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Agnihotra Picture Gallery

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Christa1.jpg (60619 bytes)
Ulrich.jpg (81833 bytes)
Girl.jpg (52254 bytes)
Christa Mena performs Agnihotra
at Shree Dham, near Cadiz, Spain
Dr Ulrich Berk of Germany also
teaches Agnihotra in eastern Europe
Children can also practise
Agnihotra and Yajnya

David meditating2.JPG (17356 bytes)

IMGP0168a.jpg (39188 bytes)

Mariabrm.jpg (103153 bytes)

David Sawyer performing Agnihotra
in Madison, VA, USA  
Aaron Kidd performing Agnihotra
in Tapovan, India
Maria Broom performing Yajnya
in Baltimore, MD, USA



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Last modified: Wednesday July 27, 2005.