much to do as I was flying back to New Zealand the next day and should start to pack and get things organised. His manner was so incredible, each time I looked at that face I swear that some of the tension I was feeling just melted clean away. He told me that he was making a special Italian dish for dinner and he hated to eat alone, so he'd love it if I'd join him for a glass of wine and a home cooked meal. Ummm sounded good but I still didn't know this guy from Adam and thought I better not. So again I thanked him but declined his offer in favour of sorting out what had to be done before I left tomorrow. He seemed satisfied with my answer and he smiled again as we said our goodbyes and I closed the door. After the door was closed I thought to myself "god you're a stupid cow, he's a lovely guy and he's got dinner ready and you know jolly well you need a glass of wine... but no you turn him down... silly cow".

I sat back down at the kitchen table and started to make a list of everything I had to do. Quitting my job was going to be a tricky one as I'd only been there 3 weeks and the manager had told me he hated hiring Kiwi's as we always moved on! Well I sure wasn't going to give him more confidenence in hiring more New Zealanders was I! About 30 minutes went by and there was another knock at the door. I opened it and there was the same man, but this time he was holding a tray with dinner on it. There was a large plate of some gorgeous smelling Italian dish, a glass of wine and a red rose. I just beamed at him. He said "well if you won't come to my place at least take this and have something to eat". I decided "what the hell" and told him that I'd come over to his apartment and eat with him. So I shut my door and we went into the apartment next door. The smell of garlic and herbs filled the room and I suddenly realised just how famished I really was! He sat me down on the couch and poured me a glass of red wine.

I must have spent about 4 hours there that night. He was the perfect host. He listened to everything that had happened, I poured everything to this stranger - my missing time, the UFO experience, and all the odd things that had caused my friends to pack up and leave. We shared the meal, we shared the wine and he shared my story. He was so kind and gentle - I couldn't believe my luck that he was there to listen to me bleating on and on and now wonderful he was at calming me down with everything that was going on. I left just before midnight feeling so much better after such a lovely evening. I thanked him over and over again and he just gave me that fabulous warm smile of his to let me know that everything was going to be all right.

The next morning he arrived at my door again, this time with breakfast. Orange Juice, toast and honey. I remember shaking my head at him and saying "just who are you, some angel or something" and laughing while I said it.

He told me that he'd taken the day off work and was going to spend it with me helping me sort everything out that needed to be done. His generosity was overwhelming - what on earth had I done to deserve such kindness from a stranger like him. In fact Mark did "everything" for me that day. He quit my job, he sorted out all the airline tickets, he closed all my banking accounts (I had to sign of course), and he helped me pack what I needed to for the trip home. He was there beside me all day, and he held my hand the entire time. He knew I was feeling overwhelmed by everything and so his gentle friendship was something I will never forget.

He drove me to the airport that night and as we said our goodbyes at the department gate I didn't know how to thank him for everything he'd done to me, and for the incredible kindness he'd shown me. Tears welled up in my eyes as I kissed him on the cheek and a muffled "thank you" passed my lips. He gave me a hug and said "you deserve it". I turned and walked away, just about bumping into a rubbish bin as the tears had filled my eyes and I could hardly see a dam thing now.

I turned back for one last look and he was still standing there with that gorgeous warm smile and he gave me a wave. I waved back and then turned away and walked onto the plane. It wasn't the best of trips that I'd had. I was so nervous as I knew the many questions my parents would have for me the moment I got off the plane. Oh well I had to just relax and try not to worry about it as it was over now and I was heading off back to New Zealand where I'd start a new life and hopefully things would settle down.

I'd been back a week and living in Wellington with my family when I just had to give Mark a call to thank him again for everything that he'd done for me. I'd never be able to repay him but at least I needed to tell him how grateful I was.

It was Hilda who answered the phone (the lady who owned and lived in that apartment). We chatted small talk for a few minutes then I asked if I could please speak to Mark. "Mark Who?" she replied! "Mark your new flatmate". "No Mark here Karen, I don't even know a Mark". I was stunned! There must be some mistake surely. So as if by asked again I'd get through to her I again said "I want to speak to Mark". She again told me that she didn't know who on earth I was talking about and in fact she still hadn't found a suitable guy to share the apartment with so she was still living there on her own.

My mind was racing.... I mean I'd been in her apartment with Mark, he's cooked dinner there. Hilda worked nightshift so that's why she wasn't there that night. I just couldn't understand it! I told Hilda about having dinner at her place with Mark but that didn't change a thing - he didn't exist! She tried to say I'd been mistaken and he probably was on the floor above us or something. Well no he wasn't as he was right next door to my own apartment and besides we'd talked about Hilda and we'd laughed during dinner about leaving her some of the meal for her to have when she got home. I hung up the phone from Hilda and walked around in a daze for the next few minutes.

Who was he? I thought about all the strange things that had been going on in the apartment and wondered if Mark was more than just a mere mortal. Those crystal blue eyes and that blonde hair, that smile, the warmth of his nature. Was I touched by a "real" Angel. I think I was. And I will be forever grateful to whoever sent him my way at a time when I needed a helping hand the most.(See references).

Thanks to Karen Lyster ( for the following commentary on her previous article, "Touched By A REAL Angel." Here, Karen gives us some additional insight into her life following what she describes as an UFO abduction, where she recalls being taken aboard a UFO. The paranormal events followed thereafter. Karen comments:

"Actually this experience didn't end upon leaving Australia... it carried on for years and years and still is continuing. One place I lived in Wellington had really incredible activity and we had to call the "professionals" in to try and deal with it. Throughout ALL of this my family didn't believe a word of it... until one night they came to dinner and the phone rang. We all just sat there with it ringing... finally my mother said "well isn't anyone going to answer that?"... I smirked and said "well I would IF we had a phone" LOL! They left rather early that night....can't think why (Reference #1)

"...I'd love to know just who or what Mark was... probably a light being/et/angel or whatever we feel more comfortable calling him LOL!. I don't blame the other girls one bit for doing what they did as honestly they were completely terrorised by what was going on and it must have been a hell of a time for them. We were room sharing at the time as there were quite a few of us and one morning I woke up to see this old lady all dressed in black right beside the bed, and she was stroking my hair.. when she saw I'd woken up she "glided" away and went straight through the bedroom door. The girl who was in the room with me said "oh my god ... did you see that"... I said "yep"... and she said "GOOD" LOL! It was like she was SO damm glad she wasn't the only one who saw it. The paranormal activity happened "immediately" after that UFO/Missing time incident - of course thats not uncommon and is more the norm and not. > > > > Karen > > > > (Reference #2,3)

Additional information concerning the connection between UFOs and the paranormal is available here. PLEASE SELECT FROM THE FOLLOWING MENU:

THE INVISIBLE COLLEGE, 1975 Jacques Vallee, E.P. Dutton; New York; "A Dutton Paperback"

"Touched By A REAL Angel?" SOURCE:
Reference #1: Subject: Re: [UFOscotland] Touched by a 'real' Angel? [wall] Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 09:44

Reference #2: Subject: Re: [UFOscotland] Touched by a 'real' Angel? Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 9:16 AM

Reference#3: Missing Time : Inside A UFO Face to Face With ET's

Karen Lyster is an UFO Researcher in New Zealand

See also: UFO's The Beginning of a New World

Copyright 2000 Karen Lyster and the UFO Resource Center; all rights reserved. All other rights apply
About the author: UFO Researcher from New Zealand : studying Abductions, Latest UFO Sightings & News, Crop Circles, Earth Changes, Prophecies, Human Origins, Ancient Egypt, Global Intelligence Updates, The Holy Grail and much more.

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