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Lord Parshuram

Parsuram.jpg (24379 bytes)Lord Parshuram is the Eternal Avatar and the Guru of Shree Gajanan Maharaj, Kalki Avatar. References to His activities can be traced back to the time of Mahabharat, the times of Avatar, Krishna (who gave Bhagavadgeeta), i.e. about five thousand years ago. Lord Parshuram blessed Krishna when Krishna came to ask for His blessings to maintain the Guru tradition on the planet. Several millennia before Krishna was the Avatar, Rama. The epic of Ramayan mentions appearances of Parshuram and states that He blessed Rama to maintain the Guru tradition. Rama and Krishna have left the physical bodies. However, Parshuram, the Eternal Avatar, appears again and again when the planet is in great danger. His work is to reset the harmony cycle of the planets. He is said to move in the numberless billions of solar systems wherever the need arises.

Biographical accounts of Buddha’s life state that He went to a place called ‘Bhargava Ashram’ after leaving His palace. Bhargava means Parshuram.

Lord Parashuram is also known as Lord of Yajnya, Lord who grants prosperity, and Lord of knowledge. According to ancient Himalayan tradition of knowledge, Parshuram was the first to introduce inter-planetary weapons on this planet in ancient days, when the planet needed protection from catastrophes caused by the greed and pride of the ruling powers.

The painting of Lord Parshuram was made by Mr Suresh Desai of Mumbai from descriptions given to him by people who had themselves physically seen the Lord. 


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Last modified: Wednesday July 27, 2005.