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shreeG7a.JPG (45673 bytes)Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj of Akkalkot, India (1918 - 1987) known universally as Shree.

SADGURU means PERFECT MASTER. PARAMA SADGURU means highest among the PERFECT MASTERS. Before a great Divine Incarnation graces our planet by manifestation, the parents are informed by some instrument of Divine Will. Similarly, at the time of birth, intimation is given. Again, at a later date, the same thing is announced.

Four years prior to the birth of Parama Sadguru, a great Yogi informed the mother that she would "give birth to the Light of the world". The "Son of Man" was born four years later. Similar intimations were given at the time of birth. The same thing was also announced at a later date.

On Christmas day, 25th December 1941, the allotted task of the Son of Man was revealed by the Will of the Almighty Father. He was further informed that the time for unfoldment was yet to be. It is interesting to note that in the revelation the words used by the Divine were "Son of Man".

The mother of the Son of Man was a great Yogini. Yogini is feminine for Yogi. The father was a great Nada Brahma Yogi. Nada Brahma means the "Word that was in the beginning, which was with God, which was God and by which everything was made that was made".

Along with Creation, Almighty Father gave the first revelation, i.e. the Vedas. All incarnations, all Divine Messengers come to reiterate the message of the Fivefold Path given through the first revelation. The Messengers lay stress on certain aspects of the message in view of the conditions in which they manifest.

Parama Sadguru has stated that Self Realization, Liberation, comes only through total surrender to the Almighty. All spiritual practice should lead us to this goal. Surrender implies an egoless state. The highest attainment of human existence is "Not my will but Thy will be done". This is the end of all Yoga.

On 27th September, 1944 (Dassera according to the Hindu calendar) Parama Sadguru  took the most potent vow at the feet of His Guru, Lord Parshuram, the Eternal Avatar:

"I will resuscitate Vedas."

Parama Sadguru once said, "Whatever Almighty has willed to be done through our instrument shall be done. Our whole life is totally dedicated to Him. He who revealed to us our allotted task shall grant us the necessary strength to fulfill it.

"It is not for us to advise people to follow any particular individual.

"If it is the will of the Almighty to convey to the world any message through us He will do so. We are merely his slaves.

"We are not votaries of any religious denomination. Whether it is the Bible or the Quran or the doctrines of Hindus we will convey the message with equal yearning.

"We have asked people not to call us GURU. Many have imposed Guru-hood on us. Many have experienced super-human powers with us. Many have witnessed miracles. We are mere witness of, not the doers of these things.

"We surrendered totally to the Almighty and He started utilizing our body as His instrument. Each one has to tread his path of Self-realization."

In January of 1986 at Akkalkot Shree said:
"Once you inculcate the attitude of TOTAL SURRENDER no other special discipline is necessary as this attitude itself is the culmination of all religious practice. Similarly the Bhagavadgeeta states, "All religious practices you can do away with if you approach ME with an attitude of TOTAL SURRENDER. I shall redeem thee of all sins.

"Cultivate the attitude of TOTAL SURRENDER. All your sins wither away.

"Holy Bible gives the same message. Jesus the Christ was made to know about the danger to His life. He thought, "Be it so, if through my sacrifice the message of Almighty Father spreads all over the planet.

"Prophet Muhammad always walked with head bent down indicating TOTAL SURRENDER to the Almighty. His message was TOTAL SURRENDER. Prophet Muhammad was given a vision. He saw LIGHT in the cave where he was in meditation.

"Buddha, the Blessed One, was given BODHI (Illumination) that He was the LIGHT of the world.

"The mystical power of regular practice of sunrise/sunset Agnihotra leads to this state of TOTAL SURRENDER.

[These are portions of Agnihotra Mantras]

"Around these words is woven the thread of life. This is what life is for. It is the ultimate goal.

"Oh Almighty Father! Thou art the Creator. Thou art the LIGHT of the Universe.

"Al Aha. Aha means fire. Al Aha (Allah) means Divine Fire. Thou art the Creator of all. Nothing is mine. This is the implied meaning of the Mantra.

" 'Love thy neighbor as thyself.' You have found the path which takes you to Bliss Eternal. Convey this message to thy neighbor.

"Say, 'May the Almighty grant you Bliss Eternal!' Dwell upon the Bliss Eternal for the whole world. You do not oblige anyone by conveying to him the message of Eternal Religion (Satya Dharma). It is your offering in the service of the Lord. Let there be no ego about it.

"Convey to the whole world this message of LOVE given by Almighty Father.

"Say, 'Repent. The Kingdom of Heaven is near at hand; nay, the Kingdom of Heaven is right in your palm.' " (Translated from original Marathi.)

Shree was born on May 17, 1918. On Christmas day, December 25, 1941 Shree’s allotted task was revealed to Him by the Will of Almighty Father. Lord Jesus’ birthday is celebrated on December 25th. The only sermon He gave to His disciples, known as "Sermon on the Mount" was given on May 17. So one can say that Jesus’ birthday, 25th December, is Shree’s Bodhi day (illumination for the sake of the world) and Shree’s birthday, May 17, is the day on which Jesus gave illumination to the world by conveying His message. Both these days are celebrated every year in Tapovan.

Shree often stated, "I am not come to destroy but to fulfill the law and the prophets."

Shree’s message of Agnihotra for purification of the atmosphere and for doing away with the effects of pollution, including thought pollution, has come in fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy about sunrise/sunset fire given in the Bible:
"This vision about the evening and morning sacrifices which has been explained to you will come true. But keep it secret now, because it will be long time before it does come true." (Daniel 8:26, The Good News Bible, American Bible Society, 1976.)


Shree’s Message—July, 1975:
"Showers of love to all, oh seekers of Eternal Truth, oh travellers of Divine Path.
Grace of Almighty Father, which is in heaven, always be with you.
Kingdom of Heaven is nearing now.
Om Tat Sat."

Shree’s Message—May, 1979:
"Grace be with you all, oh travellers of Kingdom of Heaven.
Light of the world has descended on earth.
Divine light is spreading throughout the whole planet.
Kingdom of Heaven is near at hand.
Blessed are who saw the light, fortunate are who walked in light, for they will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Shree’s Message—April, 1982:
"Oh travellers of Kingdom of Heaven, travel on Fivefold Path, the Path of Almighty Father.
Light, everywhere light.
Showers, showers of bliss all over.
No fear, no anxiety no danger of judgment.
Freedom ever freedom.
Kingdom of Heaven is near near at hand.
Grace of Almighty Father be with you all."


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Last modified: Wednesday July 27, 2005.