[Previous months' entries:] |
:: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 ::
Thanks to everyone who came to the Carlton / CICO leaving do at the Nordic bar, and the follow-up party at the Corner Store. If you want to see the grisly evidence, check out the Picture gallery section of the site, where I've put together a selection of the choicest and most incriminating photos.
Claire and I are eternally humbled by the effort you made, and we can't wait to see you all again when we finally stagger back. It took a couple of years to get us all in the same room together this time. Next time, let's get it sorted a bit quicker... Anyone who's going to be anywhere on our route over the next 12 months, get in touch and we'll do all we can to meet up.
:: Barney 5:37 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, June 10, 2002 ::
[Boz]: Following the Foreign Office's recent advice to avoid all travel to India, we're in the process of re-routing our tickets. Our leaving date has changed to 30th June. First stop will be Bangkok, and thence to Cambodia where we hope to meet up with the tattered and bedraggled remains of Astro and Gairdy. The plan is to projectile vomit our way around South-East Asia for four months in total. (I'm told there is some excellent money to be made speculating in Diamonds in that part of the world - all you have to do is leave a deposit in a Thai bank, they sell you the jewels at bargain prices, then you sell 'em on for millions when you get back home. What could be better for a novice traveller? Make friends and money in one fell swoop. Brilliant!). Then, after a few weeks surfing and "chilling" with the trustafarian brigade in Bali we'll head off to Sydney at the beginning of November. Chunki, better stick some shrimps on the barbie and chill us a couple of stubbies, mate. Bloody ripper... erm... cobber... erm... you flamin' mongrel etc.
Just a thought: Are Ozzie school swimming competitions called Swimming Galahs? Coat, got, leaving now.
:: Barney 10:57 AM [+] ::